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39 · Aug 2020
star gazing.
Mikey Aug 2020
I long to get lost in the constellations in your eyes
let me drown away my sorrows in the Milky Way.
for once I'm in those beautiful constellations,
I get lost in you.
all because of star gazing into those breathtaking eyes.
39 · Sep 2020
read this.
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes loving someone hurts more than losing them.
let go.
39 · Nov 2020
so big, so small.
Mikey Nov 2020
i want to touch the bluest of skies.
i want to sink my feet into the deepest earth.
i want to soak in the bluest of oceans.
i want to taste the sweetest of foods.
i want to hear the most beautiful of melodies.
so lets go on an adventure.
i want to feel so big
as long as its with you.
38 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i can hear you,
sense you,
touch you.
youre locked away in the back of my mind, itching.
looking for a way out.
youre a creature.
and by association,
you make me a creature.
a creature of habit.
38 · Dec 2020
showers (tw)
Mikey Dec 2020
i need to take a shower,
but it burns.
water slowly seeps into self administered war wounds,
and my mind goes foggy.
i grip my arms and squeak in pain.
im tired of causing myself pain but i just cant get enough
of those perfect little papercuts.
38 · Oct 2020
im not...
Mikey Oct 2020
i'm not very clever.
my mind does work at accelerated speed,
yet my mind races when you say something mean to me.

i'm not very gentle.
my hands aren't weary,
yet when you raise a hand to me suddenly they go limp.

i'm not very kind.
when you ask me a question ill tell you straight up. i don't sugarcoat things,
yet when you tell me to talk to you suddenly i do.

im not a pretender.
i don't act like someone else. i'm me and thats it,
yet everyone thinks i'm fine.

im not okay.
but i say i am,
so that means it's true, right?

what about the rest of this, was it true?
38 · Aug 2020
your love in my eyes.
Mikey Aug 2020
your love in my eyes is like rain on a summers day
like music that leaves a tingle in your spine
like the smell of fresh baked cookies on a january afternoon
like pinky promises in dimly lit rooms
like secret kisses stolen in the dark
your love, in my eyes is all i need to become mesmerized by you
your love, fills my every decision and brings me home each day
so i’m sorry if the way i cling to you is to much
but in my eyes, your love is all i need, and all i could ever want
so please for the love of god. let me stay
38 · Aug 2020
smoke signals.
Mikey Aug 2020
I still look for you.
I look for you in the empty faces on the street.
I look for you in the clouds.
I still look for those smoke signals, you promised to send me.
I wonder if you've seen mine.
38 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i find myself wanting to hold your embers in my hands,
but if i do ill get burned.
Mikey Aug 2
Something smelled like you today.
The breeze carried your smile and your laugh straight to my sinuses and clogged them in unrequited love and whispered promises spoken in dimly lit rooms.
I had to strain against the weight of your soft kisses and tight hugs that made my knees start to give way.
The warm summer air seemed to taunt me in that moment, knowing the very scent of you could make me weak.
That it could wreck the cartilage that stood fortified in my knees and held me up so highly.
Something smelled like you today,
Or maybe it was just my senses playing a trick on me.
Either way, youre whispered in the breeze. A slowly forgotten memory.
this is kinda ****. sorry
Mikey Sep 4
i am nothing in my soul if not obsessive,
and i know intense love will always lead to mourning.
and now what am i supposed to do?
37 · Sep 4
not the one
Mikey Sep 4
i know im not the person you want.
i do know that i promise.
but late at night when youre holding me bare and exposed against your chest, i cant help but think i may be.
when youre laughing alongside me in the car and you turn to me, those dazzling hazel eyes shining as they meet mine, i cant help but think i may be.
when youre whispering secrets to me until the early hours of the morning, our scents combing and lingering in a haze around us, i cant help but think maybe.
i know im not the person you want, nor will i ever be.
but its nice to pretend sometimes.
37 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i crave the feeling of your love rushing through me.
i want to be breathless,
my lungs begging for your words to replace mine.
i long for the piercing stare, the harsh tone, the wandering hands.
i long for you.
for your special kind of love,
made up of choked gasps and scratched backs.

