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K D Kilker  Apr 2013
K D Kilker Apr 2013
Your "love", a fertile patch, grows
Flowers for my sick head--
Lilies for the foot of my bed;
A fragrant blanket for my grave.
Ben Jones Apr 2013
Now I'd like to tell you of a liquid
And a beverage clearly divine
It matches the holiest spirit
And most blessed communion wine
But it's not to be found at the altar
Of the temple, the mosque or the church
You'll see it in glasses lined up on the bar
Wherever the pensioners perch

Oh Gin, Gin, fabulous Gin
Finest concoction there ever has bin
A knee to the crotch and a kick in the shin
To him that speaks ill of that heavenly Gin

I had a great aunty called Floris
Each morning she'd sternly arise
With a fire in the pit of her stomach
And a merciless scowl in her eyes
But thanks to a magical fluid
By the end she was quite the reverse
And her face was serene and so tranquil
As they bundled her into the hearse

Oh Gin, Gin, glorious Gin
Remover of troubles and varnish and skin
There's many a baby that wouldn't have bin
If not for a bottle of beautiful Gin

Edith was crippled with cramp of the back
And terrible gout of the thighs
Her walk was askew and her bottom had swelled
To a rather astonishing size
But with Gin in the morning, the noon and night
She was right as proverbial rain
She still couldn't walk but now couldn't talk
So no one could hear her complain

Oh Gin, Gin, medicinal Gin
Bracing your face with a permanent grin
Cleans up the silver but tarnishes tin
Joyous the juice of the juniper, Gin

Tis a regular modern elixir
And a kick in the liver to boot
It's companion for many a mixer
To the tonic or blending of fruit
Instilling a mighty contentment
And removing all traces of rage
Though it's mainly imbibed by ladies
Those of a particular age...

Oh Gin, Gin, magnificent Gin
Clean as a whistle and sharp as a pin
Puts hairs on the ears, the chest and chin
Of nannies and grannies all guzzling Gin
Bostezó Floris, y su mano hermosa,
Cortésmente tirana y religiosa,
Tres cruces de sus dedos celestiales
Engastó en perlas y cerró en corales,
Crucificando en labios carmesíes,
O en puertas de rubíes,
Sus dedos de jazmín y casta rosa.
Yo, que alumbradas de sus vivas luces
Sobre claveles rojos vi tres Cruces,
Hurtar quise el engaste de una de ellas,
Por ver si mi delito o mi fortuna,
Por mal o buen Ladrón, me diera una;
Y fuera buen Ladrón, robando Estrellas.
Mas no pudiendo hurtarlas,
Y mereciendo apenas adorarlas,
Divino Humilladero
De toda libertad, dije, «Yo muero,
Si no en Cruces, por ellas, donde veo
Morir virgen y mártir mi deseo».
Arder sin voz de estrépito doliente
no puede el tronco duro inanimado;
el robre se lamenta, y, abrasado,
el pino gime al fuego, que no siente.
¿Y ordenas, Floris, que en tu llama ardiente
quede en muda ceniza desatado
mi corazón sensible y animado,
víctima de tus aras obediente?
Concédame tu fuego lo que al pino
y al robre les concede voraz llama:
piedad cabe en incendio que es divino.
Del volcán que en mis venas se derrama,
diga su ardor el llanto que fulmino;
mas no le sepa de mi voz la Fama.
Esta concha que ves presuntuosa,
por quien blasona el mar índico y moro,
que en un bostezo concibió un tesoro
del sol y el cielo, a quien se miente esposa;
esta pequeña perla y ambiciosa,
que junta su soberbia con el oro,
es defecto del nácar, no decoro,
y mendiga beldad, aunque preciosa.
Bastaba que la gula el mar pescara,
sin que avaricia en él tendiera redes
con que la vanidad alimentara.
Floris, mejor con la templanza puedes
adornar tu garganta, que con rara
perdición rica, que del Ponto heredes.

— The End —