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4.6k · Sep 2013
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Dont let a heart like yours be enclosed by walls,
because every man who climbs eventually falls
The insecurities of yours shouldnt last,
you cant always live in that past
cause im different i dont aim to climb
I aim to steal your heart... is that a crime?
but dont worry ill keep it safe..
i know of a very secret place
a place so exculsive
and just a little elusive
for this place is my heart
and you robbed me of it... from the start
4.2k · Jul 2013
Selena Irulan Jul 2013
little child strong

mama not here no more

papa cant hear no more

no more

little child born

the cops and the government man
not gonna hold your hand

unless to take you "in"

they don't love you none

little child

my song

and be here

3.9k · Jun 2013
Cloudy Mind
Selena Irulan Jun 2013
Cloudy mind, I swear you get me every time
In a world like today, sanity can be hard to find
My expectations of myself grow higher as the drama comes down to the wire
Can you see the truth in the eyes of the blind or maybe in the words of a liar
It’s crazy to me how nothing is ever how it seems
Words of the gospel start to become the center of my dreams

Cloudy mind why do I deserve a second chance
No matter what I do, somehow or another I’m still in Gods plans
The marijuana smoke comforts me for a moment
You make me develop habits; I don’t condone it
Still I try
To make the days
Pass by

Cloudy mind can I please have back my appetite
Lately I haven’t been feeling right
I can’t sleep at night
I feel you taking over me
but I won’t allow you
To take over me
Cloudy mind I won’t allow
You to tear me apart
Your only half of me
because I also have a heart
3.6k · Sep 2013
Big Brother
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
I've never met a person who could make me angry as quickly as you.
But when I need someone to make me laugh unexpectedly- you  do that too.
Mom always told us, when we were certain we couldn't be related,
That we'd never stop needing each other. A sibling couldn't be traded.
We often joked that hospitals switch babies all the time.
But deep down I knew, that even with your very worst parts, you were mine.
It's been quite awhile since I heard you laugh.
I find myself replaying conversations wishing they would last.
Missing all the things so uniquely you
Wishing I'd known sooner that what Mom said was true.
You're more like me than either of us could have known.
Now I see that losing you is like losing my only way home,
Because I have a connection to you unlike any other.
It was unavoidable. You're my Big brother.
3.5k · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Laugh, and your day will be brighter,
laugh, and your burden will be lighter.

Laugh, and make it contagious,
laugh, and become courageous.

Laugh, and the pain becomes bearable,
laugh, and anything is wearable.

Laugh, deep down from your belly,
laugh, till your legs turn to jelly.

Laugh, and tell something funny,
laugh, and don't worry about money.

Laugh, and create joy around you,
laugh, and touch if only a few.

Laugh, and create an instant bond,
laugh, and even pygmies will respond.

Laugh, and if you don't remember how,
let me know and I will teach you now.

Laugh, and if you need some inspiration,
laugh, and try anti-frustration.
3.2k · Dec 2013
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
We never know when our
time is ticking to an end.
I've lost count of my sins.
Whether that day is tomorrow,
next week or in 10 years
i'm ready to be judged for my sins.
Holding his hand as he departed,
he says i'll see you again
and we'll finish what we started.
I've seen my brother
die in front of my eyes.
Tears running down my cheeks as he's placed in a body bag..
The pain he felt i felt in my chest.  
i didn't want to see him go to rest.
My heart felt heavy like concrete
but my heart beat was deep yet so empty..
i never thought something
so empty could weigh that much
But we all take part in
situations that we aren't proud of.
never thinking about the consequences
of our actions we live for today
and not tomorrows satisfaction.
I will greet death with open arms
After all aren't we all born to die?
I'm not afraid to die because
knowing that i could reunite
with everyone that I've lost
makes it seem less frightening.
But i do fear the unknown
I'm focusing on trying to be a better person.
Because in the end i know it will all be worth it.
I want to see my brother again
not just in my memories..
Being in Heaven with angels
sounds less
painful than being in hell
burning with evil demons
2.9k · Sep 2013
Love AND Affection..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
What is love without affection?
Is it still love?
Or a similar feeling misleading the needy in the wrong direction. .
A common disease proclaimed infectious.
If so, let me know cause my heart needs a contraceptive.
What is love without affection?
Because if you love me then what's to question?
2.9k · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I have given this a lot of thought,
and soon I will tell the truth,
the girl you see before you,
isn't the girl you thought you knew.
She is shattered like the mirror glass,
and lying open on the floor,
the girl you once loved,
has ceased and is no more.

