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shauna-leigh Apr 2019
how could you?
how could you break two hearts at once?
this could have been avoided
if you just didn't lie to me.
don't tell me you always trust me
and then go and lie to me!
am i that little to you?
you mean the world to me,
but i'm just nothing to you.
four months.
you've been lying to me for four months.
i thought we were honest with each other.
if you lose her,
if you lose a girl that loves you so much
because you didn't want to tell me the truth,
then you're ridiculous.
and so am i,
because i can't seem to stop loving you.
i'm not heartbroken. you can' experience heartbreak when you're barely a teenager. just upset. (i'm trying to convince myself more than you if you read this). anyway enjoy my open letter kind of thing **
Jan 2019 · 215
pictures and stories
shauna-leigh Jan 2019
That's all i have.
Pictures and stories.
I don't remember you.
It'll be four years this year.
Four years and i can't remember a thing.
I've forgotten your voice,
I know your face from pictures.
I don't remember it then.
Apparently it wasn't good then.
I've blocked it out.
I don't recall what was happening.
I just collected it all up and locked it away,
along with my memories of you.
sorry this is a bit deep init. oof. i hope someone can relate or take something from this
Nov 2018 · 610
shauna-leigh Nov 2018
It’s gotten worse this week.
It’s usually bearable,
I feel like i’m constantly floating.
Nothing around me is real.
Figments of my imagination.
Puppets in a show of my dreams.
However, my dreams are reality.
They are not dreams at all.
Not in the slightest.
Sorry. I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve not really had anything to write about but this was something that was playing on my mind. I hope you like it. Sorry
Jul 2018 · 265
I thought...
shauna-leigh Jul 2018
I thought I was finally over it.
I thought I’d gotten past this.
But then this has to go and happen.
This has to bring it all back.
I finally thought this had died down.
But i’m the only one that can’t get past it.
I don’t know why.
It’s haunting me.
I’m scared it will haunt me forever.
I’m sorry. This is a bit intense but i felt the need to get this off my chest. It’s rushed and awful. Apologies x
Jun 2018 · 408
now you're gone
shauna-leigh Jun 2018
I regret not taking more time to talk to you,
and you're gone.
I feel like I didn't make you proud.
And now you're gone.

So I have to make you proud from up there.
I am doing my best.
I miss you truly, all the time.

I wish I had more memories of you.
But I only have photos.
I can't remember the days in those pictures.
Everyone can though.

If i had just one more day with you;
What would I do?
What would I say?

I'll never know,
Because now you're gone.
i was waiting until today specifically, june 30th, to post this because three years ago i lost my grandad.
shauna-leigh Jun 2018
I love to look out of the window,
and just watch the sunset,
and watch sky ombré into a shade of purple.
And i let the candyfloss pink clouds carry my worries away.

i love to lay in silence,
the sound of rain overcoming my ears.
The droplets of water hitting the slant of my window.
And i let the sounds of water hitting glass drown out my thoughts
i wrote this in about two minutes as it was just off the top of my head x Apologies for the poor quality x
Jun 2018 · 399
shauna-leigh Jun 2018
Occasionally, it's good to forget how much you love something,
because that rush,that thrill
when you fall in love again.
it's simply the best!
short and sweet x
Apr 2018 · 324
shauna-leigh Apr 2018
I wish that I didn't invest so much in people.
I wish i could open up.
I wish I didn't bottle things up.
I wish I could take help.
I wish I could help my friends.
I wish i had an impact on people.
I wish my mind would stop spinning.

But it's okay because wishes come true sometimes.
And i build my  future.
I hold this power, and I want to do something with it.
I'm not sure....
Mar 2018 · 312
Back Again...
shauna-leigh Mar 2018
I have tried to block you out.
Told you that I don't want you in my life.
Yet like a dog to a ball,
you keep coming back.

you put me through hell,
And here you are putting me through it again.
You never new what you did.
You will never understand.

The tears, the breakdowns.
Your fault.
But I still blame myself for letting it happen.
I try and block you out,
But what you've done is always there.
It's scratching at the surface and every so often,
it gets through
this is bad I know but I needed to get it off of my mind
Feb 2018 · 200
Run-away Mind
shauna-leigh Feb 2018
Sometimes, I like to sit and think.
I've discovered that to be dangerous.
I fall down dark holes,
Things that have happened claw their way back up to the surface.

I can't help it.
My mind wanders off.
Everything gets to me.
And then, whilst my mind is on that wander,
It stumbles upon something.
Something that makes me happy,
Sometimes it's bad.
Sometimes it can make my day.
Jan 2018 · 1.9k
shauna-leigh Jan 2018
I'm sorry that I can't open up.
I'm sorry that I don't tell people everything.
But I can't.
Something in my brain tells me no.
It tells that no one cares, that I'm annoying.

I'm sorry that my brain puts up a wall.
I'm sorry that I feel uncomfortable telling people things.
I care so much yet I feel that no one cares at all.
I'm sorry...
this is just something I needed to get off of my chest.
Jan 2018 · 462
Observations of a New Land
shauna-leigh Jan 2018
The girls mostly laugh and smile,
Then they sit and talk for a while.
They'll see someone that they don't like,
And (in a worse way) tell them to "take a hike"

The boys mostly laugh at inappropriate jokes,
Or act like they don't like the girl,
But everyone knows that's just a hoax.

That's the popular ones,
The ones that you hear about.
They feed off of gossip and arguments,
A lack of "beef" for them may as well be a drought.

I've been on this new land for almost 2 years
And every day you realise something new.
It's amazing what comes to you
When you hide away and open your ears.
this really isn't very good and any writing tips would be very appreciated
Jan 2018 · 1.3k
Monkey In the Zoo
shauna-leigh Jan 2018
People bang on the windows of the monkey’s glass cage,
They’re hoping to scare it.
They think it’s funny to watch something innocent
scared out of its mind
then again, why do people watch horror movies.

People bang on the windows of the monkeys glass cage,
And watch it run around.
It yells, pleading for the people
“make it stop, make it stop.”
But the monkey can’t speak,
So the people just laugh.

The monkey runs towards them with a look of anger in its eyes
A look of rage.
It bangs back on the window.
The people laugh still.
They laugh as though being trapped in a dungeon is a joke.

Then the zoo closes and the people go home.
The monkey goes to bed.
But the monkey knows it will happen again the next day,
and the monkey has to live with that because no one hears it when it asks:
this is really not very good. I apologise
Jan 2018 · 330
shauna-leigh Jan 2018
I'm walking.
I can feel my feet touch the ground.
I am here.

I'm still walking.
I can barley tell if I'm on the ground.
Where am I.

My brain pulled the parachute,
told me to get out.
I had no say in this.

Noise is muffled,
As though I'm wearing headphones with no music playing.
Everything is a bit fuzzy.

I'm walking.
I can feel my feet on the ground.
Everything is back to how it was, and no one noticed I was gone.
Jan 2018 · 559
shauna-leigh Jan 2018
You taught me that I am nothing.
You showed me no one cares.
You pulled me into a hole,
A hole of guilt and despair.

I found a ladder,
A way out of there.
It causes me pain not talking to you
But that pain I am able to bare.

You can push me around no more,
You have no say in what I do.
You can’t make me feel bad.
I’m happier and better now; thanks to YOU.

— The End —