Like a screen door flyin' off the hinges
Like your truck comin' up the drive way
It seems to stem from those cigarette burns
On your forearms
Maybe cause your dad made you **** your dog when
She got sick
Maybe because your mother locked you in the closet
Until you screamed for help
Like a pit-bull
with one blue eye
And one green
Your temper turns them red
Slobbering at the mouth
Cutting yourself with stones
Callin' out to devils
A black horse springing
Down from the clouds
I have just as much a right
To have a temper as you
- but you could drag me to church
Talkin' bout how
Music is the devil
Whiskey is the devil
You may think like a stupid *******
That the devil gives a ****
The only devil I've ever seen
Pressed his workboot to my throat
When I was fourteen
"You ain't no son of mine"
Looking down at me choking
You spit on my face