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394 · May 2016
Sam Gordon May 2016
And they said “She walks with galaxies shining in her eyes
A thousand constellations of stars, uncharted and vast
She has no fear for the Unknown
Not a single care for mistakes and disappointments of the Past
But when the morning time comes and the stars are washed out by harsh light
She is reminded yet again
That the demons in life do not lie in what is unknown but rather what is
And that the darkness that lurks in every corner can be summed up in one word; A L O N E
The feeling that she gets at 2:30 AM when the walls seem to be closing in
Or the fleeting remembrance of a lost lover’s kiss that is so dearly
m i s s e d
It is moments like these when the universe in her eyes fades and all she has left is the memory of what once was and all the confusion about what remains
For it is always those whose outside seems neat and sane
That have the farthest to fall and the nothing at all to gain

— The End —