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This is your last poem my love
You have taken enough of my words and I will now give them to someone else
Eternity will read of you but I no longer love you
I have let you go

So go
Chase your dreams and conquer your demons
Fill your soul with unimaginable joy
We are no longer tied together
I have cut the last string
There is nothing left of us

But if you ever get lost
And look back to the moments in which you loved me
Remember it always as time when you were so tenderly and unconditionally
How positively twisted is life
That for years I spent writing you letters thanking you for being the love of my life

And now only a year has passed
And I am writing poems for strangers to tell them all that I have become in your absence
I look to the moon
He silently nods
And we both hold onto each other
Thankful there is someone else out there
Willing to bear our secrets in the dark
Because the truth hurts and the sun is too revealing for all the things we end up doing at night
I think reason why she was so misunderstood was because when she looked at things,
She saw the millions of lives affected by it
Where she picks up an ancient book and can't help but imagine the author writing it at the middle of night with tired hands and hardly any ink left with a candle barely burning

Other people see collected dust
Do not make it her fault that you finally realized how incredible she was
And she realized she no longer has the desire to share it with you
I would rather spend a lifetime simply brushing shoulders with you than making love to anyone else
I would choose your whisper into my ear over the sound of a hundred angels singing "Hallelujah"
I would rather spend forever imagining the feeling of your hands than being touched by the greatest man
I would choose hearing you say, "I love you" to another woman than have a million men calling my name
If I had to
I would pick being mere acquaintances with you over being mad lovers with someone else
To be able to spend the rest of my life looking into your eyes I would give up the ability to see all of the stars and the moon and even, the ocean
I would rather take a bullet for you and die never knowing your kiss than live in a castle with an army of 100,000 men

I cannot explain to you what it is about you that has so greatly captured my heart
All I know this:

I would rather have nothing with you
Than the greatest love story with someone else
To her
They were just boys
Coming and going
Like tides taking effortlessly from the shore

But to them
She was the moon disturbing all their movements,
Controlling their feelings with her mysterious big eyes
And they were all helpless to her pull
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