i long for you while you long for me.  
and all we can do is sit in the back of the classroom, writing poetry.
37 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
I find myself laying awake in the middle of the night wishing I was her.
not for how she looks
or her smile
or her laugh,
but for the way you look at her.
im just kinda struggling rn.
37 · May 2020
the painters promise
Mikey May 2020
The primary colors artists live to see through swollen, sleep deprived eyes searching for a way to find money
Primary colors based in green and yellow branching from black minds and cracked souls
Blue and red veins pop out of purple and blue speckled arms
Hands worn from countless brushes and ripping canvass
Feelings splattered in red and orange across broken faces and half torn smiles
But we’re okay
Its just the painters promise.
37 · Sep 2020
two sides
Mikey Sep 2020
are you fighting for her or fighting for me
when you think of those eyes, whose do you see?
when you think of that voice, whose is the perfect key?
if you saw us both, would you run to me?
theres two sides to this battle,
and sadly i cant see,
where in the world,
you would choose me.
i love you more than anything, but this is really hard
37 · Oct 2020
the things i do for you.
Mikey Oct 2020
i find myself caring more about life now.
and thats because of you.
i finally have a reason to stay.
i promised forever :)
37 · May 2020
the day before
Mikey May 2020
The day before last I dreamt of you.
My hands in your hair while a movie played.
I realized It was a dream when I woke up,
And realized youd never want me.
36 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
you were a dream my mind had created out of little fragments of memories.
a dream made out of light from every gleaming star in the sky.
god, what a dream you were.
it felt as if i could reach into my mind and swim in the oceans in your eyes.
i could have count every freckle that sprinkled across your nose,
i could have gently pressed my lips against yours,
you couldve called me by your name, and i couldve called you by mine.
and i realize now you were nothing but a dream then.
but now youre my only reality
36 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
the person youre in love with is supposed to make the world more colorful,
but what are you supposed to do when youre colorblind
36 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
As I sit on the ground surrounded by the broken remains of our love,
I realize with the deepest sorrow I was never what you wanted
I was only what you needed
36 · Oct 2020
the boy.
Mikey Oct 2020
your arms incase me.
your lips softly plant unspoken words onto me.
your hands trace my scars, etching hearts into them.
your lungs share their breath with mine.
your eyes mend my broken daydreams.
your voice floats me off to sleep.
your heart beats for me.
and mine beats for you.
36 · Nov 2020
y u c k y . f e e l i n g
Mikey Nov 2020
i cant remember
                        what its like
to not

t i r e d
d i z z y
36 · Oct 2020
m a k e y o u f e e l
Mikey Oct 2020
sometimes i cant help but wonder,
if the way i say your name leaves shivers in your spine,
if the way i whisper carelessly makes you feel safe,
if the way i push your glasses back up makes you feel small,
i cant help but wonder these things because i know how these things make me feel.
but how do they make you?
36 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i feel like i'm stranded.
i'm lost at sea.
i'm so sad cant you see.
you've hurt me more than once and i cant let it go.
i'm in pain and its starting to show.
so i'll shove it down again and again.
but it'll always come back to me

                               ­    again
36 · Nov 2020
the end.
Mikey Nov 2020
this is the end.
but dont be scared my love,
i promised to love you till the end of time.
36 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
you were my light at the end of a hallway.
but you were blown out.
leaving me stumbling through the dark
35 · Nov 2020
drink it down.
Mikey Nov 2020
youre intoxicating so i go to school drunk and come home hungover craving your lips even more than before.
so hand me the bottle and lets gunshot another round,
because its misery to me when youre not around
34 · Sep 2020
into the dark
Mikey Sep 2020
take my hand my love.
ill lead you through the dark defending you from your demons.
ill lead you to neverland with a simply ask of me.
im here for you through everything, just intertwine your fingers with mine,
and ill follow you into the dark
34 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
i scuffed up my knuckles as i crawled my way out.
the skin broke, peeling and bloodied.
my hands shook, my chest tightened, my eyes burned.
my knuckles, which had been rubbed raw, clung to your embrace.
searching for a way to heal.
and you told me to keep climbing.
yet, i still scuff my knuckles for you.
34 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i fall to my knees upon your thorns,
and you still dont want me.

