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Ryan O'Leary Jan 9

Ryan O'Leary Jan 9
.          Brics and Drones
          Brexit your Bones
          But NATO cannot

            Vladimir no one
             Comes near or
            Tries to take the

                     +  =  -

                 Like I Said

                    @ 0 %
Jan 9 · 53
Pedal Power
Ryan O'Leary Jan 9
Dynamo Kiev is the latest
  innovation for Winter heat.
  Boris Johnson has come
  up with yet another genius
  plan to out fox Putin on the
  blitz. All of the London bikes
  are being sent to Ukraine
  to keep the heating and street
  lights working. Refugees from
  EU will have fares paid and
  accommodation supplied in
  return for peddling the bicycles.
Jan 9 · 33
A Re Write
Ryan O'Leary Jan 9
Destin ou Provenance

First thing a man stops
doing when he begins
to get depressed is he
abandons the ablutions.

The three O’Clock
shadow matures into a
stubble then a beard.

By hiding ones self there
is no need to-see the
reflection, It is foetal time.

Rooms darken, minds dim.

But as in nearly all cases
a rude renaissance occurs.

There is the inevitable baulk of
looking in the silver lined glass
frame without a picture, and
preparing to rejoin the world.

The hot tap is engaged, there
is a rummage around for a BIC.

By the time we are finally
ready to confront ourselves

               (‘>    [#]

                  The mirror
                 misted over!
Jan 8 · 38
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
The first thing men stop
doing when they begin
to get depressed is they
cease washing & shaving.

The three o’ clock
shadow matures into a
stubble then a beard,

By hiding the face there
is no need to-see ones
reflection in the looking
glass. It is foetal time.

Rooms darken, minds dim.

But as in nearly all cases
a rude renaissance occurs.

There is the eventual fear
of facing the mirror, then of
shaving, and joining the world.

The hot tap is engaged, there
is a rummage around for the BIC.

By the time you’re ready to confront
whom you have been hiding from,

The glass has fog misted over!
Jan 8 · 47
Fanta Clause
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
If America takes over
Greenland it will be
The end of Rudolf,
he’s a known commy.

Coca Cola will have
To share with Fanta.

And Aunta Claus
Will be taking over
From The Fat ****.
Jan 8 · 181
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
If humans consumed
less animal and more
Pro Teen, there would
be less, Youth In Asia.
Jan 8 · 62
Canned Guinness
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
Every cloud’s got a silver lining
the Irish Nimbus has a tear tab!
Jan 8 · 54
Sequential Song
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
Repetitious harmony
had a soothing sound.

Enzo was cat napping,
Canine dreams no doubt.

Then came the high E ping,
Lights out in Massachusetts.

Lying sleeping dog leaps from
his basket, I need more practice.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 8
Joshua conquered fear in the Bible
             XXV. B.C.

“Fear no more the heat of the sun”
           Shakespeare 1602

Khalil Gibran writes Fear 1910

4th March 1933
“ The only thing we have
  to fear is fear itself “
Franklin D Rossevelt

AA Big Book Story 7 ( 1939 )
The Man Who Mastered Fear
Dr. William D. Silkworth

       Fear is the mountain,
    with a plateau, no peak.
   We climb there, and then,
we play hide, but won’t seek

January 8th 2025 A.D.
Ryan O’Leary
Jan 7 · 64
3 Dimensional
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
Everything I see
Reminds me of the
Past, yet, when I
Reflect in the mirror,
I’m Present, despite
My preoccupation,
With the future!
Jan 7 · 51
Lux Lucas
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
16:49 Jan 7th
  (Any Year)

After January 6th
the days get longer
by a **** step.

Look out the window
If you doubt me, on
day 7 God made light.
Jan 7 · 36
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
.  Glasses, false teeth,
  ******, hearing aids,
artificial hips, prostate.

But worst of all was that I
outlived my best friends-
(dogs) and my own also.

For Gerald Durrell
Jan 7 · 53
Latin Lesson
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
The dissimilarity between
Acrostic and an Acronym.


Was nailed to A Cross Stick
By the S.P.Q.R. Acronymites.

Senatus Populus Que Roma.
Jan 7 · 33
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
If only memories
Would disappear
As easy, history
And nostalgia is
In the DNA of us
All. The idiot has
No such anchor.

Ireland’s a concept
More than a country.

Future generations
Won’t need to suffer
The pain of passion.

Being diluted by the
Influx of refugees is
A necessity for the
Gene pool, it will end
The incestuous island
Mentally which has
Isolated our minds for
Jan 7 · 47
Ryan O'Leary Jan 7
Mynorca, as of now is a reverse
Acronym, Qantas IKEA & Yahoo
are also but they’re not contrary.

Scuba is not a fish lest you think
it is what the divers are seeking.

And Spam is a carnivore product,
appears not, on herbivore Apples.

It’s an urban myth, misconception
of the populist that save our souls
means SOS, and also an acronym.

