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Your flowers of May
     are not as enticing
     as those of my January.

It knows
    no domain, no!
Tell me if you're happy
Because I'm on Cloud 9
Whenever you're with me.
But darling, what you do to me
Is not the usual kind of romance
You delimit my infinities
So they won't take a detour.
Invite me to explore every inch of your skin,
I'll be glad to accept the taste of your innocence;
But careful what you do in return,
I tend to make noise silently in sojourn,
And my sense of adventure gets tighter
I'm fictional, so just keep even.
(Title Credits is for the Love of John Green's Paper Towns)
He warned me
About him,
I listened
I didn't heed.
I like secrets;
Secret friendships,
Secret relationships,
And secret songs
From secret playlists.

I am a secret,
Just waiting
To be discovered.
#secret #life #introvert
I've got nothing more to ask for
This world is enough for you and me
You are enough for me.
Devote your days to me
I will give you heavens
Let's run and play
'til we're not yet seventy.
I am air
You are fire
Careful, careful
I come over unannounced.
You don't always try to win me,
But you knew you've won me already;
And you won't just claim your win
But I'm still getting even
With our pretty little games.
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