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May 2016 · 415
i'm sorry i write about you
Sarah May 2016
yes i know
poetry is for paper
but goodness if i could just burn the inkstains off
these fingers i just want you to
how loud my heart talks
i'm sorry i can't keep
my hands the ink
the blood to myself
words are all i've given away
but for people like you
i think i could never write enough
im so real
Apr 2016 · 434
no one
Sarah Apr 2016
it's always just the ink in the end
my fingers are stone and there
is cloud in my blood i think gravity
might have forgotten me
if words could anchor me to
the earth, who would i write for?
i know when youre around
Apr 2016 · 445
Sarah Apr 2016
do not underestimate how
flammable my blood is; i will spill
all over these bridges and you
will ******* forget about me
remember the smoke after, you leave your
PITY on my doorstep and you will
watch how i set the flowers alight
and smear the ashes all over my door
you will not find home here anymore
i am an arsonist to my bones
my heart is the pyre, please just
leave me in the fire
cause i know the sound
Apr 2016 · 481
Sarah Apr 2016
i hear her coming before her shadow steps over the door
she smells like silence like rain dragging its *****
fingers down my windows in the dark like waking up
next to your own dead body like watching your
fingers fade when you hold on so tight so tight
you don't notice you've been holding your breath
two months long she comes and she goes; the things
i would do for a lock on this door, the people i will
fall for in the corridors, bleeding fingers leave
graffiti down the staircase it's raining inside, and
she slips in anyway my skin is her resting place i know
it when the quiet is drowning me and my thoughts i know it
when she swallows my pulse i know it when she drags me
my gentle little anchor
take me where you will
you know i'll come up for air
when i don't need it anymore
i wont even miss you
Apr 2016 · 338
to anda
Sarah Apr 2016
your hands are always so cold
and I burn so bright I know I hurt to
touch but I just wanted you to know
that you don't ever have to shiver alone
for my egg
Apr 2016 · 325
Sarah Apr 2016
she texted saying she just smoked
seven in a row and all I'm reading
is **** him for me where does he live
I'll leave his intestines trailing out his
window leave your love letters at the door
oh my god what am i holding back for
girls like girls
Apr 2016 · 351
you're never reading this.
Sarah Apr 2016
i think she likes the bad boys
but i'm just a girl not grunge enough
for you and your leather
i've got paper in my pockets instead
of the cigarettes you're craving
i want to rip it out from your mouth
just quit ******* smoking throw the bottles
away tell me your secrets instead
god i know you'll laugh at me for
writing about you but you're such a flame
light one up for me too
i'll let it burn out as i listen to you
tell me if i am mirror to you too
tell me how i can hate everything about me
and love it all when it's you
youve got me talking in my sleep
Apr 2016 · 339
Sarah Apr 2016
you're so ***** but I'm darker than
your fingers are afterwards
and i'm thinking about you in the bathwater, colors draining our
sounds it's not loud enough I JUST want
the music crashing off the tiles and the walls
you're playing harpstrings down my navel, strum
me with the high notes and I'll sing on my knees for you,
my flute, my trumpet, orchestra
of desire I want to be your muse
natural forms, still life in the sunlight
sketching the motion of it all slow and languid brushstroke beginnings
and then crescendo and fingernails down your back your hands
painting my hips I want every touch in
every stroke instant in a snapshot
in a frame black and white wildfire
neon when the art is tired
spill the paint all over me bristles
brushing against us oh my god
how do i tell you i want it in my veins
in my lungs
handwriting down my arms scribble over
the mistakes cliff hanging on my collarbone
don't worry
my neck will be your secret, I'll keep your
words safe whisper your stories all over me
I want to wake up poetry I want to wake up novella
canvas symphony love me
like a masterpiece
i dont wanna touch the ground
Mar 2016 · 336
alive III
Sarah Mar 2016
my skin is a casket and
my voice is hoarse from calling
myself back to the ocean shore
*please come home, my forgotten soul
how will a corpse breathe on its own?
taking my cheeks in the palm of your hand
Mar 2016 · 300
empty hand
Sarah Mar 2016
ask me about my safe place
and i'll tell you about mirrors
three and a half walls is what i remember
a little cracked because you leave the fear
with your shoes at the door, bow before you step in
eyes closed, breathing in
rivaling your reflection and rest assured,
you will be stronger than before
i want to write about uniforms pristine and fists clenched and how proud i was of every little step closer to the front line but the strength is in the moments i can count over my knuckles over and over again :
i. red moon scars bisecting the destiny lines i don't care about but look black belt! look how tight my fists are
ii. walking down the street us three brown brown black mothers suddenly in front of their little ones and HYAA! from every third passerby; downtown is so beautiful
iii. sensei's office: trying not to cry because it takes all i have to crawl to the dojo every monday and by the time i'm standing there hands flat by my side the three strips on my brown just aren't good enough, 'thank you for coming today'
iv. third time i have passed out in the past half hour but you're making me get up get up get up spinning hook kick i nearly pass out again because i DID IT
v. ichi nee san **** it's all japanese translating into 'i bully you because you are strong enough today' snap kick, in your face
vi. coming home comparing the bruises my mother is smiling shaking her head and her own is begging us to please just quit
vii. the living room is our own little battleground I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE NEWS GO BREAK YOUR BACKS IN YOUR OWN ROOMS
viii. i have muscles no you can't make me shut up
ix. the morning after: every limb creaking like abandoned warehouse floors but i'm relishing the burning with every turn of my head, stretch of my legs because it aches sweet like valour sweet like brave
x. just the stairs we used to choose the elevator over because yellow belts what do you want from us, just the dread of mondays and thursdays dissolving into bliss in meditation, just my legs dragging me back to war when the rest of me would very much rather be back in bed but it's been an entire week without punching bags and i miss the victory when you hit and the nobility when you miss miss miss and just the burning pride watching my baby brother punch so hard my little sister and her leg flying well above her ahead and just
knowing that i will never ever be afraid
ode to karate
Mar 2016 · 319
Sarah Mar 2016
i'm scared of the untruths, the trailing explanations,
the yeah
i love you too
the fillers in between two halves of choking out reality, the enjambement, the space
the empty when someone decides
to wrap secrets in the words they won't say
i've never known how to leave the ellipses dangling off my fingers
in handshakes, embraces, goodbyes
every utterance is a full sentence
nothing hidden away
love in implication, leaving in the pauses between the sighs:
are you breaking my heart or is this the way you say good night
i don't understand
can we forget about it
Mar 2016 · 227
I care
Sarah Mar 2016
you told me you cared about me

