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Kida Price
On the planet    "Conformity is only societies way of saying, "Misery loves company."- A personal quote I've created that would justify never leaving my comfort zone. Impressed yet?
Sadly Kida
20/F/Someone's dusty attic    My writing may suck but i enjoy it :)
Alem Kidane


Brittney T  Feb 2018
Brittney T Feb 2018
Tiny paws thud over to a food dish.
Crunch crunch crunch
Half asleep, a grin spreads across my face.
Little chirps meet my ears
Before I feel the bed shift
Under the smallest amount of weight.
The pitch of her purr makes my heart feel at peace.
I open my eyes as she climbs onto my chest
And rubs a furry little face against my neck.
The little ball of fluff settles in and
We fall asleep.
I rescued Kida in early December. She was a stray that would walk up on our porch. My dad was bringing groceries in and she strolled right in past our big dogs. That's when I fell in love. The first night she after she had been cleared by the vet to come in she crawled right into my bed and fell asleep with me.