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  Nov 2015 Sanam ojha
Kevarie O Leslie
Forgiving those who cause your heart to ache
That isn't such an easy mission to complete
It's like getting sting twice by the same snake
That's why the hearts of men is as concrete.
Whether it be your parents, a close friend,
A coworker, or a family member
Once your heart was broken it's hard to mend,
It's a scar you will always remember.  
I once forgave someone who stained my heart,
It wasn't easy to grant them forgiveness,
But it wasn't too late for me to start.

Written by: Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
  Nov 2015 Sanam ojha
Mfena Ortswen
The day will be light
Darkness will be night
The wind will blow
While rivers flow
The sun will glow
As night creatures lay low
Why trouble incessantly
With what happens tomorrow
As long as earth remains earthly
All will come and go
  Oct 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
If this makes you easy breathing
I can happily take my last breath !!!
  Oct 2015 Sanam ojha
Sumina Thapaliya
We met Suddenly
About to smile...
Remember something...
Move opposite direction...
Painful tragedy :(
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