take these pretty words, please
beautiful in poetry, art stains on napkins
left behind on trains when the night ends, whispers
to ceilings in the dark but to me,

this is terror down my spine run run
run i don't want to hear the rest of it

how you'll be there when i can't
breathe PLEASE it's happening already
the fear in every joint screaming escape
when you open your arms wide
how i can tell you everything that keeps me
awake as if my mouth is a faucet
confessional already dripping all over me
as if just you can trust me can
save me
instead of breaking me
as if you've never known how easy
it is to feel safe in a lie
and we're burning all the bridges now
Feb 2016 · 516
Sarah Feb 2016
half a flashback
and my head is cradled
in her lap and those long fingers
would have been braiding whispers
into my hair if it wasn't for
math class - voices splashing
all over the walls but
it's the quiet humming around
us; i wanted to tell you
that when i'm alone
i think of all the places
that i might just have
been home
youre so cold
Feb 2016 · 660
Sarah Feb 2016
poetry has been eluding me
I'm hunting the words down with blood
stained palms; can't you hear me?
am I bleeding too quietly

my heart holds no names any longer
these are crevices I want to
paint all over again
I want it ***** under my fingernails I want
it greasing my hair I want art crawling up my
arms I want it in the dark in the quiet I want to
be consumed in colors I'm afraid to inhale
devour me, poetry
I am only the lungs
you are the air
i need u
Jan 2016 · 331
stars II
Sarah Jan 2016
we were tangled up in
our shyness, the silence of a forever
so definite, so ours
stretching languidly before us
a promise between the quiet we shared
my fingers were trying
to piece the same old words
into poetry i love you i love you you you
when you said to me

i wouldn't trade you for the world
present tense and lightyears apart
now, she must be a ******* nebula
is her breath stardust all over your neck
her eyes galaxies your own cannot resist
? i was your flower
my precious little love
is she your star?
its still not quite the way it was
Jan 2016 · 301
quiet II
Sarah Jan 2016
you are an old melody
do you remember when you were on
the tip of my tongue, the name singing in my head
a tune i've shoved down my throat
so there is a little silence in my hands
i've forgotten the words
that strung us together
symphonies of destinies i couldn't keep
music is for the musing
for the loved and the loving
for the lucky
my fingers belong crushed into walls
away from harp strings, heartstrings
same ******* thing
i can't hear my heart beat
this quiet won't break me
the way your silence did
don't listen to a single word i've said
Jan 2016 · 244
Sarah Jan 2016
there were so many stories i wrote
between the lines trembling faintly across my
palms like the roots of trees, desperate
to entangle themselves home
around my wrists

