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A Friendship Lost Too Soon

I give loving comfort to my son
For he lost a friend too soon
Knowing that for this pain
There is nothing I can do

I see the tears that are in his eyes
And want to hold him in my arms
Take from him this hurt he feels
And help heal his broken heart

I tell him what he feels inside
Over time will slowly fade
That the sorrow thats within his heart
Will be less but still remain

I let him talk about the past
And of the memories that were shared
In a hope that it will ease the pain
For a friend that he held dear

I tell him to hold cherished
The special moments from the past
And to tell the story of his friend
To all others when they ask

Although they were not family
The bond they shared was true
And that hurt he feels inside his soul
Is for a friendship lost too soon

In support and
In Loving Memory
Jonathan Gardner
A freak accident took the life of a young man, Jonathan Gardner.  While walking to the sink, a bullet was shot through the neighbors wall who was cleaning his gun. The bullet struck this young man and took his life. A good friend to my son and a life taken too soon. Although as a parent I wish to ease the pain of my son, I know the pain felf by this young mans family is so much more. I asked that if you believe, you place his family in your prayers.  May he walk in peace with the prince of peace, Christ Jesus.
Every morning I wake,  I scream and scream,
So to alert all, that I am here.

I check each room to make sure I am the only one here.
Then I look in the mirror and there you are..

Why are you always here?  I hate you!
Every morning I shout at you, Go away!

I hide but when I look, there you are..
Why do you insist on taking over?

You slither around me and take control.
I face you with all the courage I can muster but
In the end, you always win.

So I wait for you to weaken and grow weary,
And I can take my power back.
I have never been past this point
But I still feel that small light of hope.

So I look into the mirror with such hope.
Hope that somehow, someday I can defeat you with that light I feel.

I look deeply into the mirror and there you are,  waiting for me as always.
I won’t give up to you!
I will fight to the end.
For I truly hate you.
I say, you cannot have me or my essence,
For that little light of hope still shines on.
 Sep 2013 SALaprade
Around, all around the sinister creatures gather. My dread grows as doom's scythe lingers above my head. It severs me, darkly as my blood drips to the ground. In horror, I run as my demons approach to take me to hell. Now alone, my cry of mercy falls upon fiery, unforgiving eyes. This is my DEATH
 Sep 2013 SALaprade
Mike Hauser
Alright no one here leaves
Until I get back my monkey
He was right here beside me
When we sat down at the bar

He got up to use the restroom
Cause my monkey is not uncouth
I KNOW he didn't just drive off
I still have the keys to the car

We were having the best of times
Telling jokes and making up zoological rhymes
He even passed around that picture
You know the one with the orangutan in that embarrassing position

That's the last time I saw him
My best friend
Will somebody help me look please
These tears have all but blurred my vision

I've now checked every zoo on the East coast
Every circus that I know
Thinking perhaps he was monkeynapped
By some clown or zoological freak

I haven't seen hide nor hair
Of a clean shaven monkey in underwear
I told you he wasn't uncouth
My monkey learned that from me

These days I cry in my beer
Since my monkey's no longer here
I guess Doodles had better things
To do with his life

If my monkey, Doodles you ever do see
Will you tell him I miss him oodles for me
And that I've accepted the fact that he's not coming back
And that I'll be alright...
 Sep 2013 SALaprade
Our world was built to control us impeding our ability to thrive,
induced into a system designed for wealth, power, and lies.
Most of us end up broken enslaved for what little we have,
the enemy divides our family as we follow another false flag.
A price is paid for not conceding to an affirmation worth repeating,
as our minds are all but defeated our souls are lost in a hidden war.
History repeats itself as we are kept under control,
when we accept defeat, we allow the enemy to grow.
I was a victim just like you as degenerates overtook my home,
life in the wake of calamity, cast on a pile of innocent bones.
I am not the one you want to convene because I question everything,
I am just a voice of honesty who was finally set free.
Who finally broke through the construct of lies,
the lies we were taught to believe in the construct of humanity.
"Mommy, daddy said he is making me a stick horse,
just like the Indians use to ride!
"What! Oh that man...
"What did I tell you? You never tell, not ever!

"What's wrong with being an Indian, mommy?
"They think you are *****, they call you, savage!
"My kind, white people, won't let their kids play with you.
" They hate Indians, they call them stupid and *****!

" Do you mommy?  I look into her eyes and see nothing.
She has left me again and gone to her safe place.
I hear her whisper very low, "just go play and don't ever tell."

Little girl behind the rocker, so sad, so ashamed, so scared.
Don't tell my only friend?  She will hate me?
Does my white grandpa know? Will he stop loving me?
Scared little girl, so sad, so many tears, softly saying, "I'm *****".

" What are you doing? You just took a bath before bed!
" I'm getting cleaner, so they won't call me *****.
" They won't because you will never tell!
" Now get out of there and go to school.

"Marlene, what will you not do at school?
" I won't tell, never tell...
So confused, so alone, so ashamed.
Walking with head down now, slowly disappearing.
Voice is almost gone, silent tears falling on her old used coat.

Look at all the flowers on daddy's grave.
Everyone liked him and has come to say goodbye.
"Daddy, don't leave me! I'll be just one little Indian, all alone.
"Don't put him down there, it's dark and it will get him!

Little girl behind the old rocker, so very sad, so very quiet.
All her joy and wonderment taken from her by hate.
She listens to her mother and minds what she says,
"Don't tell, don't ever tell!

But every morning, while everyone still sleeps,
You can see a little girl running to the old garage,
Then, hair flying in the wind, as she rides her stick Indian pony!!
Silently saying, " I love you, my Indian daddy". And
Someday, I will tell the world!
My Father was the most gentlest, caring and very proud man, I have ever known. He fed his family by hunting deer, elk, duck and pheasant in the Colorado mountains. We always ate well. I lost my dad when I was 10 years old, he was just 33 years old, his mother died at 29. We now know it was Systemic Lupus.  I have it and my daughter has it. I have missed my dad every single day and know he is watching over me, till we are together again.  This ones for my Indian daddy!
I don't want to ****,
I want to make love;
to caress her cheek with one hand
and to hold her hand,
fingers interlaced,
with the other.

I don't want to ****,
I want to express passion;
to kiss fervidly, yet sweetly,
and then to look her in the Eyes
struggling to gasp the words
“****, I love you!”

I don't want to ****,
I want to just cuddle naked;
to feel our mutual Skin
with and without friction,
with and without hair,
or sweat, or light;
resting, or not,
upon each other.

I don't want to ****,
I want to feel a connection
transcending the physical:
I want to feel the warmth of true Love;
in my Heart,
in my Mind,
in my Soul,
as well as
on my Skin.
This came to me in the shower;
so I got out and wrote it down.
Then, I decided to share it.

I can't tell if this is a dream or a memory;
it seems to be a bit of both.
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