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I awoke with the feeling
I wasn't alone in there
from across the room
I could feel the icy stare
a black amorphous cloud
hovered in the air
I could feel the anger
as it moved around my bed

As black as black
could possibly be
a cold wind overcame
the summer nights heat
I asked it what it wanted
and whom it had been
it just stared right through me
bitter, cold and clean

"You will never get her back"
"She now belongs to me"
said the dark black cloud
looking right at me
as I comprehended
what it said to me
it waited for my eyes to grow
then it lunged at me

it pushed me in the bed so far
and cut off all my breath
it seemed to me for hours
I was paralyzed by dread
then it moved off me
and vanished in the night
I will never, ever forget
waking up that night.
Reflections of yesterday
ripple through my mind
glassy surface of a pond
knows no time
these days like turn like pages
in this novel we call life
standing alone in the shadows
biding time

ooh ooh ooh

Looking forward
never looking behind
a pillar of salt is all Lot got that night
build your tomorrows
with hopes and delights
stand outside of your circle
in the light

ooh ooh ooh

As I stand here
before you tonight
I can't tell you how it feels
to be in your spotlight
suffice to thank you
for all you've done for me
thank you for being you
and judgement free

ooh ooh ooh
Two hearts
mirrored in time
one looking forward
one looking behind
together as one
as only could be
face the world
a solid team
working together
learning forever
becoming one
Say your wicked
Say your mean
I only know you by the way you treated me
took the time to listen
took the time to wander by
opened up your heart
and stood the test of time

and I say thanks
and I say thanks
Thank you for doing what you didn't have to do
and I said hey brother Thank you

Sitting with you
on the bus that day
neither of us knew
we would end up this way
started to look to the other one
whos on the hook for a little fun

and I said Thanks
and I said Thanks
And I said thank you for doing what you did'nt have to do
and I said Hey sister Thank you

just one life is all we have
seems like a shame to waste it
complications often rule your day
but you can escape the day

Say your wicked
say your mean
I only know you by the way you treated me
hello world
are you there?
do you really care?
will you take a dare?
See the colours moving, watch them taking shape

Translucent green against florescent yellow, peeling away to red and then back again.

Imagination takes it's toll where comprehension comes unglued and realism takes passenger on our journey down and into the unknown

Linking arms and taking the plunge. Delving further then our fore-fathers ever dared to enter

A prisoner of your own mind -- Lost in oblivion

Thoughts dribble into nonsense and mind transferal begins...

Quiet like a shelter but buffeting as a torrent of emotion, colour and sound; raging like tides but fragile as candles light

The mind flickers with life but is lost in the breeze, leaving only a trail of smoke to follow...

Higher they climb until they're swallowed up by the sky and they learn to glow outwardly for all to see

Only then they may come down

"...and have a hangover"
I based this vaguely through a number of narcotic episodes experienced by myself and some comrades. If these concepts make you uncomfortable just know that your voice will be to no avail as it will fall upon deaf ears.
He catches an upward blast and is cascaded toward the heavens  

A plume of feathers both grey and blue  

Soaring high above, riding the draft  

Elegant and careless like the Valkyrie's flight  

Sailing onward to certain victory!  

The drums roll and the trumpets shout  

Beating to the crest of the aerial knight

Streamlined magnificence fit for a king

A slave to no one -- A peasant to all  

The overpass pigeon takes flight
Apperating into the distance it flawlessly exceeds my view

Effortlessly sailing higher- transcending into the nothingness

Beyond the clouds and into the blue

Transpiring into what must of been the fabric of existence itself

A void of any distinguishable colour or shape

It's black, blue, grey aura is all that's left behind

Like lingering dreams in the dwindling morning hours- just before they fade to black and leave us in silence

Gazing out into the nothing around me, my feeble eyes hang motionless

Stricken by what was, what wasn't and by what could have been...

Only to have woken in uncertainty- Lucidity clinging on in the last dying image of pastel reveries...
There was a time when I could look just above the tree tops and swear I saw some sort of fog or an aura rising up from them like a supernatural wildfire... This is a reflection on what I saw
While this is happening you will be my secret
Until this is finished nobody will hear you crying out
And unless I let you go then the moon will fall

You must know I do this for you...

Clawing at the eyes that must see
Feel this release around you.
Intimate... Soothing... Embrace...

I need this

Empowering me, I become weightless in it's magnificence and soon I may float away
To watch from below
Knowing exactly what has to happen...

and dreading the day they call upon my return
Sometimes I feel as though I'm bound to this place.
Perhaps by someone elses will.. But until I let this go I will never be truly free.
"I will float away"
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