so many stories without you
my lost little muse
i was a poet before you
after you
i can't recall a single word
like you
Jan 2016 · 212
Sarah Jan 2016
i think my heart is broken
is it working right
i feel so light, i can't feel
i can't write
Dec 2015 · 266
Sarah Dec 2015
it's all a tint of grey these days
poetry tastes so bland when i'm not bleeding
in colour
i'll be the shipwreck that takes you down
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
near our parting ways
Sarah Dec 2015
there are pretty clouds and there is
hanging fog
the rain is spilling through the
spaces between my fingers
splashing at my feet like the
things you used to say to me
i can't hear you anymore
you're in love again
some other girl some other name
i don't want to hear a single ******* thing
if you're happy why are you watching me
in my familiar misery
it rains wherever i am
you're so lucky you are far away
please don't tell you'll stay
my fingers aren't working right
after clutching onto you so tight
am i supposed to say goodbye
without venom and spite
it's a little difficult, forgive me please
you used to be my anchor
and suddenly
ground shifting, earth quaking
and now you are the reason i can't breathe
underground seventeen feet deep
you didn't save me
you barely even tried
kicking screaming softly speaking
Dec 2015 · 286
Sarah Dec 2015
they've all got silk for voices
measured pauses, pretty words
pain they know how to articulate and there is me
fading into the audience, happy to act
like i've never written a poem
all my life
as if i can listen to their art without
feeling my fingers quiver and resonate to the very words they say written
all over the hands i've hidden away

i like my fists in my pockets,
i like feeling safe
but they are up there naked in the most spiritual way
i can't look any of them in the eye
without hearing the poetry they wear
like a definition of the souls they've learnt
how to chain to the bones they claim to loathe so ******* much

i think of standing up there;
reading the things my fingers have whispered
over paper on nights i can't even remember,
and then i can't breathe
this poetry is my saviour please
words fade faster the louder you speak
my secrets are on paper i don't even keep
why should i trade in the only air i know
how to breathe for pity i'll never deserve?
i was drifting on the ocean tide
Dec 2015 · 211
Sarah Dec 2015
you'll come home one day
wondering how your little first love has
been, wondering how the years have slipped past our hands
and I'll be a thousand more miles away,
waking up to clear skies and falling
asleep to thoughts of how there are blessings
in every word God has said
in every promise I have kept
and I will be alive.

we were a collision of stardust
of soul debris and shy hands afraid to let go
fate is momentum we cannot resist
we are hearts apart now and we will be
years apart the next time you think of me
I'm not waiting, old lover
you are a little habit melody in my head
I'm sorry, I'm forgetting all the words
aren't we lucky?
it's too late for hearts to break
we were young
Dec 2015 · 199
Sarah Dec 2015
it's not raining so much
i dreamt of you and i am awake
and i am whole
i traded my art for a little breath in my lungs
i can't write anymore
but i can breathe just fine
**** this is awful oh my god
Dec 2015 · 232
Sarah Dec 2015
he never trusted the universe. he didn't believe in the things he couldn't see - the words that fell out of our hands like histories written long before all of this; tug of war and how heartstrings were tangled for us; just old thread and new heartbeats

and he planted faith in me, quiet little hope blooming in the light of dawn cracking across the horizon i couldn't share. i wanted to keep these little things, this destiny. on the nights i wasn't breaking, i was praying. i wanted to share my fate (or is it faith?) with you.

