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Sep 2016 · 328
The Children
Serena Felice Sep 2016
I looked for a poem about hope,
and then realized I needed to look no further then you.
Your smiling faces, and joyful laughs
your kind hearts, and caring words.
You are my hopes and dreams;
my wish that the world will be someday come together
into the hands of what I have given you.
Serena Felice Jun 2015
I give myself wholly, body and soul, to you.
To nothing, to the question of what if;
And I will jump into your infinite arms
with my heart swollen and my eyes open.
Another one bites the dust
May 2015 · 413
Serena Felice May 2015
I want to know what his hands feel like
and the smell of his neck
to know whether I fit in his arms 
with my face in his chest
to feel his calm breath 
and breathe him in

and my mind gasps
with the hope of finding
a small part of him in this place
but even then I won't know
how his breath feels on my skin
Apr 2015 · 368
20 Something Crisis
Serena Felice Apr 2015
I will lay down and wait for the earth
to consume me

I want everywhere

I want to touch, to breathe in the life of him, them,
they look like they
could swallow me whole.
There is so much life in there grasp

I love this sense of possibility too much
I want to stand on the edge
and breathe in a moment that is mine.
not theirs
not ours
not yours
Mar 2015 · 380
Suicide, served lightly.
Serena Felice Mar 2015
I once welcomed Death.

I thought I'd be upset if he came,

but then I realized how much worse it would be..

If he showed up, and then left.

How mad everyone would be

that I invited him in the first place.

So at the last minute I cancelled the event.

Sorry, Death.
Mar 2015 · 592
It was suppose to be happy
Serena Felice Mar 2015
I have the high expectation of adoration
though it is yet to be met.
But it is hard settling for a warm body in bed
when there are so many beautiful boys
writing beautiful poems
for girls that I wish
were me.
Serena Felice Mar 2015
I slept on a boat and was in love with the sea
I was light, I was air, I was weightless.

But the sea has dried and my boat is a bed.
It is not my bed,
but I have made it, so I will lie in it.
It is a bed of broken glass, meticulously made.
It is not my bed,
but I have made it, so I will lie in it.

And I feel heavy
and I long for the days
when my bed was a boat
and I was in love with the sea.
Serena Felice May 2011
Time has been sustained with the light

it is late

You infest my thoughts

Like a cancer that has taken control of my actions

How do you do it?

Snake through the nerves in my eyes deep into my head

Forcing your words in and tears out,

Seeping over the brim of my soul

Get out, get out, get out.

There is no more room in this heart or this head.

It is so worn from you,

so tired.

Please, let me be, for I am so tired

So restless
May 2011 · 470
The Spark
Serena Felice May 2011
May the sun find you when all you encounter is cold and dark
If I am not there let it bring you the spark
The brief moment of joy that two people can share
When their lips touch or their eyes catch in stare
I hope it will find you late in the night
And I hope it will bring you hope and light
let it make you laugh and smile and smother all fear
and may you think of me fondly everytime it appears.
just something that kinda happened, cheesy word *****, yum.
Aug 2010 · 552
A Prayer For the Future
Serena Felice Aug 2010
Let me have the courage to do what is right
Let me have hope where there is none
Give me faith in others, and myself
And let me have love in my heart and find it in those who I love.
I leave for college tomorrow..
Aug 2010 · 619
For Whomever Needs It
Serena Felice Aug 2010
Tell me your hopes and dreams
I want to know them
Share your secrets and fears
I want to hear them
Show me your mistakes and lies
I will adore them

No matter what you dare to dream
What you’re scared to say
Or what you want to hide
I am here
To tell you it will be ok
And I know because…

All the secrets I kept
And all the mistakes I made
Helped me find you.
Aug 2010 · 613
Serena Felice Aug 2010
Oh devious Time….
Give me a minute, a second
Let me have a moment of you
My soles are torn and weary
And my eyes heavy and weak

I have ran so long with you at my heals
And I have tried to hide in every possible space
But it is time, Time for me to rest and to sleep

So kiss me hard and squeeze me tight
For I don’t think I’ll see you for while, Time.
But as much as I ran, and as much as I hid
I don’t regret anything you did
All the laughter was worth all the tears
And I’m glad you’ve been with me through all the years
Like the breeze of fall or the smell of spring I have felt your presence
And how fast it all went by

Oh astonishing time
Be fleeting.
I had been reading a lot of shakespeare, Oh devouring time blunt the lions paw(: gorgeous
Jul 2010 · 691
He Said I Was Pretty
Serena Felice Jul 2010
He said I was pretty
This boy of fifteen
He can’t even drive but thinks he knows what love means

