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Quentin Briscoe May 2012
I cant find my self resepect...Cuz I fail my little brother...In his aspect... at 13 he sees me like a father...But I dont' wanna be bothered...No hes not my concern...he dont need to be fathered...look at me I had to learn...
But i can't find my self respect...Cuz i fail my mother....In her aspect...she sees me like my father...Cuz i dont want to be bothered....How she gets on my nerves...Like I need to be fathered...Like she even had hers...
But I cant find my self respect...Cuz i fail my first lover...In her aspect...She sees me like her father...But I dont want to be bothered...Im just in it for the verbs...Like I remind her of a father...When I treat he like a girl....
But wheres my self respect...I cant find my aspect..For I never knew the correct way to view...these situations...******* up my relations...
With no self respect..I fail my self...In my aspect...I had no mans help...And I dont wanna be bothered...Inside im so bitter...but I just want to be fathered..
and I found my respect droughted and withered....
Levi  Aug 2017
Justices' Scale
Levi Aug 2017
I hope to always be a good lover.

For her, and for me.

Never be what hurts her, never let myself be hurt.
To always be gentle to her, never let myself be bruised.
To show her resepect, and to never allow disrespect.
Not to be passive and unmindful, and not to be tossed aside.
Never to prey upon her, or be preyed upon.
Give her passion, and not be someones idle toy.
Give her understanding, and demand someone who cares.
To always make sure I give, but not the only one giving.
To make sure she's happy, but not at my expense.

I want us to always come back to eachother for all the right reasons.

— The End —