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Chris Balase Jul 2019
My annoying wavy hair
was the curse and my ridicule
when I was young.

"Curly hair is a plague!"
They ghast!
Lashing down my confidence.

How annoying was to comb it
wishing to have
the same straight hair as my peers

Until the day I lost most of it.

Now I miss my annoying hair
I miss people noticing it
I miss brushing it
I miss being annoyed by it...

the same way I miss the annoying You.
I miss our little quarrels
our mishaps
our hugs
our tears
I miss people talking bad about us
I miss the anger brought by our love
I miss the midnight talks
I miss the times we don't speak
  because we were afraid to make things worse
I miss our secret adventures
Our saddest mistakes
your annoying voice
your angry stare
and all your negativity

Like my annoying hair
I wished that I had done everything
to keep you
I wished that
I held on one last time.

I miss my annoying hair
the same way that I miss
my annoying life with you

It's annoying.
Ann M Johnson Oct 2014
It plays again filling me with dread
it's melody plays like a jackhammer in my head
I just want to run and get away from
that annoying song
Worse yet it seems to play everywhere I go
that annoying song
The lyrics make me feel sick
I want to throw a brick at
that annoying song
After hearing it all day, it plays through my mind
like an uninvited pest
it is disturbing my rest
that annoying song
It plays through my mind as I lay in my bed
I can not seem to get it out of my head
I  can not seem to control my feet that tap to the beat of
that annoying song
I love music, but there are a few songs that are annoying to me.