We walked  through the woods with just a  flashlight
And we walked and talked and got lost in the night
There was laughter and tears and secrets that were shared
He gave me his jacket and held my hand when I got scared

He said he’d treat me better than anyone ever had
And  he promised to never let me be sad
He said all the things that  I wanted them to say
All the people that I loved but refused  to stay

His face is so sad and his words are so sweet
I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek
For I know he’ll meet someone young and kind
With a contagious laugh and a beautiful mind

And he’ll hold her hand when she gets scared
And surprise her with hugs just to show that he cares
But for tonight I’m glad it was me
For tonight
He tells me I’m pretty.
For Randy.
Jun 2010 · 530
Beautiful Words
Serena Felice Jun 2010
Oh the beautiful words that there are
Let them appear as morning dew
I’ll say them as seeds and plant them as trees
And grow beautiful letters and poems for you
And through the years if there are tears
And our love should wilt away
I shall blow a breeze to scatter the leaves
So that the words may not decay
By the wind may they be tossed and taken,
Lost in the loveliness of the world
So that the presence of our love will not be forsaken
But with the lives of others be furled.
What rhymes with world? Furled? yah ok. Furled.
Jun 2010 · 3.1k
I Write in my Underwear
Serena Felice Jun 2010
I write in my underwear.
I write in my underwear, so my thoughts are not caged
underneath my clothes.
I refuse to look at the screen.
I only look at my fingers, hitting the keys as rhythmically as I say the words in my head.
I type because my thoughts are too fast
And I fear if I write I will forget

I am one of many.
One of many who speak because they cannot help it.
Whose words burst forth from their lips in spontaneous spasms of passionate opinions.
We will not hold our tongues
We will not mind our manners
And we will not conform to please
For we are romantics,
and poetics,
and hopers, and dreamers,
and liars, and cheaters.
We not only do things because we feel them,
But because we want to experience them.
And with are experiences
Of love, tragedy, happiness, and despair
We aim to awaken passion in others.
Others who fear emotion.
We aim to shake them
And awaken the life that they have.
I will not confine my soul
inside a cubical
And I will not shut my window
and deprive the world of my dreams
And I will not straighten my curls and **** the energy that they harbor
And I will not cage my thoughts underneath my clothes
It is for them, and for us
I write in my underwear
the rhythm comes and goes... but eh it's something.
Mar 2010 · 751
I Want
Serena Felice Mar 2010
To feel love, and taste love, and be love again
But all I feel are the words that come from my pen
And as I lay my curly locks upon my bed
I think of you and everything that you once said
And though I shower to wash off the memories
The feeling of your lips on my skin remains on me
I remember all the nights that we didn’t fight
When there was never enough time during the day or the night

I wish I could blame you instead of me
I wish things could be the way they used to be
But I blame myself for trying so hard
For not letting go while I was unscarred
For wasting so many tears on someone who didn’t care
For missing you for all the times you weren’t there
I know I am young and I have plenty of time
But I feel numb and wonder if I am alive
But I can hear my heart pounding when I run
So I run and keep my eyes on the sun
And I feel the heat upon my face
And then I know I am in a good place
I can run away from the thoughts in my head
And stay content until I go to bed
When I cannot run and I cannot sleep
All the thoughts of you begin to creep
And though I hid away all your things
Like music when it’s turned off, still rings

And though this poem may seem a bit much
I hope to read it and not miss your touch
I will read this and know that I have grown
And hope someone will read it, and know they’re not alone

So I will wipe my tears and let my fingers fly
And write down everything I have held inside
And I will keep my face towards the sun
And with faith and hope
I will run.
Mar 2010 · 801
I Go
Serena Felice Mar 2010
I go when my head is over crowded with thoughts,

When my heart is overwhelmed with feelings,

And when the ignorant and shrill voices of my family and peers are too much to bear.

I seclude myself within the walls of the auditorium.

In the auditorium, there are endless possibilities,

It is filled with a vast emptiness of echoing silence.

It is so nice to hear silence.

I walk up on stage and close my eyes,

Not to visualize a performance, but to listen.

I stand.

I stand till I can’t feel my body.

Till I can’t feel anything .

Till I cease to exist.

I sing.

I sing not to hear the words, only the notes.

The sound floats up like a cloud.

It floats, swells, and fills, as I breathe life into the room.

Each note echoes blending one into the other.

It fills my ears and my mind,

Until there are no more thoughts

No more tears

Only music.

— The End —