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California Beaches
A California beach, so cool, so keen
The waves are beautifully serene!

Soft tan sand falls through your fingers
Memories of this beach will forever linger

Not a sound but the waves, seagulls, and children playing
Nothing about this beach is dismaying

Kids playing jump rope with seaweed
Teens riding waves, what a sight indeed!

Laughing, playing, great time today
A California beach is the best I say!
older poem
The ocean, of deep blue mysteries,
Sways in a crushing pool of wonder and histories.
Full of life, larger than small,
The fish swim together, one and all.

It stretches further than the eye can see,
The ocean is entirely free.
Waves that crash on the rocky outcrop,
They will never not move, they will never not stop.

The Ocean gleams off the bright sunset,
Sharks that lurk beneath, propose a threat.
Seaweed dangles beneath the broad sea,
Seagulls sway above flying in a spree.

Lifeguards rest on the shore ahead,
Crisp sea air blows against their head.
Dolphins, Squids, Seals and more,
Wait until you hear the whale’s mighty roar.

I love the ocean; it’s beautiful to me,
I just hope you see the same, I plea.
 Dec 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
Crashing atoms of astonishing substance.
That is the nature of our existence,
bouncing about the constancy of physics.
Tied to each other by means
of unexplainable phenomena.
The drama unfolding stubbornly
into a war of races.
One with no one racing.
But when the folks of the future look back on me
they wouldn’t have a foreboding demeanor.

It is so easy to be so arrogant.
My progenies will learn what ?
I bet that when I die,
I’ll be reborn into an alien form.
At least for now,
that’s my objective.
Don't spill your guts for those you thought you could trust,
There is so much deceit behind their lying eyes,
So much deception and cruelty behind their lips
As they whisper
You can trust me. I promise.
Broken promises are scattered on the floor
And I have stepped on the razor shards,
I caught myself in the bear-trap
And I'm stuck in this quick sand
of repetitive regret and resentment.
It seems inevitable that I will open myself
Up to people,
But it is their own fault that I have closed my doors to them.
Trust takes months to build and only seconds to destroy.
In my veiny skeletal  hands, is a war
One which I did not start
Just a innocent bystander
Watching my solid foundation turn into powder
Reeled in involuntarily
Siding with one party
Making an enemy of myself to the other party
A war which wasn't mine
A war I was not shielded  from
A war that ended long ago
In my mind the war is still alive
I know not why I carry it with me

Like the scars on the  flesh that covers my carpus
The scars in my mind run deep
They will never fade

In my frail heart therein lies memories
Of a past ought to be forgotten
The memories I cling to
To fuel my hatred
Like pouring diesel into a burning fire
Sustaining this fury that burns inside of me
Lugging resentment like that massive suitcase too big for you to carry

Forever the oversensitive one
These overwhelming emotions are taking over
From here on now rationality  has been lost

This war will be my demise
Bitterness in an incurable sickness
A desire doused in vermilion
The unquenchable thirst for the sweet fluid that pumps through your  veins
To the point where it enrages and cages

Engraving my name on your ribs so I'll be forever near your heart
Cradling your heart in my palm
To change the rhythm of it's beating so it grows fond of me

Don't shiver when I call out your name
I feed from you because
I know what's best for you
Can't you see you need me
You're nothing without me
Now hush! Let's go for a drive and kiss me at the tombs
Play with my hair some more, pull it out in clumps then choke me
I promise I'll beg for more

Soon we will be joined in matrimony
I picked out our song
A death metal number for our first dance
Infinity is you and I
I will wear my dress of doom
With the teeth of your former lovers as a necklace
You will wear your leather jacket and motorcycle boots
You will kneel and profess your undying love for me
If you ever leave me
I'll **** you
Because I love you
We sweat out the holy stuff.
You used my ribs like one uses
the rough side of a matchbox
striking up your fingertips
to light the rest of my skin on fire.

I'm glad I was just another burnt tip
in your collection.
I'm glad it was an easy discard.

I took a mental photograph
of you in that moment--
Bare chest, pulling down your boxers,
holding my face like one molds a statue,
bite marks on my jaw line.

I smoldered in your sheets,
you kicked me out of bed.
This must be what Pompeii  looked like
after all the ashes cleared.

I'm glad I was just another pretty girl
you liked to watch go up in flames.

I'm glad you didn't ask me to stay.
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