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9h · 33
10h · 23
Two Jews
It’s going to be snakes &
leaders time again soon.

Zelenskyy & Netanyahu
will get the Satan trophy.

Trump, and Putin on the
blitz will be sharing Nobel.
11h · 29
m bar go
My  po   as  bee  anction d
hat  is   hy  it  akes no   ense
14h · 20
Boomerang of Business

For every antonym there’s an
equal and opposite synonym.

EU sanctioning Russia was like
urinating off the Cliffs of Moher.

It was worse than that, it was no
different to putting turds in the tide.

Yes, the proverbial **** hit the fan,
now there is excrement everywhere.

Ukraine is a septic tank overflowing,
they will be needing BRICS to fix it.

Babuscha has a smile on her faces
Mother Russia defeated all of NATO.
18h · 27
La Mer
Before I begin permit me to inform you that
Mare Nostrum is not a sea horse filly and
the old sea dog was sheep worrier down by
Ahakista in in west Cork where Sue Nami
said sea saw Ebb & Flo had purchased a
waterfront house called Tear na Nogue.

It’s just outside Dunes by the stretched sand,
or strand as it is known locally by the beach
combers wood drifters mudlarks & sea urchins
who are always there unshaven and unkempt.

I can’t talk, I’m a sort of a ne’er do well myself
I'm living down here in a camper van with a
fine  biteen of grey stubble too may i add.

Gew know what I noticed, when the sea wakes
it waves and down here we are very close to the
the sun sinks  and because the horizon touches
the sky it has to squeeze through and here’s
another ting I spotted. All  the winds blow from
west to east where it rises and that  is for the
same reason that  radiators are in the front of
cars so the avail of the head winds to keep them
cool it is the same reason the sun is like Wrong
Way Corrigan. Since I have been down here
I haven’t noticed once rising in the south and
sinking in the north but a local Vincent Ellis
told me that it is always like  that but the
Healy Rays tried their utmost to get it shifted
a bit more towards Iskaroon down by Cahir
Daniel where O’Connell was born but dim
hures would put a thwisth in a straight road
and sell eggs  from an up turned currach if
they thought there was muney in it.
1d · 36
Safe Hoarding Places

Squirrels are masters at it,
so good in fact, that often,
their nuts become trees.

Hedge fund hideaways in
foreign vaults Swiss banks,
one can’t lock a mole hole!

But what about thieves
where and how do they
protect their stolen assets?

The bible says thou shalt
not covet thy neighbours
goods, it’s about you Israel.
1d · 23
The Imagine Nation

Imagine, we go there, but
they must not come here.

Imagine if the Swallows
left and never returned.

Imagine if Salmon and Wild
Geese abandoned our shore.

Imagine if all the expatriated
Irish decided to come home.

Imagine if the Israeli’s left
their illegally occupied lands.

Imagine a looking glass but
your reflection is missing.

When imagine is minus its
image, in is out of the mirror.

So, if we can’t see ourselves,
imagine how refugees see us?


Ireland is a racist country
If Europe had not had
Imperialistic ambitions
ie acquisition aspirations
Then the current racists
Might, I say might have
A basis for their opinions
Regarding immigrants.

But one must accept the
Basic principle of how a
Boomerang works to fully
Comprehend the first law
Of physics action reaction
Thus reverse colonisation.

We Irish of all people’s have
No right to close our borders
Because of our history, we are
The mass migrators and we
Went from being independent
To joining the club of African
Clubber’s, so get real and if
you can’t remember where
You came from, at least, try
To remember where you went.


From A 74 Year Old Homeless
Irishman Living permanently
in Camper Van to immigrants
currently victimised in Ireland.

Welcome X a hundred thousand.
2d · 27
Tanpaku haiku menu
No knife or trident
There is a pie in the Zelenskyy sky
And it’s not twenty two over seven!

Volodymyr said that, we=mc squared,
But Trump is readying a hypotenoose.

Meanwhile Putin on the blitz sees the
Sine China a cosine & NATO a tangent.
2d · 40
Food Haiku
Temple of Seitan
Presents a vegan menu
Without knife or death

It’s in London
3d · 45
For Over 70’s
A Pensioners Poem

They decaffeinated
My coffee

Gave my Guinness
A vasectomy 0.0%

****** doesn’t work
For me

Between fake, & real
Teeth’s, a dichotomy!
3d · 35
F. UK. €. D
Vance to y’all.

Take the lead
Walk the dog
& pick up the
3d · 10
Free speech spoke
applause lessened
and no curtain call
for another encore.

J.D. said it as it was
with elegance, poise
and deportment, not
a single beat missed.

Speech of the century
Making Europe Grate
Again, was the object
of his exercise, Bravo.
3d · 27
Trumps Add Vance
**** EU lot of incompetent
parasites leeching from your
populations taxes and doing
**** for anyone but yourselves.

And when that Fianna Fáil ****
from Cork brings us a bowl of
weeds from Ireland this year,
we will push his fairy face in it.
4d · 142
Cloud Nine
Ah sure tis brimming
with the ingredients
for Poetry here and
Nimbus always finds
a place to park when
Angels want to pause
and play a little while.

