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pragya santani
assam    I believe in words.
Leory Santana dawn
24/M/Miami    The darkness became a new light
Akela Santana
24/Canada    I'm a sad girl who should've died in 2014.
Hugo de Santa Catarina
122/M/the Vatican    I write poems about people i like and don't like, which they'll probably never read, on a website they'll probably never visit
Kimberly Santana
Matheus Santacroce Martins
São Paulo, Brazil    20 years old. blogger. studying Psychology. addicted in new music. movie lover. love words. learning addicted. like the emoction (.-.). 19 anos, blogueiro por fatalidade, …
Cristina N Santana
22/F/Bronx, NY    Hello! I'm Cristina, and I am slowly but surely getting back into poetry! I haven't written in years, but I recently picked it up and …
Basanta Kumara Behera
Dr. B K. Behera is a young old man and presently working as advisor to a drug manufacturing factory. Earlier to this assignment, he was …
Santanu Bez
19/Gender Fluid   

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