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Dark Jewel Sep 2014
This land.
It's strange to me.
It's cold like Solstheim.

My mother wouldn't tolerate this!
The breeze danced,
Bringing an icy feel.
To skin so pale.

Hailed to be a Nord,
With Ancient blood of Talos.
With Ysgramor's spirit.
In war.

I must find my way back home,
To the Ashlands.
I will adventure here.

A journey holds the key,
To experience.

I am Jaedin,
Daughter of Alaken,
And Calina.
My village is of the Skaal.

A great evil has come,
It has set over this place...
They say dragons have returned,
What might be in store,
For a young Nord?

Exiting my ship,
I say Hello and Hail,
To Skyrim.
Chris  Nov 2018
Quite Bored
Chris Nov 2018
I would like to say
That well, I'm bored
Really I should be quite gay
Heck I'm playing as a Nord!

Thing with this game is its quite large
You can swing a sword or fry an Orc
You can hop a barge to places unknown (Solstheim)
Only to fight a bunch of cultists. (Didn't rhyme but I got some serious beef with those guys)

So by now you should know what I'm playing
What else could it be but the best game around
If you don't you should be praying
Because its Skyrim you friggin hound!
Also still bored. Took my favorite game and messed around with it. Still horrible at writing, but oh well.

— The End —