Attn: Conor McGregor & President Trump
I am a 74 year old homeless Irishman, I have hypothyroid cortisol issue, heart failure and generally, failing health. Regarding the immigrants (and rants) I have no opposition to people of any race creed or culture settling here. If the Irish are prepared to permit
The English into the country after 800 years of subjugation, humiliation, deportation, excommunication and famine, then they should not be anti Blacks Indians or Arabs. Let us be honest, the Irish took on all of Britains inherited hatreds, even of Russia.
We are a tea drinking nation that insists of chips at Indian and Chinese restaurants. Ireland is a narrow minded nation, in bred and
insular. Yesterday I was at the Patricks Day Parade in Ballincollig Cork and saw Black Children with Shamrock, wonderful, I say.