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30/A Metaphorical Garden    Who I am is not important, nor are my thoughts. I am the ramblings of a mute
Hummingbird Blue
Ashtin Paige Hummingbird
oblivion    i don't write to please. i write to express.


Jim Davis Aug 2019
hummingbird boy
hummingbird girl
(seeking only a long summertime of hum
sipping dark red flowers and then some)

summer hummingbird
hummingbird hummingbird
hummingbird unfurls
hummingbird whirs
hummingbird twirls
twirling hummingbird
twirl twirl hummingbird
hummingbird whirls
whirling hummingbird
whirl whirl hummingbird
hummingbird pearls
pearls of hummingbird
pearl hummingbird pearl
humming hummingbird
hum hum hummingbird
hummingbird hummingbird
humming hummingbird
hummingbird bird hums
hum hummingbird hum
fuming hummingbird
fume fume hummingbird
hummingbird fumes
watching... waiting
for any hummingbird girl
humming hummingbird
hummingbird summer

Heard hummingbird’s whir
Within a bright summer day
A whir... now... heart beats

©  2019 Jim Davis
An experiment now - posting the poem again!   I posted this poem yesterday / did not get any likes/loves/comments - nothing?  Didn’t think it was that bad... but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!  Just sorta strange that my last few poems have trended... but this one - nothing!  Anybody out there??
Mikaila Feb 2013
Hummingbird heart flutters in your throat.
It's like having someone squeeze your lungs slowly.
It must be what dying feels like,
Hummingbird heart.
You know how their wings beat so fast and hard,
How you only see the blur?
Hummingbird heart,
It HURTS to be so fast inside.
Whirring like a machine out of control, overheating,
Friction fire in your throat,
Tears escaping bare and raw.
It hurts to be so vicious, like a runaway train with sparks flying.
Hummingbird heart,
Stuck on the other side of glass, pounding, pounding to get out.
Hummingbird heart, faster, faster.
A balloon about to burst.
Whirring, spinning, shivering.
Hummingbird heart,
Nowhere to run.
Hummingbird heart,
Nothing to be done.
Hummingbird heart,
Hemmed in, stuck fast, immobilized.
Hummingbird heart,
Speeding up, frantic, painful.
Hummingbird heart,
You don't have long.