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A paradoxical melancholy...✁......


The Good Pussy Oct 2014
               911 911                     911 911
           911  911 911             911 911 911
          911  911   911          911   911   911
            911 911 911             911 911 911
            911 911 911             911 911 911
            911 911 911             911 911 911  
            911 911 911             911 911 911
            911 911 911             911 911 911  
            911 911 911             911 911 911    
            911 911 911             911 911 911  
            911 911 911             911 911 911
            911 911 911             911 911 911
            911 911 911             911 911 911
      911 911 911 911       911 911 911 911 911
  911 911 911 911 911     911    911   911   911  
    911 911    911 911          911 911    911 911
        911 9     11 911              911 9      11 911
Here in Texas we have a sayin
We don't call 911
We take care of things ourself
That way we know it's done

But that sayin ain't exactly true
Why, I've called 911 myself
If I had the time
And felt I need their help

911 will always come
No matter the time of day
If you have a need
Call and they are on their way

There are times their help is needed
Especially when things look dire
Such as a serious accident
Or if your house is on fire

I love the men and women of 911
Those heros do the best they can
But they just can't always be quick enough
To lend a helping hand

There are many circumstances
In which you can call and wait
For 911 to arrive
Though in our mind their always late

But there are as many situations
In which 911 is not an option
And as an individual you are forced
To take or not take action

In these types of situations
We do what must be done
And after we are safe
Then we call 911

So here In Texas friend
Know we do not run
If we can we will call
But we don't depend on 911

It's just how we do it in Texas.
HelloGoodbye  Jun 2015
HelloGoodbye Jun 2015
Don't call 911.
I saw the way you looked at me.
Don't call 911.
I don't remember what I drank that night.
Don't call 911.
I woke up alone and broken.
Don't call 911.
My mom will be ashamed of me.
Don't call 911.
No one will want me.
Don't call 911.
No one will love me, I can't tell anyone.
Call 911.
It's too late.