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 Jan 2014 Sir B
Abraham Lincoln
Here, where the lonely hooting owl
Sends forth his midnight moans,
Fierce wolves shall o’er my carcase growl,
Or buzzards pick my bones.
No fellow-man shall learn my fate,
Or where my ashes lie;
Unless by beasts drawn round their bait,
Or by the ravens’ cry.
Yes! I’ve resolved the deed to do,
And this the place to do it:
This heart I’ll rush a dagger through,
Though I in hell should rue it!
Hell! What is hell to one like me
Who pleasures never know;
By friends consigned to misery,
By hope deserted too?
To ease me of this power to think,
That through my ***** raves,
I’ll headlong leap from hell’s high brink,
And wallow in its waves.
Though devils yell, and burning chains
May waken long regret;
Their frightful screams, and piercing pains,
Will help me to forget.
Yes! I’m prepared, through endless night,
To take that fiery berth!
Think not with tales of hell to fright
Me, who am ****’d on earth!
Sweet steel! come forth from our your sheath,
And glist’ning, speak your powers;
Rip up the organs of my breath,
And draw my blood in showers!
I strike! It quivers in that heart
Which drives me to this end;
I draw and kiss the ****** dart,
My last—my only friend!
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
Her thoughts during her first date mostly consisted of
Is he going to kiss me?
Should I kiss him?
Oh God, please don't let me **** this up

Is he going to kiss me?
Girls can make the first move, right?
Oh God, please don't let me **** this up
If anyone could ***** it up, it'd be me

Girls can make the first move, right?
Socially awkward girls can't though
If anyone could ***** it up, it'd be me
She couldn't mess anything up, no not tonight

Socially awkward girls can't though
Wait, he's leaning in!
She couldn't mess anything up, no not tonight
She's like a deer in headlights and doesn't know what to do

Wait, he's leaning in!
If she could rewind time, this is the part she would pull him close
She's like a deer in headlights who doesn't know what to do
Why doesn't someone write an instruction guide on this ****?

If she could rewind time, this is the part she would pull him close
But no, she pulled away
Why doesn't someone write an instruction guide on this ****?
"Your breathe smells like popcorn." Is the lame excuse she chose

But no, she pulled away
Is it too late to kiss him?
"Your breath smells like popcorn." Is the lame excuse she chose
Her thoughts during her first date mostly consisted of
My first pantoum reliving the events of my first date. And yes, I actually said "Your breath smells like popcorn." Needless to say, I regret it completely. The last stanza makes no sense and I had to alter the second line just to make it sound better. It was my first pantoum though, and I deserve a cookie for trying. I like to think that the last line makes a little bit of sense because the girl(me) keeps reliving her first date and her thoughts and where it went wrong and what she would have done differently given the opportunity.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
15 year olds are not supposed to think up the things she plans
The morbid thoughts that writher around in her brain
Pity she has a short attention span

"Her life is just beginning" they'd say
The future in her grasp
Little do they know she gave up a long time in the past

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"
"Have you looked at colleges yet?"
The way she sat in silence was answer enough

Teenagers are expected to figure out their entire lives
So why is it then
That 15 is too young an age to know you want to die?
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
Mirror mirror on the wall
Who's the skinniest of them all?
Mirror mirror I don't like what I see
For once, can the skinniest one be me?

Mirror mirror on the wall
I want to be the skinniest of them all
Mirror mirror I'll make you a deal
Will you make me beautiful if I skip all my meals?

Mirror mirror on the wall
I'm still not the skinniest of them all
Mirror mirror I don't like the number on the scale
Can I please skip to the end of this tale?

Mirror mirror on the wall
Why aren't I the skinniest of them all?
Mirror mirror I only ate an apple today
Is that enough to keep the doctor away?

Mirror mirror on the wall
Didn't I deserve to be the skinniest of them all?
Mirror mirror my skin as white as snow
Won't be satisfied until I reach 0

Mirror mirror shattered on the ground
I try to scream but I can't make a sound
Mirror mirror, what have you done to me?
I once was your slave but now I want free

Mirror mirror I lay destroyed just like you
I won't let you take my life too
Mirror mirror I lay barely breathing on the floor
Hoping a prince will find me with a cure
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
I had my first kiss late last night
While I laid down in bed
You pulled me closer
As my heart beat faster
I didn't have time to pull away
or to think about what was happening
or even if my breath smelled okay
But I felt your lips pressed against mine
And nothing else mattered
It didn't last long
And I yearned for more the second our lips parted
You smiled at me
I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling and realized
My first kiss was but a dream
I had a dream that I kissed my boyfriend for the first time a few nights ago and it felt so real that I couldn't believe that a imagined kiss could take away my breath like that. It makes me scared for the real thing.
 Jan 2014 Sir B
Theia Gwen
When I was little, every Sunday I’d go to Church
I was a child drunk off of fairy tales and day dreams
And I loved the idea that we could go to heaven when we died
And the pastor looked me in the eyes and said
"God is with you."
And like any 5 year old would, I believed him

My family bowed our heads and prayed before every meal
But halfway through dinner they’d start yelling
And I remembered what the pastor told me
So I covered my ears and asked God to make it stop
But I felt all alone
And that’s why I’m an atheist

At school the kids would pick on me
I didn’t understand why they didn’t want me as a friend
And I prayed to God that they’d stop
But I also prayed for them too
Because I was a good Christian
And good Christians love their enemies
But nothing changed
And that’s why I’m an atheist

I remember the first time my mom hit me
One time during a fight
She told me I was stupid and worthless
And after a while I started believing what she said
I started to wonder
How could someone so hateful
Call them self a Christian?
And that’s why I’m an atheist

I prayed that God would make me beautiful
Because I wasn’t skinny
And I knew I wasn't good enough for that boy I liked
But every time I looked in the mirror, I felt the same
So I stopped kneeling in prayer
And started kneeling in front of the toilet
And that’s why I’m an atheist

I haven’t prayed in 5 years now
I have only one request of God if he exists
That he end the pain right now
But nothing happens
So once again, I will have to do things on my own
And standing so close to the edge
I think about how I used to love the idea of life after death
But now I’m obsessed with the thought that when I do
They’ll be nothing coming after
And I can have eternal sleep
And that’s why I’m an atheist
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