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Trelon Grant
19/M/Charlotte, NC    When the acorns gleam and oft abound, it is easy for a person to lose themselves in the cobwebs. I write to convey abstracts as …
Duncan Grant Bell
South Africa    I love my God, and the beauty He has created
Grant Horst
Wisconsin    A kid in search of a land free of worry I'm a student who recently got interested in this writing stuff, started mainly as a …
Rose Grant
My own world    umm wat to say....... lets see . i love myself n I like taking life seriously and also casually depending upon the situation . I …
Mollie Grant
Wilmington, NC    Creative Writing & Poetry student at UNCW that really likes punctuation.
Scott A Grant
Follow the journey through my life experiences, unscripted thoughts and visionary insights. Always give passion a second look, the truth is what they believe. I …
Brittany E Grant
Grant Dickson
55/M/Edinburgh    I'm a father of 5 children, and grandfather to 2. I just started writing poetry and poems etc by chance over 12yr ago.
Grant Mailo
Tempe, AZ    I like to write.
Grant B
30/M/Alexandria, VA   
15/M/auckland, new zealand    lil kid from nz expresinh my thoughts and mind:) enjoy
Grant Newton
Southwest Ohio    Just posting the lyrics I write for my band. Simple enough.
Springfield, MO   
Madeline Grant
West Virginia   
Lucas Grant
16/M    "Confess or I'll find out"
New York City    Stories & more...
Grant Boer
Michigan    I express my feelings through the music of word.
Caroline Grant
Coventry    I write what I feel in a way in which I love. if you don't like it then ok I don't mind love, Caroline
Chianta Sheffield-Grant
Jaime Will Grant
Florida    If my words aren't honest--if they don't ring true--then I'm not writing well enough. Pretense isn't something I've ever been interested in. It's obnoxious to …

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