you speak of forever like it's something we create, i tell you there are forces beyond just me and you. you look at me like i am the happiness waiting ahead of you and you are so afraid because there is nothing in our hands, you say there is nothing to hold onto. i say there is us and there is god

or i would have said so if you hadn't let me go
and if the stars burn out the sky
Nov 2015 · 274
you don't know yourself
Sarah Nov 2015
you are desperate to become
the stranger you used to be
except i know your
heart better than i know my own
i will paint you
the insides of your soul
tell me where
the strokes are not soft enough
tell me where the colors
are brighter than you are used to
tell me where you see
do you know who you are?
i will not go back
Nov 2015 · 231
Sarah Nov 2015
i wear the loneliness like an
old sweater now,
telling myself that winters are
always this cold
with or without
you to hold
take me anywhere but here
Nov 2015 · 313
Sarah Nov 2015
i need a little harder than this forget the lips i'm all teeth abrasive misery this isn't lust THIS IS war you think i'm so hot sweet little volcano in your arms now that you're gone i'm burning up all huntress on the prowl my claws are aching to drag your carcass back to my heart but i loved you once did i not?

i need the sparks not the light you're lucky you're the one that got away
i got in a street fight
Nov 2015 · 317
i don't think of you
Sarah Nov 2015
do you think of me
my name was all your fingers ever held
the thought of us spilling
out of dreams into things that will never be
you are distracted now
without me
you are a liar
if i asked you
who is it that your veins are singing for
who is it that gives you strength when weakness is seeping out of the cracks between our hands
who is it that knows your heart: the quiet little drumbeat when you are broken; the rush the rapids the waterfall when we closed our eyes and imagined a little closer

the truth is caught in your throat, i can hear you
choking on the things that you should say - that's okay
here is your heart back
do what you will
and i will be honest for the both of us
ive got a memory of you
Nov 2015 · 335
Sarah Nov 2015
here is a memory yet to be:

heart spilling out of hands onto keyboard keys, tongue trapped in butterfly wings and ribcage cracks, head pounding, world stopping
( 'i couldn't get over you'
  'i miss you'
  'i'm still here' )

knuckles red and empty chest, tired feet with no one to run to, swallow the loneliness go on there's no one watching, god these bleeding palms are scarring now, there is daytime sometimes but never when i need the light, i can't even ******* write

'what am i supposed to say?'
i wanna see you but youre not mine
Nov 2015 · 381
Sarah Nov 2015
it's just a little drizzle on my shoulders now
my hands are empty of yours and
i've never felt so light before
there you are -
side of the road; last month's heartbreak still on your face
hands in pockets and words shoved even deeper
i bring up love
and you bring up how forever was never ours
to claim, except i wanted us more than
the air in my lungs
(i tried to trade one for the other and you
still didn't know what to say)
the poetry i write is stinking
of greyscale rain your hands are the cold
of another girl's and this will be the part where i
walk away
im speeding cause it feels good
Nov 2015 · 339
you know
Sarah Nov 2015
you know
i'm a little scared of
anchors; my wrists are not
for oceans to chain
to the very bottom of seabeds and
waiting graves
oh god please you know i can't stay
you make the tide in my veins
fall back into old sadness and lonely
drowning lungs i can't breathe
i want to run to shore and
farther still you don't care
and i'll fade away into mist don't you see
i can't love you like rain when i am
i'm so not sure
Oct 2015 · 430
Sarah Oct 2015
i never saw myself as a city until you
little hometown boy
with lazy quiet saturday morning eyes and i know my highway lips
are only spilling background noise white noise traffic noise
isn't it too loud where my heart is?
why are you still listening? you are fireplace chimney soft little lover and

i'm a hundred miles per hour too far past the exit sign and i can't ******* breathe when i'm going down this fast isn't it perfect because i never even want to aren't you lost yet i am sharp skyline piercing daydream weekend clouds apart there are no curves on the road i'm tearing up for myself no shotgun for you baby this is me falling apart on the side of the street under a storm cloud

loud little girl suddenly so small because the universe is infinite and i'm just a city of angry broken things can you hear the windows shattering i always tell you i'll burn down my apartment one day do you ever remember the **** i say slow motion urban apocalypse is what quivering mirrors show i'm a ******* movie scene when will the credits roll.

