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 Apr 2021 Jo
 Apr 2021 Jo
If I ever lose my battle,
Just know that I fought.

I tried real hard to be alive,
And my lost is no one's fault.

Say to them the lies I used to tell,
That I'm okay and everything's well.
 Mar 2021 Jo
 Mar 2021 Jo
Everyone has a book.

Every single book is still incomplete until the day that its owner expires.

Some of us have nice, clean books on the outside.
"What a nice book, I bet it hasn't been through too much, it's in such great condition."

Open it.
Go on.

Read their story, will you?
What does it say?

Every book is worth reading.

The most beautiful ones are the saddest ones you will ever read.

Tell me.
What writing lies within your book?
 Mar 2021 Jo
Devil in Disguise
 Mar 2021 Jo
When this guy opens his eyes
they are pitch black
He will steal your heart
and never give it back

Never trust him
all he tells are lies
He will only hurt you
he;'s the Devil in Disguise

It's no big surprise
he will not change
This is your warning
to just stay away

I swear on my life
I wish I had not stayed
My life changed
but not in a very good
 Mar 2021 Jo
A Moment Of Peace
 Mar 2021 Jo
A skinny day peeks through
your window asks,
Could I come in,
you have already brewed
a second cup of coffee
your skin warm
and you listen
 Mar 2021 Jo
David Lessard
I used to read your poems
but lately you don't write
you're silent and aloof
you know that isn't right.
You can't close a door once opened
you can't abolish all your dreams
you're a poet of the heart
mustn't fall apart at the seams.
Say what you can in words
they speak the message true
spoken from the heart
the poems will see you through.
A hermit's not your style
a recluse, you are not
never give up writing
of things that you've been taught.
I used to read your poems
I'd read them once again
if you would send them out
(this one's from a poet friend)
 Mar 2021 Jo
jeffrey conyers
A mental conflict?
A mental reaction to create conflicts unwarranted.

Killings, because they want to leave.
Abusing the love that you have sworn to love.

Love, a mental issue of major proportion.

One that has level-headed folks questioning their mindset.

If they not into you anymore?
Let them leave your life for your own good.

Accept, not what is bad?
If it means you no good?

Love is a mental issue affecting all of us.
 Mar 2021 Jo
jeffrey conyers
He in charge and always be.
I am just a servant serving thee.

I just know
Wherever God leads me?
That is where my journey be?
Wherever God leads me?

Far from perfect I know I am.
But the Lord God has a purpose for me and it's his path I must go.
Wherever God leads me?
If I must be a helping hand to someone?
Then that's what I must be?

Not required to judge anyone like others might do or done.
But leave happiness in someone's life.
Wherever God?
Wherever God leads me?

Through faith, mercy, and grace I have been blessed.
And truly not intimidated to confess this.
When I know I could have been gone?

So wherever God leads me?
That the road I must go.
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