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I'm not dead yet so I have no reason to tell you about me when you can obviously get to know me yourself....
in·suf·fi·cient ˈinsəˈfiSHənt/ adjective Definition: not enough; inadequate.
Gouge The Fiction
Idle Insignificance
Melbourne    For want of a voyage, a new life began. For the want of a dream, she travelled much further.
lover, believer, creator
Ontario    I dig deep thoughts and deeper meaning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am nothing but a sad adolescent with an overload of emotions that look best when written
Pacifica Northwest
Grand Rapids    Writing is a magnificent release for all emotions. I find comfort in regurgitating my feelings onto paper, then organizing them into something beautiful. I believe …
Artificial Madness
M/Seattle    Poetry is mainly therapeutic for me. Would just like to share some of the stuff I write.
26/M    Words that I think sound good together and also express my feelings. For fans of: Sadness, heartbreak, Halal food.
Guido Orifice
"in Tyler we trusted"
Sylvia Ficker
Edinburg tx   
Pacific Wolf
19    Professional dreamer with the day job of being a paradox. Can be found in open football grounds, sipping chai and asking questions.
Dane Ficklin
London    May - London - 21 Yrs - Law Grad - Writer - Painter - Christian I guess I was born with an old soul. Expression …
21/M/India    You Can Called Me SolitudeTraveller, Whom Creating It's Own Path Toward Horizon..!!
17/F/trichy    A girl who writes what she feels inside
Fictitious Zee
Dark recesses of my mind   

— The End —