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49 · Oct 2020
your side
Mikey Oct 2020
i had a dream,
you were in my arms.
our songs playing in the background.
simply melodies mixed in with giggles and deep breaths.

when i woke up i sighed,
i'm tired if your side being so cold
come home
Mikey Aug 2020
I laid there, looking at the slight lines in the star speckled sky where we traced out the constellations of our love wishing I could remember the day you left
the day I find vague and forgotten in the thin lines of time dotted with my tears.
the days we sat in my car and sang seems dark, contrasting to the bright memories of you.
I long to remember the day you left me, stranded in the stars
but as I sit at the bottom of this bottle I find it hard to remember a thing
48 · Sep 4
Mikey Sep 4
i don’t miss you, and please never contact me again
but if you did i’d answer because i miss the warmth in your voice and spending my nights with you.
but please don’t contact me, i never wanna see your face again.
seeing you again is the last thing i would ever want, but it was so warm outside and the stars were so visible in the darkness of the sky and i couldn’t sleep so i should’ve been on the way to your house.
i wish i could get over you, but i already am.
i wish you’d come back but please stay so far away from me.
i don’t love you anymore but i still think about you all the time.
48 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i wish i coped with my anxiety in other ways.
48 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
you always told me to never apologize for silly things, that I didn't need too.
but what am I supposed to do, when Im laying breathless on my bathroom floor, and all you want is an apology for something I never did.
I think that's quite silly.
I've never understood this.
48 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes i wonder if the late night car ride meant nothing to you,
if my name still rings in your ears,
if my guitar strings still snap your fingers,
i wonder if the late night tears mean anything to you.
i wonder if what i once was means anything to you.

with love,
the ghosted bestfriend
48 · Dec 2020
your eyes
Mikey Dec 2020
i could stare into those eyes for evermore.
the eyes that hold onto me tightly and shine like the November sun.
they cling to my soul and find a home in mine.
ive never met one with eyes like yours.
i long to get lost in them till the end of my days.
only if you let me darling
47 · Aug 2020
last night.
Mikey Aug 2020
last night I woke up in a druken haze, laying next to someone I hoped to be you.
47 · Dec 2020
i stare sometimes
Mikey Dec 2020
i stare sometimes.
i take in the undefined beauty of the crowd around me.
i watch the way people gesture, the way their hands move nimbly.
i watch the people run, with every time their foot hits the ground their arms go up.
i watch people put in headphones and the way their body reacts, gently yet so strongly.  
i stare sometimes.
i find the way peoples rings fit on their hands electrifying.
i find the way peoples hands intertwine, so softly yet so intimate.
sometimes i stare,
and its not because im rude.
im just taking in the beauty of the world, and enjoying every second of it.
47 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
J'ai envie d'être aussi belle que les autres autour de moi.

I want to be as beautiful as the others around me.
46 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
your soul is my home,
and id spend forever being homesick if it meant i found you.
46 · Oct 2020
beautiful sadness
Mikey Oct 2020
your memories leave me with a beautiful sadness.
a lonely comfort,
a broken promise.
yes you left, but you also left a piece of you.
thank you.
46 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i find myself questioning the intentions of my thoughts and actions.
i question the way my feet hit the ground,
the way i raise my voice,
the way my shoulders move when i stretch,
the way my fingers move when i type,
the way my voice sounds.
i question it all.
am i real?
can people see me?
am i this body?
i am me, but who am i?
help ***
46 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i find that most poets write about their lovers eyes, or the way they say their name.
these have never meant much to me, not compared to you.
i could say your eyes are like the rouge oceans, or unruly storms.
i could say your voice was the calmest song to exist, or compare it to a sip of whiskey.
i could say all these things about you and they would be true.
but if im being honest, no words will ever be able to describe how perfectly imperfect you are.
46 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i hear you voice in strums of my guitar.
i can feel you arms wrap around my stomach and your head press into my shoulder blades.
i can sometimes feel your hands overlapping mine, trying to take control while you giggle.
sometimes i hear you whisper forgotten words into my ears.
i love to play but it brings you back.

just come home, ill play for you..
hhh trash
46 · Aug 2020
fade away.
Mikey Aug 2020
don't let me fade away.
don't let my crimson waters flood out of me.
don't let my lungs take in the forbidden words filled with water.
don't let my heart beat for my mind.
don't let me fade away.
and if I do, don't forget me.
I fear being forgotten.
45 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
you fell for the sun. and all its warmth, its beaming light. its color.

but my darling i was the moon. i was cold. i was dark.

and i wasnt what you wanted.

even though i told you to never look at the sun, you still did. and it burned your eyes.

yet here i was, soft and mellow, ready to tend to your wounds.

but once again you looked.

