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the world
appears too frightening
Close your intelligent eyes
how many coins do we have? you count
and I’ll see; call out as you count, tell me
how much exactly; and then how many days
it will take us to…Little Boy with his crutches
can buy a new one, maybe
and a new shawl for mama…
throw it, one coin against the other as you count;
I love to hear the clink of coins…ha, ha –
you know, sometimes
I even lick a coin to see if it’s pure…mama says I’d get sick
if I did that…yeah, certainly not as sweet on the tongue
as the grapes and fruit we sell, but certainly tastes well
to me in my mind
have you another coin in the other palm?
this day a Lord’s servant bought
some grapes in the street corner;
she said it was for her master’s table,
and our grapes were glowing and fresh
much as what her master loves…and she was kind to me…
did you count the other coin? sometimes I wonder, you know,
how many coins we will need till the end of our lives,
like to the time, say, when Old Boko died last autumn –
how many coins will it take to see us to that moment?
Yes, and of course, how many grapes
would we need to sell to collect that amount?
poem based on the painting “The Little Fruit Seller”  by MURILLO, Bartolomé Esteban (b. 1617, Sevilla, d. 1682, Sevilla)
Soil, mulch and flora.
Odors of spring on bodies.
Peonies ripen.
O how the thought of God attracts
And draws the heart from earth,
And sickens it from passing shows
And dissipating mirth!

Tis not enough to save our souls,
To shun the eternal fires;
The thought of God will rouse the heart
To more sublime desires.

God only is the creature's home,
Though rough and strait the road;
Yet nothing less can satisfy
The love that longs for God.

Oh, utter but the Name of God
Down in your heart of hearts,
And see how from the world at once
All tempting light departs.

A trusting heart, a yearning eye
Can win their way above;
If mountains can be moved by faith
Is there less power in love?

How little of that road, my soul,
How little hast thou gone!
Take heart and let the thought of God
Allure thee further on.

Dole not thy duties out to God,
But let thy hand be free;
Look long at Jesus, His sweet blood-
How was it dealt to thee?

The perfect way is hard to flesh;
It is not hard to love;
If thou wert sick for want of God
How swiftly wouldst thou move!

Be docile to thine unseen Guide;
Love Him as He loves thee;
Time and obedience are enough,
And thou a saint shalt be.

*Frederick William Faber
A mud puddle in the rough patch of the road,
reflects her face, clearer than ever.
A child again, her mind transformed by some magic,
A tsunami wave of enlightenment sweeps her off her feet at once.
The Zen moment defies definition
                                                  Grab it as it comes
My father was a plumber and more
He is gone now with much forlorn
I miss his advice and lore
A leak sparked memory
Of great days of yore
Advice I seek
To fix my
I fixed it while thinking about him. He taught me more than he knows. I miss are time spent together, even arms deep in toilets. Love you Dad!
The media is every teenage girl's downfall
We pick up some ****** magazine on our way out and find some celebrity's tell-all
And we realize that our lives will never be as interesting
Our bodies will never be as beautiful
Our love will never be as sought after
We devour the pages of silly gossip and photoshopped lies
And yet, I think we all feel a little disappointed inside.
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