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So Cal    I bang at keys or scribble with pen and try to find the words to tell a story someone else might understand. All poems © …
Always Consider  Everyone
BeAuTy, iT’s WhAt SuRrOuNdS yOu EvEn In DaRkNeSs.. -A.c.E
always anxious
21/F/Denmark    i suffer from generalised anxiety, anxiety and Tourettes and i have tough days. You may also find poems about eating diorder, depression and suicide.
Mi    Figuring it all out. Note: All poetry posted is original works of SomeThingsSitSideways. I politely request you treat my work as such, and I will …
Always Somewhere
28/M/Planet Earth   
Always Ally
California    Hi, I'm Ally. I like to write poems occasionally. I hope you enjoy them.
Evening Ways
I live to expose a truth that showed its face to me some years ago. Now I'm just putting the peaces back into place.
Surat    i like to make my own destiny, my own world, where love is must, care is what I have, and Help is truth,...
L always
I will share my words you see--slowly.
Melbourne    Cause I'm a g, you no I keep a straight face
My Imagination   
I hate filling "Bio" sections. Autobiography: Libby loves to write poetry but also dabbles in short stories and essays for fun. She writes in personifications …
33/F    inside my frame are a million of the same things swirling about that all at once come out around the world newly made old

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