She is replaced by another Spirit,
that was created after years of hurt and pain,
she was broken and came undone,
has nothing in this life to gain.
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Some say anger is a wasted emotion,
Id argue that anger is why we are free from Hawaii to the Atlantic Ocean

Some say anger only breed’s violence and hate,
I disagree; anger is the reason for every revolution to date

Some peoples anger burns hot and takes control,
Mine kept chilled, a reptilian soul

A warm blooded mammal with a cold reptilian soul, Trying to make sure anger is used correctly from the far east to the close to home west.

Einstein dared to solve Mc squared.
So I will teach y’all to be angry, sharpened teeth bared

Then you will be taught,
How to teach. For anger with out purpose is for naught

I fight for change,
Till I stand limp on the big bad mans firing range

Some say anger is for those with nothing left
I say anger is the beating behind this planets chest

Some say anger is for outcasts and bums.
Yes anger is for outcasts. The too short the too tall, the too smart the too dumb
The too fat the too skinny, the too poor the too rich
Anger is for outcasts and bums.

Some say anger is a wasted emotion, yet for me, anger drives me when I write these poems
2.1k · Nov 2013
Tearful Symmetry
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
I can still smell the lustful intentions of your cologne
in the shirt you once wore.
I regret all the meaningless battles
of a couples war.

I know you will soon be
back inside my arms.
but the voices inside of me
scream with jealous alarms

I argue with the lies
inside my head;
I know one day
we will be wed...

I cry as I kiss the ghost
of you in memory.
I know our love binds and distorts
in tearful symmetry.
2.1k · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
All defined, labeled, identified.
like quiet children who stand aside,
                                                    Silent as a dusty book,
Captivated by their own shoes,
must be pardoned, must be excused.
Those who mumble and avoid your eyes,
they do not mind, they’re just shy.

Imagine if everything still and reserved
Were undermined by such a word.
What would we say of those calm characters
mountains, towers, poetry, flowers?
If perchance one afternoon we met the horizon or the moon,
Are we to say that because often they stand away,
Afar in photos, landscapes, scenery,
off center, silent, beyond the sea,
That these defining features of the sky
Should be cast off and labeled shy?

Those amongst us, who silently
Live largely in their reverie,
Hiding behind their books and journals,
Heard not, but for the scratch of their pencils,
Will name you someday;
They'll have something undeniably brilliant to say.
Should you disagree, consider and think,
Violent, boisterous thunder is the voice of silent-seeming lightning.
2.0k · Dec 2013
Wake up
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
My mind never sleeps my thoughts defeat me.
I just need some sleep.
my head spinning round and
round like a merry go round.
how do you sleep with a broken heart when
the one you want is so far gone?
Thoughts control my emotions leaving
me open. My mind is effortless it
leaves my breathless. its amazing how our
hearts and minds work.
A wonderful creation of art graven.
We all have the same functions
but different conjunctions.
When the mind never sleeps
the soul slowly departs the body
leaving an empty shell where once a
person dwelled.
Sometimes i feel like my life is a dream.
At 3 am i'm tossing and turning laying
Hoping one day i'll finally wake up and be stress free.
2.0k · Oct 2013
Communication is key
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Communication takes practice,
it's never perfect,
sometimes not patient,
sometimes not kind,
but you have to say what's on
your mind.
Lend an ear,
listen not just hear,
to the ones you love so dear.
Communication is not a one way street,
it takes two,
to concur this feat.
Communication is hard you see,
but in the end,
it is key,
to that great relationship,
we all want and need.
Open your heart,
say what's on your mind,
When you are partners
for life there's nothing to hide
2.0k · Sep 2013
Image Of Perfection...
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
An image painted on a canvas
For the whole world to see
Is the image what they notice
Or is it what truly lies beneath
On the outside there's beauty
Radiating a hint of happiness
Filled with life and enthusiasm
Enjoyed by all who see, or notice
The hands that created this masterpiece
Must have been solid, and stern
For the wall that holds this canvas
Has a black lining the eyes can't see
Bitterness, shallow, and heartless
Covered with a coating of gold
To the human eye to seem like perfection
For there is no happiness within
An abundance of repentance
that grows under this image,
stretching high up along the walls
The image of everlasting beauty
Trees swaying in the background
Beautiful flowers blooming abundantly
The sun shining as though just ripened
Birds soaring through the air,
chirping this magical, mystical morning
Dew lying upon the image
leaving a sparkle to catch the eye
The image seen as it is wanted to be seen
Painted from the mind of someone
needing perfection taking nothing less
Knowing you can't cut a stone with scissors
Or fly like a bird without wings
You can't even create perfection
When there is no such a thing.
Minus all the beauty that this image holds
Would your attention be captured the same
If by fascination you could see with it
Without it what would you see
A canvas hanging on a wall alone
No beauty within or without
Black walls that line the canvas, no image
Empty, rebellious, alone
Fascination is taken away by reality
Once the image becomes clear it is no longer
an image, nor perfection you see
Though now noticeable the canvas
rests on the wall that is lined in black
Plain as the sky on a glorious day
The canvas holds no image of beauty
No image of any kind
It was merely what someone wanted you to see
Hoping that in reality the image
would always be there, stay the same
Beautiful, happy, loving
Speaking a thousand words just
from what your mind captured
It is now faint to the eyes, clear
That this canvas is nothing more
than a dishonest piece of work.
1.6k · Jun 2013
Selena Irulan Jun 2013
He is so special
I feel it in his aura
There is something about his
That makes me want to explore him
It was a cold night
But his heart is warm
So it was only right
That his beauty is adorned
Although the cycle of perfection
Was complete
Because flaws don’t exist
for imperfections;
In his world are obsolete
How could I infer all this
From a single conversation
Nobody knows
Expect the Most High above us all
She made him a concrete rose

