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the bees are sharing their dreams
with me

and I want to know what
it feels like to rob a bank,
to run naked through the moonlit garden,
compose a sonata,
stare up into trees
then pause to listen to blue birds singing,

the bees are sharing their dreams with me, today

and I want to run with the bulls
in Pamplona

I want to remember

time insane
when untamed dreams
ran wild
in the dim light
of a room without windows

purple eyeshadow and lips

dancing through misty memory,
she comes

quiet midnight settling in her eyes
bare foot waif, never kind...

the thief of my dreams
Look at
them gather
at the gallows.
That's entertainment.
Monkeys sell
popcorn, and do
tricks, dressed in
sailor suits.
You bought your
Now enjoy the show.

The crowds get bigger.
Everyone loves a
good tragedy, except
the one being hanged.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Hobbled by the
sun, and laid
prostrate by
days of
Days of
and worse.
Only writing
could save me.

Poor and lonely.
No warm woman to
No *****.
No home.
But, I had my
It let the light in,
and buffered me from
the crowds of
scarecrows with sewn
on smiles.

Writing keeps me
immortal and kills
the pain.
It soothes the
mice lost in
the maze, and
brings the stray cat
home to a house where
he's safe.
Writing is the
pillow that keeps
my head up, and
my heart engaged.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems.
I also have a brand new limited edition book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories, available on Booksie
darkened clouds surround
thunder claps sound arrival
counting till the light
when you get creamated and the smoke begins to rise
its your soul departing heading for the skies
to heaven up above so very far away
to it resting  place from now on it will stay

no more pain to suffer from now on only peace
troubles and the turmoil now at  last will cease
in heaven up above with a life thats free
your final resting place for eternity
For a time, this morning my
inner yard and porch looked
like a festive circus of delight.
Three outside cats joined for
a time by my inside feline put
on quite a show. Running and
jumping into the air, chasing
anything that flew in the ether
or quickstepped through the
lawn or dirt. Insects on the wing,
Shrews scooting through the grass.
Lightning fast furballs even chasing
one another around bushes, plants,
up trees and down again and around
the water fountain, like a pod of excited
children happily at play in a city park,
unbridled morning exuberance in the
most delightful way!

Perhaps, maybe, just for my enjoyment
or so I would like to think. But in reality
it was merely happy cat behavior on display
just for their own hedonistic amusement.
With another day of 100+ degree
temperatures approaching after a
few minutes of their circus jubilation
celebration gave way to open mouth
panting and shady places to lay out of
the sun, cats are not stupid creatures.
But they do like to have fun.

Yes, I know I could write about the
serious and dire matters as screamed
by all the talking heads on TV, the
political BS darkness that pervades
our land, but I prefer light to darkness.
And the things I have some control
over rather than no control at all.
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