are you waiting too? is that why you want me to stay? you watched me throw my heart downtown little ******* gutter soul and i watched you run after it fish it out from my own rotten ribs and hand it back to me with that shy tangled up in mushy midnight memories when i kept you awake look on your face

you and your soft heartbeat hands for a horizon what do i even say i'm always trying to run away i wish i could slow down for you i wish i wish i wish i could be your little hometown girl with softer countryside eyes and freckles mapping all the secret quiet valleys we fall in love in you want to take me home, don't you? you're aching for a forever with me under soft silent sunlight there's no rush when we have true love right but there is there is THERE IS

i have to move or i'll disappear when i'm not angry i'm not alive i am neon you are candlelight i'm choking on glass shard misery earthquake heartbreak about to topple if you unbalance me IT'S SO LOUD IN MY HEAD all you hear is the laughter rippling out of me because trainwreck entertainment is all i know how to be

listen, boy. i love all the gentle nooks and crannies of your heart, how much you worry when i'm alone in the dark, but cities are only pretty when the light fades away, only irresistible from far away

stay where you are and maybe i'll stay
you look so alive
Oct 2015 · 292
a little poetry
Sarah Oct 2015
i want to write myself a dynasty
of poetry, intricate and far away from words that come out so wrong and broken
do you understand a thing i say? i'm trying to
spin a tapestry out of my own pain
all this blood is still the same
same color same red
i wish my words weren't as empty as i am
the ice has always been so filled with you
Oct 2015 · 302
i write for you
Sarah Oct 2015
the last time i saw your
face (laughing eyes and silent
you didn't cry

now you say you don't write anymore
will you say all the words are
caught in your throat
somewhere between a secret
and the truth -
do they really even know
you? from your freckles to your fists
can they read all the words you don't
know how to say
the anger you kept in your hands
and your voice
the anger i kept in
my own since i let you
walk away?
only fools fall for you
Oct 2015 · 288
Sarah Oct 2015
i know i'm all explosion and no hands to hold but have you ever tasted fireworks burning down your throat have you ever set your blood on fire for the thrill the flammable the sheer life of it all have you ever traded your soul for a lighter have you ever

there are volcanoes in me where butterflies are fluttering within you and how can i say
i just want to run away
somewhere there is flame for skies
there is no cold to suffocate
shedding this emptiness like phoenix feathers
and old fears still igniting my skin

yet why is my heart only ash
aching to burst aflame
and yours
quiet little candlelight and slowly falling by the fireplace
i could never leave behind
you keep my hands so warm, all the anger
just seeps away into
feelings so soft there is gentleness dripping
fingertips like poetry
and words that quake and erupt when all i just want
to say is

i think i want you to stay
when the smoke is in your eyes
Oct 2015 · 308
Sarah Oct 2015
i like the silence
when it's you
you hold your promises in your quiet fists,
i can't ever hear you break
when you hold me, your little
ink spill disaster until
morning quakes the heavens apart
daydreams softening your heartbeat
every night
you tell me you'll stay
only ever half awake

there is strength in all
the things you don't know how to say
i'm listening anyway
just to be quiet with you
Aug 2015 · 252
you can't save me
Sarah Aug 2015
you say you've never been so scared before
never wanted to sink your teeth into things you couldn't keep
not like this
chain me to your heartbeat then
anchor this sadness to your bones
but i can't breathe the air in your lungs
you're tearing your veins apart, i know
i know, it's all for me; i feel it in
frantic fingertips and ghosts breathing over
my empty little hands on mornings you
wake up sunlight and me alone, mist shrouding
everything it aches to inhale; i hear the
terror in every word you say
stay hidden in curled little fists i've
never known to cradle in my own

i'm not coming home
we started losing light
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
sunny days
Sarah Aug 2015
sunny days and i'm fading away
maybe you'll hold me some
other time
don't shut your windows to
the rain outside
i told you sunshine doesn't
stay this way
if you can't hear me in thunderstorms
i'm not the summer you
are yearning for
face straight out a movie scene
Aug 2015 · 229
Sarah Aug 2015
there is not much to breathe tonight
not much to say
except that ***** hands and
rotting souls
building a hell of their very own

get what they deserve
all we do is drive
Aug 2015 · 533
Sarah Aug 2015
there is sin tainting
every finger of mine
every inch of rotting

where will i find the
strength to hold up my
hands to god tonight
and california never felt like home to me
Aug 2015 · 311
in between
Sarah Aug 2015
this is somewhere in between
and last night you told
me you couldn't

i am so lost in sin and things
i should not feel and i can't
breathe i can't breathe
i never ******* meant to
i never meant to steal the air from your lungs
this is a darker kind of thirsty and don't
you see? there is nothing left to inhale anymore
do you wanna dance
Aug 2015 · 254
not this time
Sarah Aug 2015
maybe this is the end this time
there was a tenderness in you like sunflowers
hiding from the night; too shy to ask me
if maybe i wanted your heart forever
is there a coldness inside because i
didn't hold you close enough when i cried
? you've frozen over but i'm only
the rain, not the ice; summer is warmth
i never learnt to carry inside but for