His value is so high
Because his existence is so real
He is somewhere in the sky
He is very conscious of how he feels
He is so special
I feel it in his aura
I only talked to him one time
And already
I want to explore him

His energy reminds me
Of Aphrodite on Venus
Love and beauty
In his heart,
His mind is the keenest
He smiles and I feel at ease
Many miles for me to feel the breeze
He is so pleasant so calm and
So free
He is everything I can see
In me
He is everything a man should be

How could I infer all this
From a single conversation
Nobody knows
Expect the Most High above us all
He made her a concrete rose
He is so special
I feel it in  his Aura
I hope one day I can explore him
But this is something
That he already knew
The best part about it is
He knows I’m special too
1.5k · Oct 2013
Life's Journey
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Everybody needs inspiration and a soul.
But remembrance is sometimes untold..
Life isn't meant to be easy, just a journey through the scenery.
Things aren't always what they seem, but actually sometimes disbelieving.
Believing everything you see and hear is a no go.
Although Life is all about perspective inspect it.
Interconnect with your mind, body, and soul.
Sooner or later you'll reach your goal
1.4k · Nov 2013
Emotionless Love..
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
With No Emotions left

I feel alone

Trying to understand the meaning of why

I no longer feel the need to love

Trying to contemplate ways in which I should once again

Make myself feel the need to feel

As memories race inside an empty space that was once my heart

That you have killed

I can't imagine me being on my own

While others have taken this place that you have once called my home

I've never given up the thought

Of you being in my heart

As you twist

And turned

And Pulled

Me apart

I can no long concentrate

As this nonfeeling has sealed my fate

This seems so unfair

But my emotions were never there

From the start

I knew you had no heart

So now all of this is true

I was never after you

So please don't hate me for my sins

My emotions are held within

The thin-line of my skin

So This I must confess

Cause I wanted to get it off my chest

no less

stressing me

cause you couldn't get next to me

While the Lord kept on blessing me

So forgive me for my sins

Cause all this could have been avoided

If only you had felt what I felt

When I had emotions to cover up my welts

Of being abused from emotionless love
1.1k · Sep 2013
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
So many layers I must reveal
So many hats I must wear
So many faces I must present

You see some clearly
Others you have yet to even glance upon

Please do not mistake me for someone who gives up easily
Likewise do not mistake me for a fool

I have learned to separate what I want to be to you
And what I am to you
974 · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I wish I could describe this pull you have over me
The gravitational force of unspoken physics
I am not unlike a moth to a flame
if I get burned, my irrationality is to blame.
If I don't take this plunge, I may never know
whether I was right to let you go.
You make me smile, and I feel this force gaining fast,
An intoxicating rush I hope will last.
An undeniable passion, but I know my heart cannot much further be bent.
I hope I wasn't blinded by our biology.
Let what I heard, be what you meant.
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
Innocent eyes..
but her thighs told me otherwise.
a mask over her demeanor
so no one could realize,
the pain she bestowed
when drowning under water...
her eyes were timed like an
hourglass waiting for time to un-wine
her eyes told a story of grief,
disbelief, and that she needed some relief,
the darkness her eyes beheld,
were like the dark side of the moon.
she never cried, kept a smile on her face,
no one ever knew the secrets she consumed
her wrist had scars,
as deep as the ocean
the blood was running like
the water of a thousand potions.
i can admit i miss your presence,
your beautiful smile,
and how your aura glowed in the darkness.
i wish you never committed suicide that summer morning...
971 · Sep 2013
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
For once I met someone as clumsy as me.
I am always falling.. Tripping even.
But I was too clumsy this time
and so were you.
You stumbled over my past,
And I fumbled into your mind.
I stepped into your soul
And you slipped into my life.
You tripped over my presence,
And we collapsed into each others' hearts.

