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 Dec 2013 Sarah
T Stevens
 Dec 2013 Sarah
T Stevens
Hope you're happy and wiser.
Hope you read one of my poems.
Hoped you would after our comment exchange.
No response from you on any of mine about you
tells me you never read any of my poems.
Hoped you would say hello to me by now.
Hoped you would be the one I would take on vacation.
Sorry if you are still scared to death of relationships.
Hope one day you realize not all men leave.
I hope you're not thinking I posted garbage about you.
Hope you read this one because it's about you.
Hope you know I'm not into head games.
Hope you realize I would never hurt you.
Hope you come to realize I'm alive and not
just anonymous guy who writes poems about you.
Some days I want to lose hope that you know I'm alive.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Kacie Michel
“I’m just bored,” she said,
but in reality she was just numb,
she didn’t want to feel;
she lay expressionless,
her hair spilling everywhere.

Her headphones tangled and twisted
to match her thoughts
her mind racing
people called her lazy
a waste of space.

Her books no longer thrilled her
“I read it already”
her music lost meaning
“It gives me a headache”
her sketches greyed
“I ran out of space."

She was bored
not hungry

Hardly anyone noticed her shadow disappearing.

Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Dolly Partings
I looked at her like a blind man seeing for the first time,
I'm eighteen in my head and I don't know what i'm like,
I never thought i'd meet someone like me, I still don't think I will.
But I've met someone who understands me, and that's perfect.
Sometimes you meet someone, and even though you never liked blue eyes,
Like your own, you wouldn't have them any other colour.
One day you'll fall for this girl, she'll touch your body with her fingers,
She'll burn holes in your skin with her mouth, it hurts when you look at her,
and it hurts when you don't.
She stuck her soul inside me, after her fingers,
I'm not afraid to die anymore, cause like birds, and bees, and insects.
They all die after they ****.
But the country scares me - people in the country scare me,
A man dumps the body of a girl in a ditch. The body rotts; Melts into the ground. Flowers pop up where the body lies, seeds fly out of the flowers, and a bee ***** the flowers and makes honey. And then the family of the girl buys the honey from the store. And the family eats the girl.
Her parents were probably a bunch of Helen Kellers. All they do is feel. That's what being a bird, or a bee, or an insect does to you. Then you end up eating your own children.
Being in the city can be equally frightening -
It's more of a; 'Don't keep calm and carry on, call in sick and get a tattoo.' mentality.
Chivalry is dead because you're wasted at Tiger Tiger wearing your twelve year old sisters clothes urinating and/or crying on the pavement whilst singing Blackstreet. Removing your false eyelashes in the morning and taking some rill ones along for the ride.
There's that awkward moment between life and death, for some.
Exit the womb they said, life will be great they said.

Maybe if we were all better at lying to each other, we could have had something good.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
ericka bonilla
Were you my serendipity or calamity ?
Maybe you were both.
Maybe you were both...
my demise in disguise.
My downfall and my wonder wall.
After all I have an eternity to find my sanity
& maybe even some clarity.

 Dec 2013 Sarah
 Dec 2013 Sarah
"I could stare at your eyes all day."
She says.
I wish she would.
Because at the same time shes staring at me,
I'm staring back at her.
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Meagan Herrera
 Dec 2013 Sarah
Meagan Herrera
I couldn't count the days and nights,
the many hours I've spent waiting for you
hoping that maybe one day you’d be there,
sitting with me watching the sun and stars pass by.

And even though I’m still not ready to face my new reality,
I’ll always see you in the sun and stars
as they lead me with the ghost of you
reminding me of you at every corner.

Even if there is no beat to your heart,
or a breath of air in your silent lungs
I can still hear you, feel you,
even after all this time.

I've tried to convince myself that you are gone
but the ghost in my memory still haunts me
your presence will always be felt, it will
be a part of me until my own dying breath.

You’re the figure in the mist beyond my vision
but still I can see the shadows
from the light peeking out just behind you,
I reach out but I’m caught in quicksand,
sinking, sinking, sinking

But now I've shielded myself from it, the pain,
I’ve got my very own set of armor
That I’ve built and enhanced over the years
but every set of armor has its chinks.

Maybe I’m climbing a mountain
or running an endless marathon, and I’m so tired
and weary of constantly reaching and running,
trying to get myself back to you.
Title ideas, and feedback would be lovely
 Nov 2013 Sarah
Courtney McCauley
She's my kind of rain
I want to feel her all the time .
Through the darkest of days
Where the sun doesn't shine.
I want to be the one to cradle her .
In her most times of fear,
That's when the loud cry goes out.

She's upset and she's a mess.
But to me you are still beautiful.
You might have makeup smeared but
"That's okay",  I thought,
As I wiped it away.
The rain took out everything last night. The thunder had now stopped, and the sun now shines.

She is not only my favorite kind if rain.
She's my soul on a sun shiny day.
She's my everything, that the world and solitude can't be.
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