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Theres an original Aussie lingo
That out there one can hear~
Most of all when you are in the country
And places like that you love so dear~
RIPPA RITA , An aussie bush expression of rejoice~
When something really goes so well
And usually not by choice~
FAIR DINKUM means simply for real
Are you fair dinkum mate~
STRUTH another real Aussie expression
A bush word for something that you hate~
Just a few words of real Aussie lingo
You might hear now and again~
When they reall do need rain~
STONE THE CROWS you'll hear them yell
When something happens by surprise~
Often in the country
When they can't believe their eyes~
HOWZ ZAT a bloke will often call out
when he manages to do something better than right~
And very indeed proud of himself
Without trying to skite~
RIGHTIO dad will call out to mum
When she hollows don't forget to get the bread~
TOO FLAMEN RIGHT he'll say back to her
When she says well ... did ja get it ted~
YA GREAT GALLOOT is what they'll call you
When you do something really wrong~
So much original Aussie lingo
They should put it all within a song~
SHIELA'S are of course suingle women
Who often are as well called BIRDS~
All this fantastic Aussie terminology
How I miss all these words~
Ocker's are usually blokes in shorts and thongs
They call thongs Japanese riding boots~
CODJA'S are older blokes
Sometimes they call them COOT'S~
COCKIES are blokes that own properties
STRIKEN A BLOW is a term for work~
BLUDGERS are those that don't like do do it
And being lazy is to of course SHIRK~
All that age old aussie lingo
I miss it so I do~
Can't wait to say HOWZ YA GOEN MATE
And G DAY to a mate or two~
It's all got a sound of it's own
One gets used to it in life~
Is what they call a wife a wife~

( Was'nt game to use spell check lol )

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018
TigerEyes Jun 2015
I am just a child but my mama say I wild
she say I best get dressed for Jesus or, I gonna burn up in hell fire
So mama n' me we got dressed up n' walked to Jesus land
cause we goen to a Jesus house n' listen to the holy preacher man
They gonna pass the basket round'n' round'
while them choir boys sing they sounds
cause we supposed to give everythin' we can
Yeah, give everything we got to the holy preacher man.
In Jesus land we give n' give -
give it all to the ol'
preacher man.
Don't got no money for food
we sure ain't got no money for rent
cause we be live'n by a river in a ****** ol' torn up tent
but preacher man he say to bow our head
yeah,  to pray n' then repent
I am just a small child but this sure don't make no sense.
Yeah, I am just a small child n' my mama say I wild
I sure don't wanna burn up n' what they call the lake of fire
that ol' basket sure got full real fast
when dat' basket went on past
mama, she put her last quarter in --
to protect us from all our sins
and, dat' devil sin'n man
Now I know that I am just a child of five
but I don't think dat' make me wild
preacher man he the one drive'n a big ol' fancy car
Yeah, he drive'n a big ol' fancy car with they shiny white wall tires
So dats' why I gonna grow up n' be a preacher man
gonna tell them folks of wild child's....
to give everything they can.
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Krisselle S. Cosgrove July 28th, 2015It

It is not my intention to offend anyone with this poem. Flannery O' Conner was so ahead of her time. I love "all people" of every race, color, religion, and creed. This was inspired by her work that I read last summer.

— The End —