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 Jan 2014 Sir B
Elijah Jimenez
Deep down inside I hate you for what you've done to me, how you made me into the person I never wanted to be. But honestly, it's not me but it was you and that's a tragedy. I've fought so hard for you to realize something real, but even that would never change how you really feel. I've learned a lot about myself through you, knowing I'll never make the same mistake because of you. We all deserve what we've been through and this is my karma coming back because I was a fool. A fool for "love" that I thought I could get, only to hate myself and live in regret. Life goes on with or without the people you thought would always stay, so remember that life can change any day. Breathe deep and take in this life with a smooth flow, making sure that one day happiness will show. Being sad is no longer a feeling I will confide in, but it's a thought that my mind Will no longer let in. You see, we have to let go of the past that haunts us, if we don't it will turn our heart into dust. It will **** us and break us down into nothing, but I refuse to let it happen because one day I want to be something. My scars are my story of all the times life became to much, but me standing tall is my way of saying life I haven't lost my touch. Never give into this world no matter how tough it may be, But stay true to yourself and you'll always be free.
EJJ 1/8/14
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Elijah Jimenez
Life is sometimes a precious waste, it's been given up on and its been erased. We put on a fake smile so no one knows the hurt deep within our hearts, we screamed for help as loud as we could from the start. Our screams fall on deaf ears, but now our dreams are our worst fears. The reality is no longer wanting to live but it's now how much more can we give. No one sees the pain, the hurt, the sadness or the tears, but they only see what we want them to see not what we see as we look in the mirrors. We are pros at hiding all our emotions, just so someone won't figure out that we're only going through the motions. At Night that's when it's the worst, we hope to make it through the day and not have to be put in a Hurst. Don't cry for me or say you were always there, But realize that this pain is unfair. It takes lives way to fast, so open your eyes because no matter what you won't be pasted. The cuts and scares show how real this can be, no matter how hard it is to see. Reach out to the ones that seem like they it all because you'll find out its nothing like you thought at all. Its easy to die but harder to live, but death seem like the only way out when you gave all you could give.  This is real and in the blink of an eye it will find someone to steal. Be strong and never give in, fight for your life until the very end. You'll see that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, just like after a storm and the rain becomes Settle. Remember that no matter how much hurt and pain this life has gave,  it can all be wiped away because happiness saves. Love yourself with all that you can, and remember when everyone else's fall you have the strength to stand!
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Bad Romance
 Jan 2014 Sir B
You fill my lungs with smoke

Your body burns
Between my finger tips
While ash falls slowly to the floor

I know that you are toxic to my health
But I've been addicted in the worst possible way

Crave you in the morning

I can....
Taste you in the back of my throat

I need you
Like no other

I want you
More than my next breath

You are just like a cigarette
You’ve infected me with your cancer
Quit you I must,
Before you bury me in the ground
And turn my body into dust

© 2013-2014 Peach
 Jan 2014 Sir B
 Jan 2014 Sir B
i have not seen you today-
nor yesterday-
nor the day before that-
and so on.
i have not seen you in several days and
yet i can not stop thinking about your voice.
i hear you in books
and the way the rain falls on my lips
and with every step i take through a puddle--
i hear your muddled voice praying through the hot summer
for me to stay alive just one more day.

you did not know wether i would stay or if i would go.
but, if i were to tell you that i only stayed for you,
would you have loved me back in time?

maybe all of those prayers were wishes
and those wishes were thoughts
and those thoughts were nothing.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
soul in torment
Her eyes
held me captive

her kisses
set me

 Jan 2014 Sir B
3 Welsh Road
 Jan 2014 Sir B
A lovely name for a lane
Wonder how it got its name
A lady poet weaves her words
And grows her flowers and her herbs
Lighting fires of inspiration
Casting spells of abjuration
Creating for us prismatic spheres
Of plants and sea and salty tears
The poetess happy in her abode
On 3 Welsh Road

r ~ 2013
Repost of one lost and recovered.  For Lady KMae.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
There was a boy who loved a girl
And that girl adored that boy
The boy was happy and loved himself
The girl was full of self hatred and couldn't feel any joy

He didn't understand why she hated herself, couldn't she see he loved her even if she was depressed?
She couldn't understand why he liked her, couldn't he see she was a mess?

"You're such a narcissist." She'd laugh but she was secretly jealous
And she wondered how it felt to like yourself

She was amazed at how he always seemed to overestimate her abilities
He was stunned at how she always seemed to underestimate herself

She knew he deserved better though and tried to retract
But they were too in love and this is proof that
Opposites really do attract
My boyfriend and I have this running gag where he'll pretend to be self absorbed and have a huge ego and I thought it was weird how when it came to how we felt about ourselves, we were so different and so I wrote this. Not one of my best but I think it's okay. I dedicate this to Nick, for loving me even when I hated myself. He's also not really a narcissist.
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