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I know you believe you have nothing left to lose,
but strength is still something you choose.
And if you keep medicating with your cigarettes and *****,
you'll never be able to break out of your depressive blues.

I know you believe that you were born to die,
but you'll die before your time if you let life pass you by.
It won't be easy, but you have to try
to throw away your harmful habits and wave them goodbye.

I know you believe you're broken inside,
but I promise there is still hope where the pieces lie.
Your struggle does not have to be something to hide
because there will always be people willing to stand by your side.

I know you believe in darkness,
so by default, you must believe in light.
And if you could just try get through another night,
I promise that one day, you'll be all right.
Hope you enjoy this.
Little girl
Little girl
Stupid as can be
Holding onto things that aren't real

Little girl
Little girl
Look around and see
With all you hide, there's nothing you conceal
The Love of God is greater far
Than tounge or pen can ever tell,
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell.

The guilty pair,
Bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win,
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.

When time on earth
shall pass away,
And worldly thrones
And kingdoms fall,
When all men here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills,
And mountains call,

God's love so sure will yet endure,
All measureless and strong,
Redeeming grace to Adam's race
The saint's and angel's song.

Were all the oceans with ink filled
And the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,

To write the love of God above
Would drain the oceans dry,
Nor could the scroll
Contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky.

O love of God, so rich and pure,
So measureless and strong,
It shall forevermore endure
The saint's and angel's song.
I didn't write this marvelous work. I can't remember the name of the author though I once had his name written down. From what I understand he wrote this hymn on the wall of his cell in an insane asylum. To me, no more beautiful words were ever written.

♥ Catherine
I feel like I'll never understand
The idea of one's appeal
What causes us to hate someone
And think of someone else as 'ideal'

How can we go through our lives
Making decisions every day
When we don't even understand
Why we think this way

Are we simply born this way
Programmed with our opinions
Are we traveling though our lives
Just acting as our emotion's minions

But if that if that truly is case
Then I find it very strange
How at some points in our lives
Our opinions start to change

What causes us to change
What causes this mental shift
Why is it after a certain time
Our old self starts to drift

Do our feelings ever really die?
Can our beliefs so easily sway?
And if our thoughts are what define us
Do our old selves fade away?

What happens when you can't decide
What you think is the right way
Yes, what happens then?
*Maybe we just fade away
Late at night is when I think
And try to I clear my head
I often stay awake all night
Just laying in my bed

As soon as I get comfy
Thoughts start racing in
I start to question everything
and regret my every sin

At first the thoughts are gentle
Like what will I do tomorrow
But as time crawls by; they escalate
Till I'm drowning in my sorrow

I think of all my failures
Every detail of what I did wrong
After hours of reliving pain
I convince myself I don't belong

I suddenly feel isolated
and like the silence will never end
I feel like I will never escape
There's too much I just can't mend

I feel overpowered and worthless
Like I'll never do anything right
I hide till the world fades away
And I'm awoken by the light

I realize a new day has come
It's time to put on a brave face
I put those negative thoughts away
Until I return to this place
When silence falls upon my lips
And sound I hear no more

Then I'll be on my way to meet
Those loved ones gone before

I have no fear within my heart
As I reach my dwelling place

For I'll be with the creator
Greeted by his warm embrace

Do not be sad or sorrowful
Do not feel guilt or shame

No need for tears or past regrets
Nor anxious thoughts or blame

Do not fear my journey
As I will not walk alone

Rather know that I will be

At peace

I'm simply going home ~~~
Please. Take your mind
Out of the gutter...

... mine must go by.

♥ Cathy
Well???!!! I'm not perfect! I go THERE... but never beyond the drain!
I lay my body on the altar
Allowing the blood to drain
From my hungering veins
And empty onto the cold floor
My life craves a strength
My flesh can not supply
It requires a force much more
If my soul is willing but my body is weak
Then I pray for the strength
To slay this body and free
The soul that is currently linked
To this fallen beast
This flesh is a slave to so many things
Chained by the fruit of that forbidden tree
Those chains
Forged and made
By the hands that would soon be wearing them
Separation, exiled
From the holy blood
That would make us whole
Yet the lamb came
To claim
Our place
On that bloodied stone
He was slain
To pay
The debt we owed
My body is on this altar
Not because of my righteousness
But because I have chosen to join
My king in his death
To empty my veins
To make way
For the strength
Of the lamb who was slain
On that beautiful day
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