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Tywinn was a miniature Schnauzer
that Allison Lawrence tried to hide in her trouser
But he barked at the gate
Before boarding at eight
So she drowned him instead like a louser
8h · 34
Vegan herbivores are
Egg-nostics because
They believe that the
Reason the chick-hen
Crossed the road was
Not to perch, scratch
Brood or hatch, but to
Get laid by a rooster &
The yolkswagen hit her.
12h · 33
I could be at Dove Cottage,
a clay cabin on Innisfree or
in the Provence of Pagnol,
life in my van is the same.

Camus declared that there is
no creativity without secrecy,
his grave at Lourmarin in the
Vaucluse is testimony to that.

Hemingway said that Paris
was a moveable feast, and
he would know, because the
demons dined with him also.

Similar to Virginia Wolfe and
Sylvia Plath, but we can’t all
dunk our heads like ostriches
in sand, when life gets tough.
13h · 24
When We 3 Meet
Death is not the solution
to life, still borns must be
a testimony to that surely.

We don’t all get a chance
at ****** either, abortion
& genocide are both legal.

But we must consider Hindu
philosophy which states, if
you can’t **** it do not eat it!

So you need to ask yourself,
what have carnivores, Jews,
and women got in common?


Imagine, it could be 1 person!
14h · 34
Creation and Cremation
only differ by one letter,
yet, a lifetime separates.

Somewhere in the ether
Marlboro Man’s smoke
mixes with your DNA.

You were so anti being
near lit cigarettes, how
does it feel to be blue?
1d · 33
Ode Essa
Mother Russia recovers
lost property. Black Sea
Port and Caviar. Crimea
Chicken, Kiev. Babuscha
Tells Zelensky get ****’d.
1d · 43
Invisible Nails
Tongue ‘n Groove floors
can be installed without
any nail heads apparent,
but it doesn’t mean that
the wood wasn’t injured,

The anxieties stresses and
pains which many people
suffer are best described
as a mental crucifixion, or
a scream that was silenced.
1d · 53
Budget Prices
Cheap common and chintzy
create contemptible queues.

Oh for the days when we had
social inequality and rich ruled.
1d · 36
Heathrow is now lost in the haze
A substation has just caught ablaze
There’s no planes to county Kerry
They think the cause is Kid Curry
But the locals said Hannibal Hayes
1d · 35
You Are Here
When the juggernaut
of thought is trapped
in a cul de sac of the
mind and the cogs of
cogito grind at one’s
futile reverse attempt
you have arrived at a
destination which we
call chronic depression
1d · 41
Artfully Poetic
My wave length
is stretched way
beyond the reach
of many who are
not familiar, with
art in semaphore

The sign gestures
I employ similar to
Michelangelo’s on
the Sistine ceiling,
are metaphorically
misleading murals.
2d · 60
Patrick’s Day
Nimbus put a white
cloud on my pint of
black stuff, an angel
plucked at the string
of an Irish Jews harp.

The choir sang a song
called ‘Rossa Palistina’.
2d · 19
What if any is the space
Between thought and
Speech called.

There is a term for time
Which delineates light
From darkness.

Birth and death has got
An infill period known
as existence,

In a location separating
Heaven from Hell that
We christened, earth!
2d · 41
Tullamore Dews got
retrospective karma and
2d · 64
Dark Energy
The mysterious
Cosmic force
Which has
Baffled scientists
Since 1759
Is Guinness
It is the only country in all
the world, with a stainless
steel lightening conductor
for the entire nation, on the
main street of its capital city.

But what is more intriguing
is that it has a connection
with the ancient Druids and
the solstices because the
rod is actually a Gnomon.

Universal pulse is measured
  from an apparatus which
  has been attached to the
  pinnacle in what is known
as a ‘Guinness-Time’ capsule.
3d · 52
vene vidi vichy
France is readying it’s
Citizens for a nuclear
War, everyone gets a
Baguette & white flag.
3d · 38
Night & Day
(                          O

The Moon bathes
an eye lid but the
Sun can never do
anything like that,
although it’s often
watery in Ireland.
3d · 46
Hell Sinki Ukraine
Zelensky put on Stubbs list

The Finnish of Kiev
3d · 37
So who do you think are
Picking the potato’s and
Washing dishes at your
Local cafe, not the Irish
I’ll be telling you, so next
time you open your gob
to insult an immigrant be
aware that it was we dug
up the streets in London
because they’ve no spuds
it was all chips over there.
3d · 38
When I was young lad I
had print marks on my
back every morning by
poorly stitched seams
of flour bag bed sheets.

