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 Jan 2016 Shazia ullah
Mike Essig
I have read
the poem of your life
as I have lived
my own.

You are broken-hearted.
You are lonely.
You are defeated.
You are in despair.

So be it.

Embrace your pain.
Hold it close.
Surrender to it.

If you evade
your suffering,
you lose your chance
for joy.

Joy lives on
the other side
of suffering.

Wake up each day
and soldier on.

Show up for life.

That's all there is,
but it's a lot.


oh you bringer of glad tides
His most ultimate of prides
if all of creation couldn't lie
they'd all be puttin' ye high

oh you speaker of the truth
His all of messenger's roof
if none of words could give
the worths of how ye'd live

oh you the defined example
His divine very own sample
if guidance would be ample
what'll save us the trample

oh you saviour of mankind
His mercy on deaf 'n' blind
if we ignorant can't display
what's 'tween night 'n' day

oh you the light upon light
His avail with which ignite
if the darkness will prevail
what track wouldn't derail

oh you guide upon the path
His only way without scath
if the wrath is kept hidden
what door will be forbidden

oh you holder of the heavenly key
His knowledge 'n' secrets to ye be

so to get back at this sinner's plea
oh you would ye please rescue me

..assalaato assalaamo alayka ya Sayyidi...!

..salawaat'Ullahi wa salaamahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi...! always...*

عرفان بن يوسف © AH 19/06/1436
Some people are made for each other
While some with a little bit of love,sincerity,belief,time and effort make each other
..She tried to find herself
in places that didn't exist
Aaargh! Can't believe I won the daily! Thank you to everyone who liked and shared. Lots of love.
 Jan 2016 Shazia ullah
"We accept the love we think we deserve"
 Jan 2016 Shazia ullah
They say that time is supposed to heal you
But after all these years
I've never felt more broken

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