I'm glad you're as clumsy as me.
956 · Dec 2013
Puzzle Piece
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
If you were a puzzle,
I'd take you apart
and carefully analyze each piece.
It'd be a challenge to learn every part,
how they fit in together, and why,
a fun little game of you.
I'd begin to know the real you.
The mystery part in which i had no clue
Everything you hide, i'd find
But while I was playing this game,
forgive me if I maybe-
just maybe-
slip a piece into my pocket
(it was an accident I swear),
so that whenever you're being put back together,
you wouldn't be whole without me.
955 · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Imagine yourself holding a gun,
Pointed to a love one.

Not on a family but a friend,
Someone you knew way back when.

Now Imagine you pulled the trigger,
That bullet made you a killer.
945 · Oct 2013
Your Kisses
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Your kisses are sins
Your kisses feel good against my skin
your kisses are deadly like poison
your kisses are deep like the ocean
your kisses express emotion
Your kisses are my potion
Your kisses give me devotion
Your kisses are loyal whispers
Will i ever get to taste them again?
927 · Oct 2013
Fiery Enemy
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I've heard it said
We're only visitor's here on earth
That our real home is up in Heaven
If You Believe
When things said true or untrue
Then is it the righteous who are barely saved
What chance will the Godless have

Be careful
Watch out for attacks from those
Who our the greatest of enemies with no soul
Their on the prowl
Like hungry roaming lions
Looking for victims to tare apart
Standing firm with their own beliefs and goals

Stand up and trust
In God
He's the true strength to getting us through
Any and all storms
When one of us around the world is attacked
It affects us all in suffering  
Go and stand up for courage
Not with Fear
Surrender it in God's Hands

Raise your thought of consciousness
The core of Peace is near
The enemy of Fire
Be ****
926 · Aug 2013
Selena Irulan Aug 2013
I'm crying,
I'm dying,
I'm giving up hope,
I'm giving my life to a world full of dope,
I'm trying,
I'm trying,
But never succeeding,
I try to hide my pain but it won't stop bleeding,
Pouring out my eyes,
Tears of a broken heart,
First breaks the heart then the life falls apart,
And it's so hard to fix,
When other ******* people just break you for kicks!
Break me,
And shatter me,
When I try so hard,
Birth is a cut,
And life is the scar,
Experience the operation,
Watch the one's that go far,
And the one's that fall down,
Into a life of a frown,
Two arms with no hugs,
Two lips with no kisses,
His mind is on drugs,
So he swings and he misses,
Himself high above the rest,
Only because heaven's near by,
Flying so high that I can kiss the sky,
I'm so close up to heaven I just want to die,
Cause the pain that I feel,
I cannot take anymore!..
Don't tell me you love me and walk out the door!
I would never do that!
And I never ******* did!..
Why don't you talk to me instead of acting like a kid!..
You can't hurt someone like this!
Not without pain,
What do you feel!?
Because I feel shame!
I was born a mistake,
And I'm not good at math,
But you plus me,
Seems like the right path,
I know cause I've learned,
How much I love you in truth,
Real love like this can exist in a youth,
But a youth no more,
And a man come true,
You have no idea how much pain i've endured for you,
And I'd do all ******* again!
All this ******* **** for you!
Tell me what the **** else that I have to do!
To you I have no worth,
With no idea why,
People always ask why even try?
I try because I love you,
And care beyond the love an elder,
A mistake can be fixed,
Ask a teacher or a welder,
Ask how can you fix it,
A problem such as this?
All it takes is a hug,
And a kiss,
Don't you remember the past?
When you would make my day?
When we talked to each other like always something to say,
Well I got a lot,
And you don't ever listen,
You treat me worse than ****,
But your eyes still glisten,
I look into your eyes,
And you know what I see?
I see what I've always saw,
910 · Nov 2013
Unconditional love
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
My Love does not come from you
It is given in spite
I will love you always
no matter what our plight

You have no control over me
no actions can undo you
I must Love you forever
Even if your feelings unglue

