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sked  Jul 2013
sked Jul 2013
Do I have any talent in poetry?
Can I write a good series of monometers?
Are those even monometers?
How the hell should I know?

Maybe I can write a decent enjambment
Let it flow with no punctuation
Let it soar with no interruption whatsoever
Let it flow let it flow let it flow
Ah **** it!  
Flowing is for sissies!
Let’s punctuate this *******!  
Let’s add lots of **** to this!
Maybe, perhaps, supposedly!
All these worthless pathetic lines!

These are the things
That people may love
These are the things
That people may define as talent
This **** I made
They may say
I made from my talent
But to me
It is a massive piece of crap

Let’s add more **** to this!
Let’s add themes!
Love, darkness, hatred, abuse!
I’m sorry I left you baby, please come back!
It feels so black in this cruel horrid world!
*******!  *******!  *****! ****! I hate you!
Hit me again!  Hit me again you ******!

These are the things
That people may love
These are the things
That people may define as talent
This **** I made
They may say
I made from my talent
But to me
It is a massive piece of crap

If that isn’t talent then what is
You may ask
I answer this with a laugh
Poetry takes no talent
You silly fool
It is a simple sharing of heart and soul
Why lower it to a talent
It’s demeaning
It’s sickening
It makes me want to *****
Close your eyes
Let it take you in
Love it
Hate it
Praise it
**** it
Cleanse it
Vulgarize it
Whatever you like

If you ever want to be
A talented poet
Then don’t take my advice
Use structure
Use themes
Make your voice easily heard
But at the same time silent

These words
That people may love
These are the things
That people may define as talent
This **** I made
They may say
I made from my talent
But to me
It is a massive piece of crap
And really doesn't need talent.
Arry Sep 2018
Now your talent is nothing but may be wondering why am I comparing  sand with this doesn't make any sense. But let me tell you.....this all makes complete sense. You apply water and your hands on the raw material(sand) that you got to make the best thing out of it. Sand is your talent.......water/hands is your hard-work and the miniature that you make is SUCCESS! Success which is said to be a pretty temporary thing is composed of your hard-work and TALENT! As long as there's HARD-WORK AND TALENT.......SUCCESS CAN NEVER BE TEMPORARY! Okay now enough of philosophy.....let's get back to talent. Everyone's got nose, ears, lips, tongue, hands, legs, BRAIN and everything that a human being requires to carry out the life processes............just like these everyone has this ultimate phenomenon called Talent! People take some Talent Learning courses to make money in their life...........but no one ever told them that NO ONE CAN TEACH YOU TALENT.........NOT EVEN THE FINEST INSTITUTIONS IN THE WORLD CAN DO THAT! IT'S IN-BUILT IN YOU....YOU WERE BORN WITH  IT AND........WILL DIE WITH IT. God has given every single human being something that he/she can use to touch the summit....but how? Yeah.........this is a frequently asked question...How do we know what is our talent? Pretty valid as I told you...No one can teach you look for ask yourself....WHAT IS THIS THING THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN DO BETTER THAN ME?  WHAT IS THIS THING THAT GIVES ME MORE HAPPINESS THAN ANYTHING ELSE I DO? WHAT IS THIS THING FOR WHICH I CAN LEAVE EVERY OTHER THING JUST TO DO IT FOR A MINUTE OR TWO? And when you have found the answers to these three questions....THEN YOU'RE ALL SET TO MOVE THE MOUNTAINS! People around you are either gonna be the SWEET, DIM LIGHTS OF SUPPORT OR THE IRRESISTIBLE, DARK LIGHTS OF NEGATIVITY.........What you have to do is to switch off the DARK LIGHTS AND KEEP SWITCHED ON THE DIM ONES. But sometimes you'll only have the DARK LIGHTS....SO,.......SWITCH THEM OFF ALL AND ILLUMINATE THE LIGHT OF YOUR TALENT TO KEEP WORKING!