i would have coaxed the sun into these fingers
of mine trembling as they were with light
burning too bright for shadows
like me to hold; but if i was
your lantern tonight
do you think maybe we could
find ourselves in the quiet of
the flowers and the twilight and our
burning little hearts
all over again?
with nothing to hold
Aug 2015 · 270
this is how i lose you
Sarah Aug 2015
right now, in this moment, i cannot
breathe; the air in my lungs is endless enjambment and i have forgotten that you are the only whisper stringing my words together into singsong sorrow and
didn't i tell you about them?
girls with eyes soft like morning gold and fingertips softer still no nothing sharp enough to sink into your heart the way sadness does girls with broken words arranged so pretty into poetry girls with nothing to tremble for except all this ******* love i always told you you deserved girls choking on flower nectar down their pretty little throats girls with hearts so light and no rain to hold girls who can breathe

or maybe just girls who write words worth staying for
desperate measures now
Jul 2015 · 290
Sarah Jul 2015
i've been thinking about how prose never comes easy am i the quiet kind of rain
with pauses
for sighing in -
you know i'm not the
quiet kind of anything
my matchstick fingers always find
the silence you try so
hard to hide inside
and then

and then we are flame
i can't find myself in the ashes anymore
im selfish
Jul 2015 · 232
Sarah Jul 2015
is it so wrong to want someone to keep my pockets are empty of love and i was thinking about how your fingers would have fit but you are a far away that never drifts just a little closer i'm so tired of being the one with glassy eyes and shaking hands and no i'll let the darkness hold me tonight don't worry you never notice anyway i think i am going away you are not who i want to stay for anymore
hold me down
Jul 2015 · 244
growing pains
Sarah Jul 2015
you are the forever i
think about when the sky
is blue like oceans i don't
dream of drowning
in; when the sun is so bright
i can feel the light trickling
in my bones every time you teach
me how to laugh again
and again until i remember

how hollow i am

flowers won't grow in the dark
even when he promises he
will stay;

i don't think of forever anymore
oh today and tomorrow
Jul 2015 · 288
Sarah Jul 2015
i. searching for the sun in places too
  cold to touch
  maybe this is why it

ii. hurts like freshwater blood
   spilling out of hands that quake like ocean
   waves; this sea salt
   in my veins should be close enough

iii. he is lazy summer mornings; sweet
    grass and flowers too soft to
    pluck apart on such whims
    ‘will you stay
                    remember me
                    hold me under the sun

iv. when the winter freezes over
    all the warmth i did not deserve?’

v. no;
   my fingers are too cold for
   gardens and for you
   the sun will never shine underneath
   the rainstorms and oceans have always
   belonged to little lost things and
   hearts no one could ever hold

vi. home was a pretty word
    to keep in my empty mouth for so
    long; thank you
    for giving me somewhere
    i wanted to stay
is there somewhere
Jul 2015 · 352
promise I
Sarah Jul 2015
i am an arsonist
and how dare you toss your
own bones into the bonfire
love letters crackling into smoke and emptiness
in the air and your fingers are
aching to play with the ashes in my hair
black and numb is smeared onto
everything i want to touch; your
hands are not
even mine to hold DON’T YOU
dare make firewood out of the
flowers in your heart
all you know is the warmth of
the sun and
if it hurts,

you don’t have to watch
if you just promise me you'll
run when i set myself alight
just girls
Jun 2015 · 407
Sarah Jun 2015
you dream of me in
flowers and smiles
summer laughter and sea breeze
sighing in every word we whisper to
the sun sinking into the dark;
the world is so very

i dream of me even
a few feet underground
with nonsense etched into the stone
weighing me down;
will you leave me a little summer
pretty little flowers shivering
beneath the cold of the night and the
silence hanging in the air

don't you know
i never meant to leave you all alone
now give it one more time
Jun 2015 · 514
Sarah Jun 2015
i'm sorry
i'm sorry
i'm sorry

i know this emptiness
spills out of my lips into
words that will never make sense
i'm trying to make sense
out of blank pages and aching fingers that shatter
every single thing they touch
i'm trying to let air in my lungs
but they're filled with something
else that's draining the very life out of
i'm sorry
i'm just trying to breathe
you dont have to try
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