Remember, the Genius of
Guinness is not the black
stuff or the white either it’s
the silver lining up above,
that’s where the harps are.

So be telling me this, then.

Why would we be lookin
for blue skies in Ireland if
Michael O’Leary knows
exactly where to find them.
4d · 44
Graham Norton
South From Norton’s

I’m at home of the harp,
you know, and would
you believe it,
sandpipers are playing.

Sounds of the sea are
coming in, in waves,
there’s moss, wild thyme,
lichen, and gorse, soon.

Fluffed surf semaphores
from a jutty outy piece
of Ireland, where buoys,
and beach *****, bob.

Lions, but no sea dogs,
and drift woods loose
their barks on the cead
mile craggy’s of the \/\/\/\/

Zig zags are wild Atlantic way
The coast of Ireland
.       The Swap Team

Zelenskyy is being called
to the Barter, it’s a MAGA
time again, Crack Ukraine.

               R. E. M.

Rapid Eye Movements in
Kiev but in Washington DC
it’s Rare Earth Mineral swap.
5d · 27
Scribe me an elegy
for graves of Gaza,
a eulogy, or lament!
But for when or why
or what, nothing has,
nor will, nor can, die?

Urns full of ashes are
seeds for the phoenix,
Al Aqsa is born to fly.
5d · 24
Cher Nobel
This year on behalf of
what’s left of Ukraine
we want to nominate
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
For the piece prize \/
5d · 16
NATO shuffled
Russia cut the cards
Brussels dealt
America *******
Joker was decked
6d · 47
Aggressor v resister
Wind versus wall
Loud versus silence
Darkness versus light
Inflicter versus endurer
Evil versus good
Greed versus grace
Jew versus Muslim
Defeat versus victory
I.O.F. versus Hamas
The ******* are wells
of cerebrospinal sap

and as infants siphon
from her nib’d *******,

ravens search for a
message in the bottle.
6d · 66
It’s a Wrap
It can crunch crimp crease,
staple or it can even scratch!

It can make a boat, a fools
cap or become an envelope.

It can be used as a funnel a
coke tube or a chatter box.

It can transport a poem if it
is origami’d aerodynamically.
6d · 137
Icarus In Attica
From this pyramid
of power I speak.

Beneath an apex
in alpine attitude.

La piste noir est
situe dans ma tete.

My thespian tragedy
is beginning to thaw.

This loft of seclusion
sprung a leak of light.

My wings have waned
before my maiden flight.
6d · 34
Pity Pat a PETA
There is no need for
   cerated knives or
    pronged forks at
tables of compassion.

     Hand to mouth
             to the
7d · 23
Dark Memories
Missions in Ireland

The missionaries had
A men’s and women’s
Week they separated
The audience a tactic
Of hide and divide as
It was deemed not all
Should be shared by
Their congregations,
But confessions were
Given an exemption.
3 X Hail Mary 1 act C
And all is forgiven yet
Pregnant girls had to
Get on the Innis Fallen
And cross to England
With the cattle, it was
Daughter to slaughter.


It is only a birdcall by
Boat from Ross Castle
But once you step on
Innisfallen one feels as
Though you are a million
Miles from the shore
And that I can attest to
Because I have been on
That island of isolation
And but for inducing an
Irish mist of the mind I’d
Never have survived the
Loneliness of London.
7d · 32
My Plot Of Land

I never gave up on
Ireland gave up on
Ex pats expect an
Open door
But it’s not the case
For deserters
Refugees have more
It should be so, they
Have honour

AWOL Irishmen have
No excuses
We abandoned our
Struggling nation
Those who stay deserve
Those who leave don’t
We were economic migrants
To welfare states

To boat people are fleeing
War starvation and tyranny
You are welcome in
My land
I am a homeless native
Living permanently in
A camper van

The Gazans won’t leave

Home is where your fossils

But I own a grave in Mallow.
7d · 45
100% Arabica
Just imagine that your
French Press is loaded
With, not coffee grinds,
But gunpowder and the
Plunger is a DC charger
Attached to a disc in a
Glass piston chamber.

Once it’s pushed down
The pressure has been
Compressed which then
Forces the caffeine mix
And causes an explosion
In your head, that’s why
I don’t drink toasted milk.



Ah, but Mister O'Leary some
of us Tea  'N  Tea drinkers get
bigger hits from C7H5(NO2)3.
than 100% Arabica or Robusta.

We think you're a ****** from
Cork, also that you are a secret
Barry's fan and that you should
In treatment with Gabriel Byrne.
7d · 55
My name is BoB palindrome
Anagram is my girl she’s at home
I am sounding the OM
And yes, it rhymes with BomB
But the 2B’s are from Shakespeare’s poem
She couldn’t stitch couldn’t knit even sew
She couldn’t crochet nor weave tie a bow

But she met Saint Patrick
Who then taught Acrostic

She twig zagged bamboo
Spun a yarn of taboo

And just as worms into snakes
Watched it grow
Feb 11 · 25
A Ha Kist A
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
An unfinished phonetic title
with oh, so much aspiration.

