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California    I like to write.


Me quedas tú, y me donas la alegría
con el dolor, y tu miel deleitable
con el acerbo aloe.

Me quedas tú, y la luz que tu alma cría
dentro la tenebrura inenarrable
de mi yo solitario:

Siempre loe
tu don ilusionario.

Me quedas tú, y el claro sortilegio
de tus ojos rientes: con su hechizo
mi soledad se puebla.

Me quedas tú, y tu risa, cuyo arpegio
me embriaga, y tu tesoro de oro obrizo
solaz del alma sola:

La gris niebla
tu regalo aureola.

Me quedas tú, y el filtro que tu ardida
boca frutal, sombreada, en mis febriles
resecos labios vierte.

Me quedas tú, la ingenua enardecida,
me quedas tú, la experta, de sutiles
tácticas retrecheras:

Vida. Muerte.
Lo que quieras.
Tommy Johnson Aug 2014
She never skips a micro-meal
She's familiar with her own late night solo acts
Reaching down, drenched nine fathoms deep

He's on the outside looking in
Slipping on his finger-less gloves
Hiding behind a smile as his feet take him
Somewhere dead

Over-stuffed mellow-dramatics
Prima Donas and drama queens

Its four o'clock I need, a pick me up
It's too early for this, I need my stuff
Oh, it's nothing, don't ask me what

It's time, time for my medicine
It's time, that time yet again
It's time, my habitual regimen

Soul subtraction brings me satisfaction
Eternal extraction gives me satisfaction


Means to an end
All's well that ends well
I mean well
Well, ****

       -Tommy Johnson