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karin naude Jun 2013
found you hiding in the bathroom stall
devastated tears just running
i pity you, will never show it
your insanity to much to stomach
grovelling for grown boys attention
they broke their toys as children
now they brake fleshy hearts served with drama directed by cowardly ego
you eagerly walked the line
very well knowing fairytales do not exist
fairytales do not exist
the prince more dangerous than the dragon
the dragon protects against the world
in return you turn on the scaly animal who love you so
who love you so, it pledged forever by your side
protecting, loving and caring for you
but you wanted smooth skin wrapped in wit and charm
billy phang Oct 2014
Eish i see stars in the day  
moon in mid day. My frnd sometimes u a bad sometimes  u a gud to me

I give up  give up  marijane
you make  high like highest paid
president obama
i feel   so high  tht i could talk to GOD to came
u a not meant for the youth
one puff blowed my
head up
billy phang  Oct 2014
billy phang Oct 2014
Oh  what is it inside russsian, thy tendenes  i  love u .
An exqusite taste better than chicken sausages you are best cooked
by a motswana rib
i love the taste we give to all  humans in  sync,we can go  all over the wold todae

Ooooo u drive me crazy and turn me on ,u make me so high tht i could even tAlk to the rain

oh  eish  i will contiune nxt time
#i dnt  kwn wht to sai
karin naude  Nov 2013
karin naude Nov 2013
when emotions got you cornered in the trench
fox wholes shake with each attacks
debris fly
dust choke the air
oh god, outside the sun shines
the birds don't sing afraid if lead
but what a day to die

no battle buddy, eish
Running left to right from morning devotion.
Back and forward were too far from them.
Locust became the topic of the day.
Every one were questioned.
What happened.

Oh really, shame on our kids.
Darkness were covering their eyes.
Not knowing where they are running, what they are running for.

Blood were spraying like a pipe spray,injury took place in some of them.

Complaining about darkness, shadow, snakes,ghosts,locust but non of them were seen.

Fingers pointed someone  with no evidence on it,all was there was humiliation to the head master.

But God stands with her and she had a victory on it.

Shame on our kids, for running in the light of darkness, where is hard for them to see the light.

Someone is there for them to open their eyes and their hearts to know him.

Oh no eish shame on our kids.
a land of Queen .
women's wear tradition like angels .
walking confidently like a cow in a tar road with no fear of being knocked .

their eyes shine like a light in the pool for the people to swim day and night .
their mouth looks like bananas that is ready to be eaten .

all men's are doing is eish ,wow and being scared to shout out .
memories never end .
thinking of beauty Queen's of Africa .

but the baby that doesn't cry during birth shows that the spirit is already gone in the womb .

speaking out for selection of your queen is a better choice.
stephen mastel Nov 2015
Man is to error, woman to a mistake
men feast,women just taste
I don't love her, I think I got lust
but as they say, you can get love at lust

She thinks I live in heaven, but am a neighbour to hell
she says my swag is cool, she

don't know my days are numbered
I told her am romantic, but was tale
she thinks am her foundation, she is truly standing on a shell

Am sorry for her, cheating is my calling
I text my next girl, when she is snoring
when she grow up she want her finger to have my ring
she thinks she is my queen, but I have never been her king

She is hot but her girl friend is hotter
everyday I dream, moulding her like a potter
am through with her friend, I think I saw her cousin
she is not my kind, but in her I want to pop in

Her cousin now, just called me darling
I am about to mix her, let me take off my ring
I think she is sweet, I need to pull up
but here comes another beauty,eish! just hold up

I have a golden boot, am a super player
caution to all ladies, am a real slayer
but am always fair, to them I say a prayer
before their hidden treasure, with me they can share
Odd Odyssey Poet Apr 2022
A for anybody; for any of you reading
into my heart. Try correct the spelling.

B for beginning; to any great story I’m
soon to tell. I hope to get your understanding.

C for seasons; oh for life’s many moments
comes with change. All reshaping.

D for decisions; mostly the critical ones
I make in a day. I do so after praying.

E for eating; especially when I’m in a such
a bad mood. Who doesn’t love eating?

F for effort; so fit to do even in the hardest
of all situations. Just keep pushing!

G for ginger; sweet and bitter at times
while trying to be polite. People are testing.

H for eish; a word I often say under a lot
of daily stress. The closest I am to swearing.

I for iron; cause life’s a pressing matter
of sorts. And close to *******.

J for Jane; I couldn’t think of a clever word
but I’d most likely crush on one. Just saying.

K for Kassan; I wouldn’t be one shying away
from loving himself. I’m quite impressing.

L for l-plate; cause I’m still learning this
race to truly love. There’s no point rushing.

M for meh; not much for me to really say
when it comes to it. Just keep it moving.

N for anything; that tickles your fancy
on happiness. Just keep on smiling.

O for oh; of all the many realizations in
this beautiful life. So mesmerising.

P for pea; not the liquid if your mind
leaks. It wasn’t a vegetable I was fond of eating.

Q for cue; maybe as the time for me to
leave, or stick in the line. Cameras always rolling.

R for are; being asked if you are ready or
you are not. Especially if it’s something daring.

S for especially; mostly in the times my points
are right. No need correcting.

T for tedious; I’m not a fan of repeating myself
too many times. Are you listening?

U for euphoria; I’ve never been the happiest
to use that word. But I’m still trying.

V for victorious; and of the vision to
see my successes far ahead. I keep on dreaming.

W for double you; seems a bit to easy
but I’d wish to have a double of you. Talking about loving.

X for excellent; as of when I write something
that fills me with joy. So exciting!

Y for why; for a curious mind hungry
for wisdom, and spirituality. I long for reasoning.

Z for zeal; the cause is done when it finally
meets it’s end. Finally granted the best finishing.
Dawn Ndlovu  Feb 2017
Sad minds
Dawn Ndlovu Feb 2017
As darkness grows bigger,
I am falling deep in my perfect world as my eyes close,
This dark feeling starts to
Sadness fills my mind,
Emotions run up and down,
Will my mind ever mind its own sadness?
Will it ever stop running back to that moment,
Where love was born and destroyed?
It keeps taking me backward
As if time decided not to move forward
Until I have understood what love is.
I can't deal with this!
So I - I bash my head
On the ground till it cracks!
I open it up to get rid of my own mind,
'Cause these memories ring like an alarm -
What love means,I cannot find.
I hear sad voices in my head;
Heartbroken people weeping
'Cause to them love is now dead;
They need me to redeem them,
To save them,
To love them -
Because only in me
Do they see love which
I do not see;
But I'd rather die
Than to go back to that traumatic experience
Where love is a lie.
As darkness grows bigger
Sadness in my mind itself glows brighter;
And love dies quicker!
I'd rather have it so,
Because no one in this lifetime is ever real now,bro.
-Dawn and XDaPoet
When life through you lemon make lemonade.
When problem appear in you life make it progress.
When friends turn their back stand up straight and move on
If people confront you just comfort them

What ever
We are in a journey, not knowing our place to reach but we keep moving.

When people stear you make it steering.
When people make jokes of you make it joko and drink it.

What ever life gives you don't hesitate to give an opposite of it

What ever eish
What ever

— The End —