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Bipolaroid Gingerlust
Mental illness is a blessing <3 </3 :): Bipolar and I like things... Yeah THINGS ARE GREAT I FUCKING HATE THINGS


September Jan 2014
You are not defined by your fading photographs.
Your personality does not have a white frame.
You are a Polaroid *******.
kalopsia Nov 2013
"In our old attic
I saw a basket made of batik
It was covered with dust
But inside it reminded me the past

I saw our old Polaroid photos
It is our couple mementos
Some pictures' ink already faded
But for me our memories never ended

And I miss you, your warm hugs
Baking you brownie in a mug
I miss seeing your funny sinister smile
And now I can't even see it for awhile

It was hard to describe what I have been through the years,
Every day I was in tears
From you, I wanted to hear
That "I love you, my dear."

This Polaroid photos, I will keep
In my heart, very deep.
'Till we meet again, my dear'
Maybe not today nor in a year.
But please promise me you'll always be here."
I keep your polaroids
in the scarlet pouch
laced with memories of our childhood

I have your polaroid
glued on my journal with
some dried fragrant
dandelions to keep you alive
in my head

I keep you caged in a polaroid
and maybe that's all I have,
that's YOU