I must forgive
I must give my whole
I cannot stop
I understand my role
896 · Sep 2013
I don't want to talk..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
When I first thought of typing these words
The message I sought to convey,
Was that without knowing the problem,
"I'm hurting" isn't easy to say.
Upon some further reflection,
I probably could articulate my upset,
But that would leave too much open for inspection.
I don't want to be told that I am mistaken,
or even that I am correct.
What if my dream is left shaken?
Instead I'll suffer without going on trial.
I'll keep my fear to myself.
Let us hope I'm not in denial.
870 · Jun 2013
A Letter For Infatuation..
Selena Irulan Jun 2013
I know it’s too early for manifestation
But you truly are my new infatuation
Days have passed as the time has gone by
I’m so happy to call you
The one
That catches my eye

I don’t know you that well
But I know
Enough to show;
you make me smile,
Just thought
I would let you know
We don’t talk very often
Everytime we do
I feel like 11:11
And you’re
My wish come true

Maybe its cause
You’re so far away
Yet sill so close
And when you
Make time for me
I appreciate it the most
A text, even a call
Does somethin for my heart
You got me feeling ahead of things
When we didn’t
Even start

A kiss would be
Too much to ask for
When we talk, I studder
Just to make

the moment

Last more
I was trapped
in my own
And you found me

oh you’re
So kind
So sweet
So pure

I know it’s too early for
But you definitely are my new infatuation
One day I hope
You and I can make
Eachother better
Until that day
I’ll just be praying
That you get this letter

With Love,
Someone that wants to love you
841 · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Thoughts of prestige
Actions of moral
Memories lost
Time gained
All have failed
All have lied When forming

Words from thought
Thought from emotion
Emotion from internal reaction
Internal reaction from physical reaction
Physical reaction  formed from another’s reaction
As the process repeats in backward loop

To denounce your ego fully is an impossible
But as we catch it from time to time
to rip it down for even a moment
to be beautiful
It will come back within the realizations that you just saw
it undermines it all
you are.  
is ego
All you exist in.
is ego
how you use this
how you process ego is to truly live with out
You will never be rid of something apart of you

Stop taking in the tones of Gods
Stop thinking
Stop creation

To destroy ego
Death my very well be that libration

To work with ego in harmony
To exist knowing you’re a flaw
To love being a flaw

I am evil
I am good
I just,..I am  
I can look to this to feel all
To play with this

You must not try to dismiss or disown any part of
Not even understand But to harmoniously cycle with ones self

A life unknown a life unwanted
Rip me down and feed me to time
My bones dusk entering
a lake in witch all creatures swim
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
Sometimes i need a hug
not a lecture  
not even a drug
someone to comfort me
and say that im a blessing.
It's Depressing how one
makes sadness a trend when
it's a serious issue that needs to end.
Pain, discomfort
and helplessness
are side effects, you just can't rest..(i've tried)
i want to be held in warm
arms of muscle and gentleness.
Whisper in my ear sweet nothings
A deep voice so forgiving but torture.
i get tired of people wanting
me for what i have
and not for who i truly am.
Material things aren't ****.
My worth and morals are who i am.
Don't take me for granted like
you did the other girls because im
worth more than pearls.
i want you to feel what i feel
and not be able to heal.
kneel at my feet and worship me like a queen.
Remember Irene?
She was bad for you
and you claimed to love her so much
until she cheated on you
leaving you lying in the dirt.
Queens deserve the highest honors,
and respect don't ever forget that silhouette.
Curves so magical her
body a work of art.
It should be painted on a canvas of her heart
807 · Sep 2013
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Turning your back, so easily done
When all the while you are the one
Who began the war, increasing the fire
Just for your pleasure, your sheer desire.

My feelings fall short from your mind
Revenge I seek, and I shall find.
I did nothing, yet I pay the price
What a friendship, how sweet, how nice.

Nothing left but an empty heart
Ripped from my chest, and torn apart.
Nothing falls short of who I am
Letting you win..I'll be ******!!

Standing tall, firmly on the ground
Nothing you do will bring me down.
My hands are washed of you forever
Lost in lies, no longer together.

A better person I prove to be
While your true colors, others shall see.
Dim, and dull, boring and grey
Guess there's nothing else to say.....

Except goodbye and farewell!!!
794 · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
I have loved the world countless times
I've fallen for the same sun
Each day that it rises again.
I can't help but see the potential
In anything that could posses it.
And I love the feeling of loving.
Of holding the warmth of someone else
inside your soul.
Like a cozy blanket
And a warm mug of comfort

I've taken a lot of happiness
And broken it into a struggle
only because I refused to believe
that happiness wasn't there.
Or, at least not for me.

