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 Jan 2014 Sarah
Louisa May Alcott
'I slept, and dreamed that life was beauty;
I woke, and found that life was duty.
Was thy dream then a shadowy lie?
Toil on, sad heart, courageously,
And thou shall find thy dream to be
A noonday light and truth to thee.'
 Jan 2014 Sarah
SE Reimer
          ­                  2013 ...

                             .. .pursue
post script.

cheers to the last 10w Tuesday of 2013!  may the coming year be our best... ever!
 Dec 2013 Sarah
 Dec 2013 Sarah
To say I hate you
Would be a tremendous
Not the one to hate but sometimes there's that someone who hurts you so bad that it can never be corrected.

10 words.

© Peyton 2013
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Hannah Osondu
Today as I went home,
even if I'm with my friends, I feel so alone
thinking of you made me feel so blue,
for you love her and I'm in love with you

this heartache makes me want to cry
but instead of tears, I express it with a sigh
for I don't want them to see
that I'm crying, because I'm falling for you badly

"it's just a little crush" that's what I say
but it's making a big hole, when I see you everyday
for when I follow your stare, it lead to her
and sometimes, I feel like tears are going to make my vision blur

I know it's pathetic, but when you talk to me
I feel so pleased and happy
but still, I know that you're not going to love me
cause, your heart belongs to her completely

you're just a fantasy
and you'll never love me in reality
I know that someday, you're just going to be a memory,
that I will remember when I'm lonely

but, someday is not yet today
it still is far, far away
but, I wish you'll notice anyway,
that my heart is breaking
and even though I'm smiling
just look in my eyes
and you'll see that I'm dying
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Kylie Wallen
The human skin can be hard to live in,
That's why most of us tear it.
And I, my loves,
Am a hypocrite

I tell you not to tear such precious, innocent skin
While late at night
I hold my blade
And carve it in.

I like to push oh so hard.
Only to get the adrenaline
of seeing the blood and make sure I am still alive
Though I feel as if I'm not at all alive anymore

I'm a zombie
living in the palest of skin
And if your lucky
I'll let you in.

It doesn't happen often
But for some it may
Those lucky few
Will be dismayed

For I seem like a bright ray of sunshine
In this dark dark world
But jokes on you
I'm the darkest of them all.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
So many words flowing through my head...
How can they translate,
And flow,
Into a beautiful creation,
Such as a poem.

I write many poems,
When I talk,
The words flow out,
So beautiful,
Like poetry,
Like a true poet.
Then when they go to paper,
They're clumsy as ****,
They don't make sense.
They're just like my mind.

I wrote one poem,
Earlier today,
That I really wanted to share.
But its so sad,
And depressing.
It would cause people to worry,
Theres no need to worry.
My words are great,
My poetry is fine,
And my mind is destroyed.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Terry Collett
It was here
they used to come,
he fourteen,

she thirteen,
walking to the church
for choir,

between tombstones,
the flagstone path,

she peasant like,
seemingly like
some Russian girl,

treading the tundra
in icy cold,
her scarf tight

about her neck,
her coat buttoned up
to chin's hold,

the dark brown hair
messed up
by the evening

November wind.
Now he stands alone,
she has gone,

some ages passed,
death and time
cutting her down

before her prime,
cancer feeding,
and drawn

and dragged
and gone
into the dark

beyond his sight
the eternal night.

He stands
and thinks of her,
and the place

they stood,
and where
they first kissed

beneath a full moon,
embraced in love,
wordless, hugging,

cloaked by the moon's
pushed away shadows,
young love,

searched for
and found,
but then gone,

he his way,
she hers,
the countless moons

have come and gone,
full and waning,
waxed and fled,

now he sees her,
not alive,
but in

his older,
In memory of Judith. (1948-1993.)
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Hermann Hesse
How heavy the days are.
There's not a fire that can warm me,
Not a sun to laugh with me,
Everything bare,
Everything cold and merciless,
And even the beloved, clear
Stars look desolately down,
Since I learned in my heart that
Love can die.
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