Commemorated names line
sea wall, a perched sextant.

Sea shells, memory of oceans
surf blow your sound we listen.

Last centuries Sanskrit elegy
is revisited by an echo of pain.

But tides are kind reminders,
your waves kissed our shore.
Feb 11 · 45
Bird Strike
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
Everyone blames the
man eating tiger for
being a carnivore in
her own jungle and it
is no different when
there’s a shark attack
in the ocean but what
cannot be condoned, is
avians attacking planes.
Feb 11 · 35
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
It is not only a reverse
Palindrome but it also
Possible to submerse
It in water and read as
An inverted reflection
Upside down mirrored.
Feb 11 · 30
A miss conception
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
Gestation destination
Canal obstruction
Breech crossways
Liquids passing
Full term
Induced forced
Push push push

It’s a buoy
It's a buoy

Otherwise known
As a floater

Feb 11 · 33
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
(˚>               ?               <˚)
suspended| scarecrow
    got the b|rds thinking
               /  \
Feb 11 · 32
Ryan O'Leary Feb 11
Please believe me
I tried everything
to ease the pain
nothing worked

I know the dog
loved life and he
would be angry at
me for doing this

If he was standing
at the end of the
ladder right now
barking up me,
Feb 10 · 33
Attention HP Readers
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
I have 6024 poems composed
All published on this site.
The Guinness World Record
Is 6,000 poems held by one
John Bradburne of England.

My question to you is this.

How do I put these poems on
A key to send to London to the
Guinness World Record Office?

My email is

Thank you

Ryan O’Leary
Feb 10 · 15
Witness Wanted
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
Nor a light at night
two idle chimneys
a parked car and a
letter box, bulging.

Bird feeder baskets
swinging in the wind,
a siamese gone feral,
but, not, one, Jehovah!


Two people found dead
at house in Ireland, they
died November 2024 but
only found February 2025.

Ireland has lost its soul.

Google Double Suicide
Glenbeigh Kerry Ireland.

It was not even Isolated.
Its what Americanisation
has done to Irish people.

We are uncaring ruthless
just like all the WASP.s

Be sure to spread this like
slurry on the streets.
Feb 10 · 35
Wax Lyrical
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
The word in my
Ear is echo and
No it doesn’t go
In one and out
The other it has
Refugee status
One can never
Get rid of tinnitus.
Feb 10 · 23
The Nighers
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
Anti    Scepticism

It’s not a hoax the
Jewish Holocaust
Actually occurred.
From October 8th
2023 until January
19th 2025 in Gaza.
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
.                                                    it
Monday Tuesday Wednesday    Friday Saturday Sunday
Feb 10 · 25
Ryan O'Leary Feb 10
Whilst on a ballade I came
Acrostic a rhyming couplet
Anaphora and her Caesura.

I metaphor & Anapest she’s
Full of herself so narcissistic
I am bic pentameter for sure.

Consonance and Assonance
Had an enjambment imagery
In a free verse personification.

But as always, an apostrophe
An alliteration in blank verse
Or a free verse elegy in sonnet.
Feb 9 · 37
Khan Yunis
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
Just zipped up another
Bodybag, white, so we
Won’t trip up in the dark.

We have nothing to write
A name tag, even if we did,
It’s most likely to be illegible.
Feb 9 · 168
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
The sun has lots of
Opportunity to stow
Away behind a cloud.

It can sink, even sneak
Around back of the (O
During a total eclipse.

But a shadow in Gaza
Has nowhere to hide,
Not even after nightfall!
Feb 9 · 47
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
I don’t want nobody
To tell me notin

I got schizophrenia
And tinnitus

I also suffer from a
Speech impediment and

I live on Oliver Plunkett
St. Cork near the Echo Boy

Feb 9 · 72
Self Portrait
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
Some say he was a
Bit erratic
He built a basement
In his attic
He had a sun porch,
But north facing
His left leg ran, his
right was pacing
He had a dog but he
Called him cat
And Bob his goldfish
Was blind as a bat
He built his house
On top of a hill
But had no stream
To turn the mill

Not finished
Feb 9 · 35
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
Al Anon albeit Muslim
Wished to express his
Anger and displeasure.

By using metaphors he
concealed his identity.

Just as the green lichen
Covers faces of stones,

Or moss grows on barks
Of trees, he was covert.

He became a town crier
Known as the Palace Teen.

Ten O’ Clock & Alles Klar
Ten O’ Clock & Alles Klar.

October 7th & Allah Akbar
October 7th & Al Aqsa barb
Feb 9 · 42
A Lament
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
Palestinian Sunbird

Did the sunbird stop
singing or is the din
here too loud?

Did the sunbird stop
singing because the
dust has made cloud?

Did the sunbird stop
singing because she’s
wearing a shroud?


Did the sunbird stop
singing when the hives
lost their bees?

Did the sunbird stop
singing when they
blocked our sea breeze?

No the sunbird stopped
singing, because there
are no longer trees!
Feb 9 · 33
Ryan O'Leary Feb 9
Carnivorous bird

devouring foreign matter  

is an ill eagle
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