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Mowing the lawn is endish
The rains nourish
The weeds flourish
The grass growish
I again mowish
Know what I knowish
Such is lifeish
It is plentish
Much is foolish
Others seriousish
Some is hateish
Much is loveish
At times sadish
But the grass always growish
So when it's time to mowish
Smile and welcomish
You're living lifeish
It can be beautifulish
If that is what we wish!
Sycamore floaters fill the park
and shadows grow long on the hill
as the sun sets on my peaceful oasis.
Dogs are being walked and chickens
are being watered.
The tweekers are on their
rigged up, gas powered bicycles, zipping through
the streets like squirrels in the ancient oak
tree guarding my corner of the block.
Everywhere I look I see fifteen million
emerald leaves shining back the truth to me.
Whatever other costumes might have been hers for the choosing,
She wore the robe of disenchantment.

She should have been taught,
Truth skates a razor thin line that will slice the flesh from your bones
When you try to deny it.  

The mask she placed upon her face, a tragicomic mockery of belief,
Its blue-black marks tattooing her cheeks,
Were a constant reminder of her mistaken identity of herself,


(And in that moment of stark realization,
Didst thou not ponder the sickening irony of a life gone awry?)
I watched as that needle drained you of your capacity. Capacity to feel. Capacity to deal. Capacity to reel in the really real. I watched and I knew that devil was one I would never *****.
Literal, describing you.
Is what I feel
My love.
let them see
the way of knowledge themselves
teach them to read and to aspire;
male and female, brother and sister
the privileged and the children of the streets -
teach them to observe, to speak and to dream
teach them the ways of piercing
beyond the confines

be it each child’s unquestioned right
be it enshrined in the laws and in your statutes
be it inscribed on your City Gates
and in your Hearts and Minds;
let each sit to the sounds of the words and meaning
let each decipher, think and interpret
let each be empowered, guided but not circumscribed
let each explore and discover and capture the voices
and dreams in the very air about them
bring to them the means and the new and the old
regardless of one’s origin and history
each child, male and female
let there not be want and lack of means
let each be fearless
do not hold back any
let none be neglected
and let them be the heirs
to our world -
to freedom,
inquiry and exploration…
let each child live fully the life of the mind
Many promises I receive,
never bother to get any written, on paper,
as this is a continuous marathon one after the other.
If your eyes tell me that they love me, I believe, that's enough,
for the elation I need to take me forward, till the end of this road
Come with me for a distance , I'd love you for eons, for those moments,
our affinity remains mutual, till the story reaches the point of culmination.
All long journeys have moments of excitement, love and  disappointment,
don't you feel your heart hurt on seeing that teardrop on the corner of my eye,
I have seen the same clouds of pain, in your skies  though you tried to conceal,
Someone greets at the end, where one hangs the horn, needs only a drink of water and falls.
For the day clocking 300,000 reads,   (Since September 2011)
         Thank you very much, sincerely HP friends, each and every one!
We went to the woods for a picnic
That girl was such a nitwit
She promised a lot
But all I got
Was a peck on the cheek and a biscuit

Her parents went to Rhyll
To me that sounded brill
I went to her place
All prepared (just in case)
And fed the budgie some trill

I said I've fallen for ya
Let's cuddle in the corner
She said that's nice
But tonight I might
Practise my recorder

She said it's good to share
I said I'm with you there
Then I was led
To a single bed
And loaned a teddy bear

I did my best to please her
But she was just a teaser
My money spent
My patience went
So it was time to leave her
To get lost
when all the earth goes black, sinking into silence
stars tumble into darkest seas, hidden from love's moon
that cannot shine alone

many the deserts of dust covered roads
with wind to blow a path
toward home

rains will come in washing waves
gathering lonely lovers
dreams of love, pouring down
in heavenly
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