Mikey Pooler Aug 2016
My only talent is breathing

Your only talent is leaving

Talent as leaving me

You stole my only talent
now I'm talentless

Yet a talent kept
a talent with pride you possess

You got quite a talent for leaving

I lost balance when you left

I lost talent when you left

I just wish you were leaving my breathe

But I'm a talentless mess
you're leaving with my talent

I just want one last breathe.
Mikey the Poet
Michael Ryan Nov 2013
My poem is called how to be forced into a talent show.
It's very easy to be forced into a talent show when you're me.
No, I am not saying, "Ooooo" look at me I am Michael Ryan and I am the most talented person in the world.
I'm more saying, "oooo" look at me, I'm such a nice person that I will do your talent show, even though I don't want to.
Yes, that is what I am really trying to say, but not in a conceited kind of way, because that's not me.
I was forced into this talent show from the very beginning.
The very beginning, the very first sign up day.
and I thought "hmm I don't have any talent", and she was like oh yes you do, well of course I believe her.
And from that moment I've felt slightly uneasy, because to be honest she can't be there every day to tell me "hey you have talent."
And to be honest all I'm doing is a SPOKEN WORD poem, which is pretty much just me talking.
What a talent that must be...but not really.
Then my friend tried to jump on board with me to do a duet of a poem, so I was forced even more in to this situation.
But luckily that person changed their mind and so I was just stuck with my original oh you have talents person stringing me along into this over thought situation.
Just to let you know I did eventually try to tell them hey I think I'm not gonna do(but then they cut me off), and told me once again you got talents, and please please please do my talent show.
So of course I can't say no, that's not what a nice guy would do, which I am.
And this is what came to me, how about I just write about how one is forced to be doing this in front of a group of people, even though you already said no soooo many times.
And to be honest this is terrifying, because I just came up with this, 30mins ago.
Even though I sat for many hours thinking what to write, it just never felt well right.
And ugh seriously this is so stressful, that I really do wonder why I am even up here.
I could be sleeping right now, but instead I've been convinced to do this.
And there's no guarantee anyone or myself will even like this.
But sleep, ****, I know I would like to fall into that right now.
Just dreaming, peacefully, to be sleeping and not on a stage, being gawked at by some strangers.
There was a talent show 13/11/13 and this is my poem.  I did a duet with another person with this poem, where she would say somethings in between some of these lines, people really enjoyed the show.  They said it was hilarious.  This was edited a lot for the duet since it was not planned to be that way at all.
Valentine Mbagu Sep 2013
The stewardship of talent calls attention for everyone to discover their purpose on earth,
knowing we are created with potentials waiting to be maximized.
The stewardship of time calls attention for everyone to maximize their time on earth,
knowing we are mandated to dominate and subdue the earth.
Nothing is found except it is hidden,
every one has a talent.
Nothing is hidden except it is a secret,
every person has a gift.
Nothing is a secret except it is a treasure,
every individual has a potential.
Every one has a secret hidden treasure to be found,
ln them lives unique talents waiting to be discovered;
lf only they can discover their purpose on earth.
Every person has a destined mission to accomplish,
ln them lives voices waiting to be heard;
lf only they can activate their gifts.
Every individual has a solution to provide on earth,
ln them lives great potentials waiting to be maximized;
lf only they can exploit their potentials.
How then can talents be discovered knowing that any talent wasted will be accounted for.
How then can gifts be activated knowing that we are mandated by God to accomplish a purpose on earth.
How then can potentials be maximized knowing that we are created to impact our generation.
Let him that seek to discover and utilize his talents on earth consult God through prayers.
Let him that seek to activate his gifts exploit God's given innate ability to man.
Let him that seek to maximize his potentials on earth search the mind of God through the scriptures.
Is there any reward for discovering and exploiting your talents?
Is there any reward for activating your innate gifts?
Is there any reward for maximizing your God given potentials?
He that discovers and exploits his talents for God will receive the Masters reward.
He that activates his innate gifts will be remembered forever.
He that maximizes his potentials will leave an indelible footstep on earth.
Hope you strive to be persistent and consistent in the stewardship of talent,
knowing that much is required of you.
Endeavour to be faithful and obedient in your stewardship of talent, knowing we all owe God the accountability of our talents.
Ensure you exploit the discovery of your talents,
activate your innate gifts and maximize your potentials effectively.
Strive to discover your purpose on earth,
Seek to activate your talents and gifts; and
Strive to maximize your potentials.
He that discovers and exploits his talents on earth,
will leave an indelible footprint on the sands of time that will be remembered forever.
He that activates his gifts on earth will impact the world and his generation.
He that maximizes his potentials effectively,
will engrave his names in the sands of time and seasons of the sky.

Talent is a Mandate not a Delegate.
Talent is a Mandate not a Delegate.
Joe Adomavicia Dec 2015
By definition, talent is to have natural aptitude or skill,
So naturally for a poet like myself,
Talent is what happens when artistry
Becomes the integration of poetic elements—
Transferred from savage seas of thought
To the nakedness of a sheet of paper—
A voice of confidence composing songs of beauty in motion,
Live wired passion sparking spirit lifting inspiration.

Talent is within the heart of whom possesses it—
If the vessel is tainted with chaos
Then the outcome of devastation is imminent
If the vessel is painted with endearment
Then the outcome of equanimity is prominent

By definition, talent is to have natural aptitude or skill,
So naturally for a poet like myself,
Talent is a gift ,one not obtained freely—
nor does it find its way to everyone,
but it is the duty of the talented
to be inspiration for the talent-less—
To be a human of poetry,
A messenger of the earth,
Parallel to fellow man,
no matter the race, creed or gender.