We went barefooted to
school and I can tell you
that t’was many a thistle
of pins and needles got
to go in between our toes.

Later on in life in London
it was scars and scrapes
from shovels and picks &
the Friday night fights and
drunk til Monday morning.

But now an age of wisdom
no anaesthetic of my youth
to **** the stain of a useless
life, a tattoo of pain transfers
in my mind, but it’s invisible!
3d · 22
Unlike the gigantic mountains
and sprawling urban areas of
our universe, oceans have no
aquatic peripheral alternatives.

Rivers brooks canals even the
infant streams are lured to the
metropolis of water and just as
fish or lobsters they are snared.

Kahlil Gibran’s “Fear” shivers
on the shingle before entering
into the vast catchment of sea,
where ships are unable to exit.

There are no off-ramps, nor, any
overflows once one is committed
to Poseidon, and his perimeters.
But, some escape, by evaporation!
4d · 31
Dublin Spire Punctures London
Millennium Dome
4d · 29
g A z A
gz, AA meetings
on the strip and
could you blame
them for taking
up drink. Would
you look at what
Ronan Tynan the
Irish tenor said at
the mere thought
of having a Dew
neighbour, t’was
all over the news.
**** me, if I was
a Palestinian sure
I’d be *******
big time living by
those scary noisy
evil **** *******.
4d · 24
The Mass Acre
There are no priests left
in Gaza, those that were
have been killed by Dews
or must we say Sighonists?

What do woke politically
correct use, considering
that we must endeavour
not to be anti - semantic.
4d · 44
Don’t Quiet
Quite out of the
question to quit.

Don’t be hushed
or brushed aside.

Words can never
be arranged to fit.
Attn: Conor McGregor & President Trump

I am a 74 year old homeless Irishman, I have hypothyroid cortisol issue, heart failure and generally, failing health. Regarding the immigrants (and rants) I have no opposition to people of any race creed or culture settling here. If the Irish are prepared to permit
The English into the country after 800 years of subjugation, humiliation, deportation, excommunication and famine, then they should not be anti Blacks Indians or Arabs. Let us be honest, the Irish took on all of Britains inherited hatreds, even of Russia.
We are a tea drinking nation that insists of chips at Indian and Chinese restaurants. Ireland is a narrow minded nation, in bred and
insular. Yesterday I was at the Patricks Day Parade in Ballincollig Cork and saw Black Children with Shamrock, wonderful, I say.
4d · 24
Je Pense Trop
Brain Cogs

When someone refers to
brain cogs turning it hails
from the Descartes quote
of 1650 Cogito Ergo Sum.

Brain Fogs

This term came much later
from the English physician
called James Tunstall 1850
Cogito Ergo Sum ****** up.

Feeling Ratchet

A misconceived metaphor
from an Irish philosopher
called Finn Mac Eoin, it is
often misspelt as in Rat ****.
5d · 40
Writers, Journalists, Poets
beware of those whom you
critique, cajole, or condemn
the end of the word is coming.
5d · 23
Democracy is AK
Equality is a rocket launcher, in
the hands of people in bare feet.
5d · 39
For how long more must
Mother Russia gestate

Perhaps it’s time for her to
have a Caesarean section

Let us unwind the womb
and see this famous foetus

Might it be a Tzar or it may
well be yet another Empress

We are glad, because it was
Vlad, Godly sent to save us.
5d · 40
It would be a rare day, in
Ireland, for Nimbus to be
invited to a picnic in the
park, unless, it promised
to let its shadow at home.
5d · 38
“If Cleopatra was Irish she
  would be still alive today”

Saint Patrick

17th March 432 AD.
County Down
5d · 124
Food is a democracy
majorities will always
vote for a mediocrity.
5d · 38
It is the year of the
$nake  in  America
U.K China & Israel.

It was today in AD
432    Saint Patrick
rid Ireland of them.