So now I've lost the ability
To trust myself
I can't trust myself to feel genuinely
When I have spent my life convincing myself to feel
Potentially genuine feelings.

I'm hoping this time it's different
Than all of the times before
When it was different.
I'll finally use that memory of mine
To tell me what my future holds
So that I can avoid it at all costs.
But I won't avoid you.
I trust you to force me
Into a genuine happiness

I know the difference between need and want
And you're the strangest mixture.

I don't know anymore if I'm real
If this is real
I don't know if my memories are real
either, really.

So let's hope.
Let's hope I'm really me
and you're really you
and we really do mingle
like the gold and pink
of the setting sun
So beautifully
Because you really are
a wonder.
And I really am hoping.

You say the sun shines just for me
But the moon with its majestic glow—  
It lingers through the starless nights
and patiently awaits the morning,
bringing peace among all who meets it,
Just for you.

You aren't another mug of comfort
and a cozy blanket—
You're a home.
You're a fitting piece to massive complication
You are the sigh of contentment.

And this time,
This time,
I've been falling for the moon
each night it rises again.
786 · Aug 2013
Selena Irulan Aug 2013

Beautiful Every Time i See You,

It's an Indescribable Feeling,

It Rushes From My Eyes, Straight To My Heart,

You Are God's Body Of Perfection,

The Devil's Looks of Deception,

A Smile That Is Contagious,

A Voice So Lovely To The Ears,

Eyes That Hypnotize Every Emotion Inside me,

The Love Of An Angel,

The Smell Of A Rose Divine,

The Taste Of An Unknown Flavor,

Your Skin So welcoming, Begging To Be Touched,

Held Ever So Gently,

And By The Time I Blink...

Your Gone.
778 · Jul 2013
Selena Irulan Jul 2013
Hard to believe i treated someone so beautiful so ugly
Wish i could make things right
I should have listened but i didn't (me and my bad decisions)
Now im trippin'
Now I got time to think of all I could have done..different
God knows I've done some wild and crazy things in my past
And I can't take nothing back
Can't do nothing bad..
Forced to live with it
Always making these bad decisions..
But its to late, i should have listened
Me and my bad decisions..
763 · Oct 2013
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
The stars come down to earth

On a special plight

To make our lives bright

For kids inexpressible delight

The earth becomes the sky

Our imagination soars very high

The light drives out darkness

As knowledge does ignorance

Even the angels enjoy this night

holding the kids so tight

The moon claps with a shout

even terrorists stops their fight

All religions love light

It is the heavenly sight

May light dawn in our heart!

Loving people is the greatest art
749 · Oct 2013
Lend an Ear
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Therapy is for the weak
Though it is something we all seek
For our voice is to be heard
Problems to be consoled
Sometimes an ear is the best thing
Clears up the teary eyes
Whips away the saddening cries
You can’t always hold it in
Doing that just doesn’t make you win
Go out on a limb
Let your problems be heard
So we all don’t get to be absurd
748 · Dec 2013
I Know Now
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
You taught me the truth & how to be like someone else
other than myself. its strange how i cant find the words
in my head to describe the feelings i felt

I've known you my whole life so why can't i do so ?
Everyday i grow from obstacles I've faced learning
things at first i couldn't relate now i know faith is how
i live victoriously.

The words that I've been looking for
Were found among my tears
But I've quickly wiped them all away
And hidden them for years

will my demons hide from you? just look at who
i have become i'm so ashamed you were the one
that made me feel the way i do

You've sealed my lips with a thousand kisses
Kisses I didn't deserve, Wishes that never came true
Voices that weren't heard because you failed to listen

Truth is you were twisted..
I wanted to tell you a million times
But every time i looked into your eyes
I couldn't find the nerve

I know now that looks can be
deceiving and misleading
741 · Sep 2013
New Identity
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
I'm not who you think I am,
just trying to escape.
But still trying to keep my eye on you,
so everything is fake.
731 · Jun 2013
Selena Irulan Jun 2013
The melody of your voice moves me