NASA is but it does not mean they
are Needing Another 7 Astronauts!
Jan 6 · 43
Global Worming
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Down is when there is
nothing left to give up.

Buoyancy is all we wish
for,  flood rock bottom.

God giveth no redemption,
rising sea levels just might.
Jan 6 · 18
GP. Poem
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Without using the
conventional mode
of spelling how would
one describe discomfort

Imagine you are a car
malfunctioning and the
krypton tuner is not able
to diagnose the problem

Why do we pay or doctors
and then we tell them what
it is that ails us, if they can’t
figure, tell them to **** off
Jan 6 · 37
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Can what you eat
change your mind?

Every single person
was born herbivore.

We ate meat, but some
of us became vegetarian.

There are no false teeth
in the animal kingdom.

Human incisors are not for
carni but for opening knots!

When Victor Mature refused
to go in a cage with a Lion, in

The Big Circus, 1959, they said
they’d remove the animals teeth.

Mature’s response “I won’t go in, I
don’t want to be gummed to death”.
Jan 6 · 23
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Tick tack man
eavesdrops on
the deaf mutes.

Sines & cosines
semaphore the
secrecy of mime.
Jan 6 · 42
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Snow came, road
lines disappeared,
cats eyes blinked.

Robins, blackbirds,
evergreen firs, white
blanket, Palestinian flag.
Jan 6 · 31
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
Imagine if one was to die
Half way through a poem

Would people think it was
Written by Picass
Jan 6 · 46
Brass Papillons
Ryan O'Leary Jan 6
When I think back at all
The situations that come
To mind, bad butterflies
Take flight in my stomach.

Rabbie Burns never left
Scotland, almost went to
The Caribbean once, with
The famous highland Mary.

He said that poetry is like
Shepherding sheep and one
has to attend to his flock in
A sustainable environment.

There is a statue of the bard
In Dunedin, but he never went
There and this is why the title
Of the poem is brass papillons.
Jan 5 · 40
Do The Maath
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
Rock bottom is not
Where one goes to
Stay, it is where we
Leave in order to
Return because 12
Steps upwards only
Requires 1 to go back,
It is snakes and ladders.
Jan 5 · 43
Aqua Alto
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
Down is when there is
nothing left to give up.

Buoyancy is all one can
wish, flood rock bottom.

God giveth no redemption,
rising sea levels just might.
Jan 5 · 28
Bar Dot o((o
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
This is where Morse
And Louis Braille met
On the Rive Gauche.
It was the venue for
The first wet tee shirt
Competition attended
By Brigitte in the flesh.
Jan 5 · 52
Twain Train
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
Light always appears
At both ends of a tunnel
Unfortunately rarefaction
Never permits the twain
To meet therefore it is
Only trains give a hoot
Jan 5 · 42
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
The sole purpose of
Socialism, is sharing
The pain Capitalism
Is still manufacturing.
Jan 5 · 37
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
Jan 5 · 24
Hanging Tree
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
If I had a rope
It’s to the forest
I would be.

I would find me a
Low branch of a
Weeping willow tree.

Why hast and thou
Fallen into such
A suspended state,

‘Twas no coincidence
Hath brought me here
Not imp nor Leprechaun
But fate!

I will loose my noose
And cast on high to
Catch a neighbouring fir.

I will hoist you from your
Watery grave and pull you
Back, to the way that you,
And hopefully me, once were.
Jan 5 · 42
Nil is agam
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
The light has not arrived
Today, cumulus congestus
Is sky anchored over Kerry.

Its umbilical is siphoning
From the tidal fury at the
Bay of ****** Peninsula

Gael force coastal warnings
For west Cork especially on
The Wild Atlantic Way.

Dun an dorais lig do schin
Ol’ an cupain te agus insan,
Uisce beatha cois na tine

Nil aon tinteann
Mar do thinteann fein
Go ndeiri an Bohair leatsa
Jan 5 · 40
Pains Of Glass
Ryan O'Leary Jan 5
There are six squares
On my window, through
Which I witness the world.

Sometimes they are fogged
Or frosted, occasionally they
Weep from inside, and out.

I can see fear and grief,
Anxiety and loneliness,
The hurt of love and anger.

No matter how often I try
To wipe it all away, it is futile,
I end up drawing the curtains.

Light into darkness, sound into
Silence, memories into reality,
Nocturnal thoughts propagate!
Jan 4 · 100
Ryan O'Leary Jan 4
On the brow
       of water
   there are few,
   if any ripples
         from its
    depth of pain
Jan 4 · 42
Optical Conclusions
Ryan O'Leary Jan 4
Water, transparent as
it be, still occasionally
decides to disappear.

It is called evaporation,
but that is the scientific
terminology for mystery.

H2O can also solidify
at -0* centigrade, that is
called ice, a conundrum.