Talent is within the heart of whom possesses it—
If the vessel is tainted with chaos
Then the outcome of devastation is imminent
If the vessel is painted with endearment
Then the outcome of equanimity is prominent.

Joseph R. Adomavicia
I have decided to come back to HP.
I have missed the community and look forward to reading more of the great poetry that is here. :)

This poem was inspired from a friend of mine. He made an inquiry that I should write a poem titled "What is Talent" and this is what I came up with tonight.
Julian Hill  Mar 2016
Julian Hill Mar 2016
I peered upon the clouds
I drive through the ocean of talent
I sat on the stage
I sank the expresses of talent
I relish the cliff of talent
I consinder the lands of talent
I rush toward the cliff of talent
I stayed on the stage
the stage became me
the commander of talent thumped my spirit
in the end I withdrew.
I am trying out a new style of writing
Sam Conrad  Nov 2013
Sam Conrad Nov 2013
My best friend just asked, "How can you create things like that?
It's really a fantastic talent you have."

The truth is, I don't have talent at all. Talent is subjective.
What is talent to one person, is trash to another.

You ever hear the saying, "One person's trash is another person's treasure..."?
It really applies to talent.

We can't go telling each other who is talented and who is not,
Who is good and who is not,

Because we're each only one person. What's trash to you isn't trash to me,
I wish people would see that.

I don't ever look at myself positively, only neutrally, (maybe most times negatively,)
I'm just me, and that's all I am.

I don't have talent,
Nor am I funny,
Nor am I silly,
Nor am I nice,
Nor am I mean,
Nor am I introverted,
Nor am I outgoing,

But not because I'm really not nice, or I'm not funny, or I'm not talented,
It's because you're nobody to judge,
Because you're not me.

I'm just me, and that's all I am.
Aspen Trimble  Jan 2015
Not Good
Aspen Trimble Jan 2015
Everyone has a talent.
Whether it be practical or not,
Pleasing or not.
Everyone has a talent.
And sometimes that talent is just
Not good.
A talent for being impeccably rude,
A talent for ******* up relationships,
A talent for making people hate you,
A talent for spitting out gibberish when someone asks, "Why are you sad?"
Everyone has a talent.
But when people look inside themselves,
And see the talents they never wanted,
They fake another.
They learn to carry a note,
Play an instrument,
Draw a picture,
Write a poem.
But inside they know,
We're not good.
Been a long time since I posted. Sorry if this ***** D:
Steven Forrester  Jan 2011
Steven Forrester Jan 2011
What is talent?
Is it power
Is it pride
Should it show
Or should it hide
I know what you think
You ask why
I hear it all the time
You've got talent man
But do I
Can you measure talent
Through structure and rhyme
As much as i hear "you rock"
I hear "you ****"
Because they weren't happy with my words
Because it wasn't what they thought they should have heard
Because their friendliness must be paid for
not earned
I know that I'm good
I know that I should
Let my talent shine
But keep in mind
I'm not divine
I'm just a regular guy
Who loves to write
Works of rhythm and rhyme
I do not think I'm the best
I'm just like the rest
The rest of you who read my work
Who have felt the same pain and hurt
Your life reflected in my art
And also my heart
And so this is for you
All the ones who've
Seen the colder side
Had a reason they had to hide
For everyone who has ever cried
I write for one thing
Its the least I could do
for all of those who
have seen their lives through
the words I write, and then feel new
All of my readers
All of my friends
I write this for you
For, it is you, with the talent
(c) Steven Forrester
Taylor Jul 2011
I wish I had a talent for drawing men.
To paint a picture with my brushes,
Sketch his jaw strong and straight.
I would make him with shaggy black hair to cover his eyes.
He'd carry a dagger and a young woman's heart.
And behind those eyes of his there'd be a story beyond compare.

I wish I had a talent for drawing girls.
I'd make her graceful and beautiful,
Just one stroke of the hand and her eyes alight.
She'd have flowing gold hair,
Wings to fly her high,
And love in her eyes.

I wish I had a talent for drawing flowers.
I'd draw a bouquet from him to her.

I wish I had a talent for drawing horses.
She'd ride upon the majestic stead,
Far and wide she'd search for him,
Just to sneak a peek at the smile he wore.

I wish I had a talent for drawing.
I could paint a picture worth a thousand words.
But then I remember where my talent lies,
Between the black and white lines.

I could make the man wield the dagger,
Either to save or hurt her.
I could make the girl fly high into the sky,
Or low to the depth of hell.
I could make the flowers give her joy,
Or end her life with the polluted smell.
I could make the horse run all the way,
Or collapse and never reach its goal.

I have a talent, the most dangerous of all.
Whatever I write,
Whatever I wish,
Is in my command.

— The End —