When I’m with you I feel like I’m in a movie

You’re my poetry in motion my second chance

You’re my standing ovation the center of my plans

I believe in interest at first sight love

At first glance

I wanna make love to you boy I’m not

Talking about getting in your pants

The thought of sharing your beauty with the world is so exciting

I wanna show you a relationship with more passion and less fighting


When we look in each others eyes

We see no lies just euphoria that makes us high

you have been hurt and so have I

Anybody on the outside looking in

wouldn't understand what this is about

But I don’t have a doubt

Yea this is real

It happened so fast but still

I feel

The anticipation of my heart getting to know you better

And us being together

yes it’s too soon

To say forever

But I won’t be too quick to say never

My past life I would let it go for you

If you don’t know anything else know

I’m true

Cause the melody of your voice moves me

I would lose my sane before I let

You lose me

God put me in your path for a reason

I wanna be in your life longer than a season

Your my melody

You sound so good every time

Let me be yours and you can

Be mine

I can be your lyrics and I can

Be your rhyme
710 · Oct 2013
Come Back
Selena Irulan Oct 2013
Holding on to my pillow tight, wishing
it was you. Missing your thoughts thinking that
you left too soon... Come back and hold me tight, hypnotize me
so that i can sleep at night.. Your voice was so angelic to my heartbeat.
The harmony reconciling as our laughs filled the skies.. Come back and be with me.
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
With a hint of love to fill the air
Sweet caresses to know you are there.
Kisses of ecstasy that entice my soul
Passions surround me as I lose control.
Familiar dwellings of a beautiful face
Miles of torture override this place.
Tho never to part nor be stolen away
Those miles we shall separate someday.
Closeness will fill our lives with a hue
Colors of love for just me and you.
If I could just hold you near to me
There is no other place I would rather be.
Kissing your lips, as I touch your skin
Bringing me into you deeply within.
Whispers so softly that we shall share
To each others hearts of how much we care.
If I could right now, flow into your heart
Forever I'd stay never wanting to part.
My love would be tender, honest and true
Until death do we part I will love only you.
686 · Aug 2013
See my vision ?
Selena Irulan Aug 2013
Vision is amazing,
As essence through our eyes,
Truth is held in vision,
A sight seen never lies,
It's impossible to explain,
Feelings felt when I see you,
Because there entity's unknown,
But my eyes know beauty,
& it's beyond it what you've shown,
My eyes are attracted to yours,
& I dont seem to know why,
What I see in you is beauty,
Endless to the sky,
I've never written a poem to a stranger,
But what do I have to lose?
I don't know why i'm scared to talk to you,
It's just im so confused,
My heart's been beaten & shattered,
Lied to & abused,
The people who hurt me,
Just did it to amuse...
With the tears from my eyes,
I am a girl...
Who tries,
& tries...
& tries...
To find happiness again,
A part of me is missing,
I want to change that to back then,
I'm not an angry person,
My name is Celine,
I don't know anything but **,
But I wish I knew you well,
I am nervous what you'll think of me,
Like if you thought that I was crazy,
But my eyes have seen you in reality,
& what i've seen is just amazing,
I can talk I really do,
I promise it I swear,
I'm a nice person,
Full of love & care,
I think it'd be cool to get to know you,
I just really don't know how,
But when I see you with my eyes...
All I can think is...
682 · Aug 2013
Selena Irulan Aug 2013
I don’t know where to start,
Or how to begin,
The only **** I get is the smallest violin,
Poor me,
Poor him,
You’re a piece to my puzzle,
I’m the bullet in the mussel,
In the game I’ll never win,
The one called love,
Or the eighth deadly sin,
But you lie,
And I cry,
And you laugh with a grin,
Lie straight to my face,
Hit my heart with a mace,
Cause the speed that it beats is at a very deadly pace,
Because it wants to win the race,
But you beat it,
And you ****** it,
Yet you still do destruct it,
And my heart’s gonna stop,
Cause my tears always drop,
Into puddles that I mop,
Cause no one’s there to catch them,
Clean ‘em or dry ‘em,
**** that kid,
Nobody wants to try him,
So they all just play him,
Get a lie gun and spray him,
Go out for a day,
And continue to slay him,
Cause he’s already broken,
So let’s break him some more,
Let him cry,
Want to die,
And walk out the door,
Hey look it’s his friend,
Let’s be friends till the end,
No more no less,
But for me you pretend,
Because you never even liked me,
So stop ******* lying,
And I’ll just keep ******* crying,
While wishing of dying,
And never doing better than hoping and trying,
And I’ll help speed the process for you,
With my **** drug addiction,
And a future with conviction,
Cause all I’ve learned in life is love is just fiction,
Happiness is a privilege that leaves me alone,
All I see now is sadness,
And that’s all I’ve ever known,
Ever since my day off birth,
And the day’s that I’ve grown,
Look at my heart and you’ll see that it’s sewn,
Been used and abused,
And turning into stone,
Cracking and breaking,
From all the love faking,
The lying,
The crying,
The wishing of dying,
Love’s an imperfection,
I got something to mention,
Actually a question,
Tell me I mean and meant nothing to you,
And have it as your confession… ?
674 · Nov 2013
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
Those fantasies that thrill you
the blush burns on your face
only when the reality hits you
and the feeling fades away