though i provided you with sunglasses this time.
45 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
sometimes i fade away into empty bottles of ***,
and unsmoked cigarettes.
instead of fading away into your arms.
i find this quite sad
Mikey Aug 3
i heard someone with your laugh today.
it made me feel like you were still alive
45 · Dec 2020
what do i do?
Mikey Dec 2020
my legs are bruised and battered,
my arms are scarred and weak,
my head is pounding against my skull,
and my stomach is turning in.
im losing myself again and again and i dont know what to do.
im empty and broken yet im trying my best.
i just
dont know
45 · Nov 2020
one and "only"
Mikey Nov 2020
you are my one and only
if only i was yours
45 · Nov 2020
will you be..
Mikey Nov 2020
will you be the june to my johnny cash?
the tracy to my lil peep?
the kelso to my jackie?
the freddy to my carly?
the james to my alyssa?
the percy to my annabeth?

the star to my night sky.

will you?
45 · Nov 2020
its only 8:53
Mikey Nov 2020
i can feel my body going limp,
my sight going foggy,
im getting colder.
my head is throbbing and my hands are shaking.
its so loud, im so tired.
its only 8:53
45 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
im not gonna leave you.
im not gonna set us up for failure.
im trying to make everything okay.
dont let your thoughts take it over.
i got it.
ill fix it.
im sorry.
im trying.
im gonna fix this.
another vent.
45 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
your absence still hurts.
even after you dug holes into my heart and tore my ligaments apart.
it still hurts to roll over at night and not see your smiling face besides me.
your absence will forever feel forced and fatal.
but it’s what i need.
even though this absence is killing me.
god i can’t stop thinking about youuuu. this suckssss
44 · Apr 2021
Mikey Apr 2021
she only writes when you ask her to.
thats how i know the ink she bleeds is for you.
i cant help but think about her words in a longing way
i wish i could write about you the way she does
maybe her love for you is somehow stronger than mine
who knows
she always confused me anyway
44 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i didnt think love was for me,
until i looked into those icy blue eyes and let you hold me.
i didnt think love was for me,
until you loved me and held me close.

i didnt think it was for me until you.
and sadly, i still lost you
44 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
the coldest of nights turn into brute warm moments, between the beloved.
the intimacy of a single glance, a singe touch, a single word.
the entanglement of bodies matching the entanglement of hearts.
oh isnt it amazing to be entangled with the one you love, and yearn for.
43 · Nov 2020
the earth
Mikey Nov 2020
when i feel the earth caving in i write.
i write about the earthy smell,
the way the roots twist and tangle,
i write about the way the rain falls horizontally.
i write about the way mother nature weeps,
the way her beautifully broken tears fall in puddles all around.
i write about the sky, and the clouds. the stars even.
i write about nature cause its all i know.
and i know nature will never change its earthy glow.
43 · Oct 2020
modern day suicide
Mikey Oct 2020
my stomach turns,
as the waves below me crash in swirling spirals.
my hands shake,
as the blue and red capsules turn their devilish eyes onto me.
my heart wheeps,
as the cool silver screws lay on the floor.
my lungs scream,
as the tie lays, unused for the formal dinner you promised.
my feet dance,
as the edge calls closer.
my body longs for it, though my heart tells me no.
and my head tells me yes.
yet, the only thing stopping me are three simple words.

does it hurt.
43 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
you have my hands tied back with a thin silk rope.
you tighten this rope when you feel me slipping from you.
i even has a name.
i wrote this a year or two ago but oh well
43 · Dec 2020
nursery rhymes
Mikey Dec 2020
now i lay me down to sleep, i pray the lord my soul to keep.
to get me through the brutal nights so i can put up another fight.
and if i die among the day i hope he finds another way,
to let me die among the rest,
so i can be my very best.
dead and in the ground lol
43 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
so maybe i'm stupid, or maybe i'm dumb, but i'm starting to think maybe you like that i'm numb
ouchy my heart hurts
43 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
theres a certain simplicity about us that gives me pink and purple butterflies.
the way you can write about me in vivid colors, when the world around you is in black and white.
they way you fight battles for me, against yourself and me.
the simple way our hands fold together, or the way your last name fits perfectly with my first.
we're simple, intertwined by a simple red string at the tips of our fingers.
to help us home,
to the end of time.
43 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
the world is spinning,
fluorescent day dreams riddle my head.
butterflies land on my hands and speak to me in the most calming voice,
"breath my child, breath"
the deeper the breathes the more they come, singing and dancing on my fingertips.
im safe in the arms of these hallucinations.
theyre warm and soft. like his skin.
42 · Dec 2020
my demons
Mikey Dec 2020
my demons are screaming i think they might win
my heads under water and i cannot swim.
theres weights at my wrist, a buzz in my ears, my eyes are going hazy my limbs are going limp.

my actions are now dire for the sake of myself
"mom i need help"
i force out my mouth like a bullet from hell.
"honey youre okay. youre gonna be fine"
those words hit my heart like a bunch of knives"
"okay, thanks mom. i love you"
i say, whisking away the blank expression on my face.