The pregnant ASP
he sent to England
gave birth to a   W.
6d · 42
Qite Pleas

Speke      eezy
the    sin     sir
light    is     on
in         Lisbon
6d · 14
Abject Object
.        SUBJECT         .

The editor and I had
a falling out over the
title so I self published.

At the book launch it
was assumed to be a
dyslexic typing error.

In hindsight I should’ve
taken his advice & called
it  “ Low Shelf Esteem “.
6d · 45
The day I ran out of ink
I had to memorise two
poems, but I did find a
spot to write them down.

One was a Limerick that
I fingered on the back of
a Bus Éireann, under the
Red Setter, going to Cork.

The other was a Haiku in
seventeen syllables which
I scribed on beach sand @
Ahakista by Sheep’s Head.
6d · 30
Self Thought
The brain is a bowl of
spaghetti in a maze

A labyrinth of Hamas
mesmerising tunnels

Creativity sans secrecy,
impossible said Camus

Cogito ergo sum is how
Descartes explained it

But a slip of the tongue
is no fault of the mind

Providing you have not
gone & forked things up!
6d · 34
Writers Block
The French were a bit more
sophisticated, the guillotine
less brutal & more accurate.

My work has been censored,
the majority of it’s been axed
then burned, like Joan of Arc.

I don’t drink PG Tips but I’ve
been told the three monkeys
club is where I am being sent.
6d · 21
Suicide Attempts
How can anyone be so dumb as
not to achieve a lifetime ambition.

Samuel Beckett said fail, fail again,
fail better, one must never give up.
I have got a mares tail cloud, with a
red sky in the morning sunrise, on
my right thumbnail, it’s set in the left.
6d · 41
La Retraite

I was never rostered
by the rooster so there
is nothing alarmingly
different dans le matin
because I was always
up before the hens.

But unlike most people
who retire and cancel
the alarm settings on
their clocks I have no
such luxury as life in a
camper Van is deci belli.

When by the railway it
is two hoots rat a rat tat
by the sea it’s the gulls
wuff wuff from traffic
wind near the motorway
and refuse trucks in town.

Find a place to shave and
sheet and shower and to
wash clothing somewhere
to busk for fuel and food
somewhere to park out of
shadows for solar panels.

And Winter, all changes dark
at 4pm cover on windscreen.
Mornings cold as a dogs nose,
stiff with the rheumathism of
nights inactivity and beneath this
frosted stratosphere a liquid silence.
7d · 29
Combien ?
How much water would we
preserve if taps were marked

How many bird’s would
survive if cats wore bells

How many people would be
welcome if we had empathy

How many lives would be
spared if Israel was an island
7d · 30
You can cast me in
shadow, silhouette
me in silence, steal
my limelight, but a
stain, is the spilled
reflection of ethos !
7d · 37
Oct, sept Mosque’itoes
  bit Isreali Gnats’is not
    kosher ham in ***
7d · 64
Irish Taste Buds
Ireland was/is the only
white nation in history
to be colonised & they
imposed their language.

But we took all of their
racism, prejudices and
dislikes without forcing.

This is why we despise
Blacks Russians Arabs
Chinese & Indians, but
we love the P.O.M frites.

We have the audacity to
demean the culture and
cuisine of the latter two
by insisting (as our past
masters do) on portions
of chips with curry & rice.

What a disgusting insult
how embarrassing it is too.

Go to McDonald’s I say &
ask them for a pair of  \/

They will tell you **** off.

A country without a tongue
is a country without a taste.
7d · 37
Tide Line
Adrift for over fifty years,
feeling like a bit of debris
washed up on the shore
just waiting to be pickled
up by the beachcombers.

Discarded into a blue refuse
tidy-town bag aborted by a
cruel sea or disabled *****
in a clear knotted ******
looking at the hungry gulls.
Mar 14 · 50
Pipe Dream’s
Ryan O'Leary Mar 14
Zelensky had a pipe dream
he turned Russian gas off in
one, and he blew up another.

Putin had a pipe dream too,
a night-mare for Zelensky, a
trojan horse without any legs.
Mar 14 · 34
Brent Crude
Ryan O'Leary Mar 14
Boom bust barometer
just pulled in its horns
retreating to the shell.

Whale oil beef hooked
Brits are going down
the tubes bearings lost.

Karma always comes to
the evil ones, Isreal will
be next, god bless Allah.
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