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 Feb 2015 SilentCry
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
Memories do not fade
You just lock them away
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
Don't let people tell you who you are
Be the one to tell yourself who you are
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
Don't smile because you have to
Smile because you want to
 Feb 2015 SilentCry
Mike Hauser
Why do we write the way that we write
Write the way that we do
Some with visions of fantasies
Others with smidgens of truth

Why add grandiose to all this
Rather than let the words choose where they're going
Why at times a hit with a miss
All for the sake of the poem

Why turn life upside down
Then spin it around inside out
Why take what little's left of the mind
Adding the fragrance of doubt

Why do it time and time again
Crossing the line more than once
Why can't we leave well enough alone
All for the sake of the poem

Who hasn't tried to reach for the sky
All through the ink of the pen
Who doesn't know it can't be owned
But it can be given

Who takes the wonder of the word
And in their minds eye watches it grow
So the simple poet in us all may be heard
All for the sake of the poem
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