Tears are stored behind
eyelids for happy or sad
occasions that’s an enigma!
Jan 4 · 42
Spreadable Speech
Ryan O'Leary Jan 4
Find a tree pluck plums
and gift the conserves.

It is the end product and
sole purpose of a poem.

Sourcing words for ideas
composing then sending.

No shelf full of preserved
fruit with elasticated seals.

Some of us can bake bread,
not everyone can make jam!
Jan 4 · 162
Ryan O'Leary Jan 4
The buffer zone is where old
tired trains go after spending
a lifetime between the tracks.

To escape the momentum of
my mind the siding is where I
go to write between the lines.
Jan 3 · 48
Cock Step
Ryan O'Leary Jan 3
After January 6th
In Ireland, the days
  get longer by the
length of a **** step.

A hares breath and a
horses nose has notin
to do with daylight hours.

Darkness is different
because that is brought
to you by Guinness.

We can never depend on
On the aurora borealis if
cloud factories are doing
shift work to blight the Brits.

Where west each wind is born
mischievous Gael’s with pots
if vapoured broth, disperse its
brew and laced with ancient
potion’s concoct a drape to
cloak the Saxon horde.
Jan 3 · 48
Words ‘n Ear
Ryan O'Leary Jan 3
.                    a
While I’m W-iting

No matter which it
is it makes little, or
even no difference
to what I am about
to concoct mentally.

I say that, because
right now I am at a
dental surgery but
no appointment in
a queue and no pen.

It means this poem
is being memorised
as I wait to write just
as soon as I can nick
a biro from reception.
Jan 3 · 63
Below Zero
Ryan O'Leary Jan 3
It must mean terra
perma firma where
the frost hibernates.

It’s an anomaly because
ground zero in New York
was a combustible furness!
Jan 3 · 23
Weight A Second
Ryan O'Leary Jan 3
Now is never good
enough for our clock
tower chronometers

Some are so wound up
coil sprung can’t wait
to pass the time

They even race against it,
overtaking each other
at frequent intervals

Tempus Fugit versus
Carpe Diem is a two handed
church steeple-chase

Plomb on the pendulum
is as much as any Sexton
can do, to weight a second.

Plomb is Latin for lead
As in plumbing etc
Poetic license is necessary
On occasion
Jan 2 · 31
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2
Does the bird fear
The wind will blow
The tree and shake
The branch and
Knock the nest and
Break its contents?

Does the cuckoo
Fear that the nest
It squats, to lay it’s
Egg will be off the
Branch not on a tree
and on the ground?

Does the wind fear
It might blow too
Hard and break a
Branch that falls
Upon the cuckoo’s
Nest & break the egg?

Does the tree fear
The branch of the
Birds nest will break
Before the cuckoo’s
Egg is laid and all the
Others are chucked?
Jan 2 · 26
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2

Cold feet
Pixie hat
Freeze bite
Van life
Ice scraper
Cold as a
Dogs nose
And stiff
With the
Of nights
This frosted
A liquid silence
Jan 2 · 29
Odd Haiku
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2

NavaN CiviC NuN
DeifieD BiB MadaM AnnA
RadaR RefeR Mom
Jan 2 · 32
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2
Wilde said he had nothing
to declare but his wit

I have nothing to share but
ambiguous altruistic poetry
Jan 2 · 32
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2
Two people appeared
at a crossroads’s both
having taken shortcuts.

They were perplexed
predestination right
or free will to the left.

Off they went, as they
had arrived, in separate
directions again, but

not realising, each had
taken the choice from
whence the other came.
Jan 2 · 29
Shamerican Dream
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2
Shamsud Din Jabbar Al Akbar
Drove a truck but never a car
He sold hot dogs and choc isis
With Middle Eastern spices
And some mung beans from home in a jar
Jan 1 · 36
Writers Block
Ryan O'Leary Jan 1
I am running out of
words, plenty lines
and pages, but my
well of wisdom has
been depleted, dry.

Divining for a new
source is futile, all
explorations to date
have been in vain, my
head is on the block.
Jan 1 · 39
Wattled Clay
Ryan O'Leary Jan 1
Yeats never did
get to build his
adobe hut on
the lake isle

He ended up
in Nice
near the church
of Matisse

Exhumed at
to Benbulben


I always thought a
great injustice was
done by not putting
him on that tiny isle
in Innisfree, but perhaps
he was a victim of his
own epitaph, there is
no where for a horse
to pass by.
Jan 1 · 32
Camper van acoustic
Ryan O'Leary Jan 1
Gael Force

Silver lining

Morse roof

Braille drops
on head

auld acquaintance

2024 to 5
Quoi de neuf ?

Back in Ireland
Dec 2024 · 44
Tainted Weather
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2024
Braille drops keep
falling on our heads

Morse tapping on the
roof, a deluge swishes

against the tyres, Irish
auld acquaintance reigns.

31 December 2024
Lismore Waterford
Ireland in camper van.
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