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The future is now
But some think the future is a big event looming ahead
Not knowing she comes when we're gone dead
When you get to her, she morphs while u sleep
Then you see her no more
And the now swiftly overtakes you
As you keep planning to meet her,
But she will never come
Because she is now
That’s what she will always be
So my advice is
Take one day at a time
To observe is to be wise
Fixing your eyes on now,
She is the future you can manipulate
The rest is wishful thinking
And wishes are horses for beggars riding to
Tomorrow, the biggest future swiftly overtaken
By today, the only real persistent moment
For us poets to live and leave a statement
The future, she is sand grains away.
Seconds make minutes
Minutes make hours
Hours make days
Days make weeks
Weeks make months
And months make years
The list is endless
But your human life is finite
So make every split-second worth while
Because you can die
In the blink of an eye
Before you truly and fully live your life
Many realities are inside the mind
Let them out now cuz
Every second lost
Will never be regained
And every hour gone
Should be replaced with a new design
If there is anything new down here.
Don’t forget
If you can’t do small things
You can’t do big things
And if you can’t be trusted with few
You can’t definitely be trusted with much
And our capped human life is just a demo
The author of life is testing his pieces
Before giving them the premium version of life.
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After a protracted time
I’ve come to realize
Why you and I
Could never work.
I could feel it,
Each time I held you close,
It was all in front of me
Portrayed by your eyes
I could see it
Your eyes betrayed you
Even under an overdose,
With your comatose
I could see my loss
Floating on the waters
Like a putrefying corpse
Your stench haunted my days
And darkened my nights
But the pitch black night finally vanished
And the thick black cloud vaporized.
I realized how pulverized I was,
As I envisioned why we could never work,
What went wrong, how it went wrong and when I felt wrong… When you told me to be strong
And asked me how long I could wait for a ratchet
Only then I would have never,
Never promised you a single second of my time cuz
All you ever made me do was commit crimes in the name of love That’s why we could never work
For a dog can never be a soul mate with a wolf
A monogamous creature betrayed by a polygamous animal
What a shame for a god like me to lust after a dog like you
I should have seen it
But how could I when grief was my poison?  
The venom which took me from the height I fell
And only came to realize
I have to fly high in the sky asking none why
For eagles can’t soar with filthy vultures  
How I hate what I once soul craved
won’t adore dirt in flesh sepulchers
And death from a ***** I once hotly pursued in lust not love.

— The End —