but heres one thing i just couldnt say.

my demons are screaming i think they might win
my breathes are short like october wind.
they have become people, violent and strong.
putting weights on my shoulders so i must play along.

ive kicked them off once, but they keep coming back.
they have become real things and theres no turning back.
they hold my sparks in the palm of their hands,
i sometimes wonder if ill ever see it again.

my demons are screaming i think that they've won.
my spark has gone out,
and im totally numb.
42 · Sep 2020
deadman walking.
Mikey Sep 2020
like a flower that wilts in the sun,
youve become a case of a person.
a hollow shell,
an empty place.
youve become nothing.
youre a pit of despair,
you feel like nothing could ever compare to the pain you feel.
but like all things, you grow.
you bloom in the dancing beams of moonlight,
you radiate in the endless field of dreams.
you may be empty but youre not empty yet.
so let me fill you, with the sparks you send me.
so i can see the love of mine, even if its only in the moonlight.
let yourself glow my love.
42 · Dec 2020
s a f e ?
Mikey Dec 2020
i can feel myself leaving you,
piece by piece i stray further.
i dont want to lose you but i dont know how to keep you,
safe and healthy in these arms of mine.
but im trying, im trying to fix everything.
im sorry i made your home feel unsafe.
im putting in more security cameras to help.
im scared
42 · Dec 2020
what i need
Mikey Dec 2020
i went months with the constant dispense of my addiction for you.
and now i get to suffer the blood rotting withdrawals.  
and i know we both agreed on this, but
when i look at you i see constellations.
i see ocean waves gone rouge.
i see mighty trees and blanket thick forests.
i know we both agreed on this, but
when i hear you i get butterflies in my stomach.
i hear swigs of whiskey.
i hear a sweet southern drawl like nothing ive heard before.
i hear the hums of an electric bass amp.
i know we both agreed on this, but
i need you.
like the earth needs the moon,
like space needs the stars,
like guitars need their strings.
i need you the way you need pokemon cards.
god i just,,
dont give up on me..
42 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
im a ******* for the pain you cause me.
Mikey Aug 19
i can feel time slowly drifting away.
these little moments that i watch through cracked pavement and try to grasp like weeds on the summer sidewalk.
these memories are supposed to be the highlight of my formative years, yet they filter through my fingertips and leave remnants of a life not lived in my palms.
was i supposed to follow this path?
is this what im supposed to be?
i started college. its not going well
41 · Aug 2020
not for you.
Mikey Aug 2020
sometimes I think of the days we sat on my front porch to watch the sunset.
I think of the days you cried in my mothers arms
the days we drank coffee and sat in my backyard
I think of these days and a certain kind of pain arises in me.
a sort of longing pain, a longing for what you once were.
a pain for the person that befriended me at my lowest and healed me to my best.
but no matter the pain, I will never long for what we once had.
I long for you.
not for us.
41 · Oct 2020
i write.
Mikey Oct 2020
i write,
and i write,
and i write.
yet i can never find the words to put my pain into.
i can never seem to let my emotions flow through the tip of my pen.
though i would love to tell you guys my pain through beautiful metaphors and rhymes.
my pain is fathomless,
let alone someone i can write.
41 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
if you asked me to jump off a building with you,
id ask how high you want me to climb.

and no matter how broken and shattered my ankles are.
ill climb my way to the top if you wished it of me.
41 · Dec 2020
cold ig
Mikey Dec 2020
please dont put me into the position where i have to show you how cold
my heart really is.
40 · Sep 2020
my own personal winter.
Mikey Sep 2020
ive always loved the sound snow makes.
the way the earth falls silent, the waves of my voice to you being soaked up by the freshly produced crystals.
the way it crunches beneath your feet, only to leave your shoes wet and cold.
ive always loved the cold, and the moments leading to it.
but the coldest month of the year for me was july.
but then august came around, and as the months have passed, your love for me has slowly melted the snow in my heart.
40 · Aug 2020
the universe
Mikey Aug 2020
I didn't tell my mom about you,
or pray to god.
I didn't write about you in secret spirals,
or sketch out pictures of you.
I told the stars about you,
about how you shine brighter than they ever could.
I told the sea about you,
how your eyes share its marvelous blue.
I told the earth about you,
how you make me feel like the only person on it.
I told the universe about you,
and it gave me you.
40 · Aug 2020
till the sky falls
Mikey Aug 2020
the sky will one day lose its blue
the stars will one day fail to shine
the fireflies that litter the summer night skies will one day lose their fire
the sun will fail to burn
the earth will fail to turn
the moon will fail to reflect the suns dying glow
but I will love you, even after the sky falls
39 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i can feel the blood in my veins rotting.
i reek of the everlasting stench of self loath.
so maybe i can drink out the smell of my delicate lungs rotting away.
before i become chained to this prison of a body
39 · Sep 2020
read this.
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes loving someone hurts more than losing them.
let go.
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