You could wish upon a thousand stars
except the chance is one in a million

if only it was as easy as a dream
if only it was reality
not just a stupid fantasy
672 · Dec 2013
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
This anguish is so unreal. I forgot it was there.
I never needed anything as badly as I need to stop this.
My thoughts running astray, my mood grey.
You calling me names, saying i was insane.
I'm so scared of myself now.
What could i do next ?
I drink for different reasons but
the outcome is always hell
I need to relax but my thoughts keep reeling back
To the end of the night.
Screaming at you? I wasn't even angry.
Just under the influence blankly
alcohol makes you see the world
as it is in truth, and what you see in its absence.

I'm sorry I scared you, too i had no clue..
671 · Jun 2013
The World And Its Wonders
Selena Irulan Jun 2013
The world is like the shell of a pearl or the well of a girl

Whose soul is too deep in the past and her fate took a spin in a curl

Never to be straight again because the fate of men

is designed for not even the most complex minds to comprehend

So when I am told the creation of life is nothing more than a

scientific blunder

I start to laugh cause every question answered first started with wonder

Maybe diseases were all mistakes too, why did my cousin get cancer

But we all get lost in the same question that we will truly never get answered

What is God? Where did existence truly start?

And why do some men think with their minds while others go with their heart?

There has to be a bigger purpose because with all the conspiracies and lies

There has to be an ultimate truth beyond the limits of the endless skies

Through the changes life brings, I’m Consistent in my need to be consistent

I’m provincial on the topic of ideology but when I pray my mind travels distant

I ask the Lord for wisdom on all days, no matter cloudy, rainy or sunny

And pray for him to take my soul If ever I become bitter by the love of money

Will I live to see a day more peaceful than my fellow mankind’s history?

Religious warfare, the line between right and wrong will forever remain a mystery

Some men never distinguish the evils in their own temperament and morality

Some men even bring harm to others, just in the name of an increased secure salary

Even though there is so much all around me, I love the ease of living day by day

The past is triumph; the present is a gift so I know my purpose has not gone astray

Could I be inspiration to help crying souls to endure the pain of the strife in life

Could I be the voice of the young that cuts deceit and destruction like a knife

And I could do all this if you take in my love for stanzas and lines

The world sometimes seems pointless, but my purpose; I found mine
670 · Nov 2013
Be You
Selena Irulan Nov 2013
You shouldn't judge a book by
its cover nor color because
what you uncover may not [BE]
what you wanted to discover
Don't underestimate someones
ability's & mind...Your just being blind
people lie, steal, cheat and **** but whats
the deal with their reputation they've sealed?
Underneath their genuine faces lie disguises of
different sizes, it'll leave you with surprises.
A dark mask like a black hole, shadows unfold,
secrets are hidden beneath their souls.
Appearances are deceiving, within time true
colors start to show. [YOU] see the cover up
realizing how naive you've been now you don't
know who to trust. Never believe every smile you see,
remember people change like the seasons for reasons.
666 · Dec 2013
Selena Irulan Dec 2013
i feel so artificial
i need to break down the barrier
the wall is in my way
it can't be broken
it can't be broken

it's been there so long
since before we remember
can it be gone
it can't be broken
it can't be broken

i pace to and from
banging on the wall
i want to bring it down
it won't oblige me
it can't be broken
it can't be broken

my feet begin to falter
they curl up beneath me
i'm defeated
i retreat back inside
it can't be broken

it can't be broken
642 · Sep 2013
Just Three Voices..
Selena Irulan Sep 2013
Two bodies,
Beneath a waterfall.
The water pours down in a torrent,
Upon our bodies.
Wet hair streaming,
Like sea ****,
Like watercress,
Blonde and brown.
The water upon our heads,
Our laughter mingles,
With the laughter of the water,
Three voices.
Hers like bells,
Mine almost silent,
The water’s loader,
Loader than load,
White noise,
But loader,
Like a storm,
A pounding in my ear.
I run my hands,
Over his body,
Under the water.
He clings to me,
Holding me,
Trying not to be washed away,
Like our laughter,
Lost in the torrent,
The water,
Ever flowing,
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