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 May 2015 salma nabegu
Oh how our imperfections make us perfect for each other.

She held me and said “It’s about you, and you are I”

Grip tightened, bones creaking.

… “You’re insane”

And you’re a genius.

A kiss planted,

I caved into her chest and let the waves cradle me, bring me in.

A kiss planted,

On the grounds of untouched land.

Sinking… Euphoria?

Sinking nonetheless.
 Mar 2014 salma nabegu
 Mar 2014 salma nabegu
To me, hugging is so much more than
A simple embrace
It's a chance for me to connect with you
And share

If you're happy
I'll share in your joy
Let the happiness flit around my being
And soak it it

But not like a sponge,
I don't want to take it
More like a mirror
To let it be a part of me
And the reflect it back again at you
To increase
Always adding to

If you're sad, it's different
This will be a long touch
Me clinging to you, you clinging to me

Now is the time to be a sponge
I soak up all the bad
It's gone
You won't have it anymore
At least not in the same way

And that joy from the other times?
While the hurt flows from you into me
Through my left arm
My right is coursing with
Positivity and bliss
Straight into your soul

So next time we hug
Or even just touch
Know that it wasn't accidental
Or that it didn't mean anything
Because to both of us
It meant so very, very much
 Mar 2014 salma nabegu
I thought I was home
It appears I was wrong!
Nothing to do with the US btw!
Your eyes are clouded with memories
They leave trails of despair wherever they roam
And I hope, my darling, I am not the cause

Your lips tell stories as pure as new fallen snow and I smile at the dimple that is so lucky to touch your face everyday

When I see you, my limbs shake
I stumble over my thoughts
The dark sky turns bright and clear

I've always thought that having a poem written about you was a significant compliment
But when I think of you, the words are so effortless
Like blinking or singing

I only hope I can have that effect on someone
Like you've had on me
I miss you when something good happens; you're the only one I wanna share it with
I miss you when am mad; you calm me down and tell me it aint worth it
I miss you when am sad; you give me every reason to b happy
I miss you when am insecure ; you'd give your life to make me feel safe
I miss you when I laugh ; you make my laughter grow
I miss you when I cry ; you make my tears disappear
I miss you when I breathe , you are my oxygen
I miss you when I look at the mirror; you are my reflection
I miss you when I've had a rough day; you sure know how to turn it around
I miss you but I miss my bestfriend the most, you're all I had
I miSs you when I smile ,you are always the reason its up there
I miss your smile,I miss mine too
ever since u left,u left with mine too.
If I had a beer for everyday that I've missed you, I'd be sober.
I miss you the most when I sit and reminisce hopelessly about what we had and what we dreamed of,those moments I had with you where the best life ever gave to me.
You were the best present from God,its unfortunate u left too early.
 Oct 2013 salma nabegu
Everytime they fight
Everytime they quarell
Today they talked well
Its like that sometimes
Its like a war other times
I wish they never hurt
But how do they curse
If they never talked
Sometimes its Love
Sometimes its Not
Don't get me wrong
I don't know their thots
I wish they knew their wants
Say they believed in Shadows
They would never be in the dark
Say they believed in fixing
They would have fixed their flaws
Before the rising of many dawns
For friendship; For Love sake
For the Future friends love
No heart loves alone
Trust alone assures more
Love wasn't just enough
In the night dreams don't sleep
In the day Shadows don't hide
"Goodnite love" echoes
"Goodnite dear" beckons
I'll leave them for tonight
For all I see are Shadows
 Oct 2013 salma nabegu
Who am I to want more
than you can give?
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