not even after i picked out every spike with blood ridden fingertips.
how selfless of me..
to think youll want me
33 · Aug 2020
homesick remedy
Mikey Aug 2020
I long for home.
not the place I grew up, nor the house I live in.
I don't long for an apartment, or a city.
I want to go home,
to your arms.
to your eyes.
to your voice.
let me come home.
33 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
you say you're just friends,
but you look at him the same why you looked at me.
33 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
late nights bring back small reminders of the days your fingertips traced my broken heart, mending it ever so slightly.
your touch is still engraved on me to this day, its as if your fingerprints have become mine.
one day they'll be mine again
but god, that day isn't coming soon enough.
I'm tired of the reminder that your hands have touched me.
33 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
have you ever been put up on the shelf, and only dusted off when people are confused or need something from you?

yeah me too.
i guess we can get dusty together.

come, stay awhile
33 · Oct 2020
i miss you.
Mikey Oct 2020
I breath in the timeless beauty of the pictures we took.
allowing my lungs to fill with the memory of your laugh, and the bittersweet taste of your lips.
I find myself sketching your features into my ceiling each night, allowing myself to see your ocean blue eyes again.  
in the deepened hours of the morning i lay away, my bed cold, your spot empty, unsafe.
come home.
i miss you.
33 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
please dont fall apart.
dont allow the rage inside you break your own bones.
dont let the sadness carve ravines in your moonlit skin.
dont allow the jealousy run through your veins.
please dont fall apart
33 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
through all the tears and superstitions all i can tell myself is

"he'll never hurt me"
and i know its true
32 · Nov 2020
nights like these.
Mikey Nov 2020
its nights like these where i wished you were curled beside me,
twirling your hair and softly nodding off to sleep.
when you would gently intertwine your fingers with mine and say you loved me.
its nights like this where i wished we were staring out your bedroom window, watching the rain slowly patter off houses and onto the pavement.
i wish i could tell you how much i truly missed you, how much i long for your arms wrapped around me.
but you changed, and thats okay.
i just wish that change involved me.
i miss my bestfriend. but sadly she isnt really my bestfriend anymore
32 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
shatter my heart again why dont you.
keep my pieces sew together in webs of lies.
break me again why dont you.
rapidly force freshly made recipes of 'love' down my throat.
destroy my everything why dont you.
keep my dreams in a little glass bottle labelled 'hopeless'.

ruin me again and again.
you're my sadistic daydream.
this is kinda bad but thats alright
32 · Dec 2020
till another day
Mikey Dec 2020
even though our world fell apart,
i can still look into your eyes and call them home..
32 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
as we rekindle the fire that once burned within us
i can feel your warmth slowly reach my frost bitten fingertips
your light pulsating through my veins
i can feel the imprint of your lips against my neck
and your fingertips against my waist
i can feel the fire that burned within us both bringing us home each night,
to the hallways we stole secret stares at eachother
trying to fight the feelings that later took us over.
to my lover.
32 · Sep 29
Mikey Sep 29
this ongoing solitude of mine
is how i silently whisper into the breeze that i miss you.
i’ll never go back i’ll never go back i’ll never go back.
31 · Aug 2020
understanding. (tw)
Mikey Aug 2020
I get it.
the way red rivers flow
the way revines scar across your skin
the way your heart shatters and slashes your lungs
the way you get pushed last on the list
the way your smile fades when you see them
ive been there, I promise.
I understand your pain, your emptiness, your lack of hope
I understand you, and you're not alone.
you're never alone
I'm always here
you're okay angel
31 · Nov 2020
simply a flower
Mikey Nov 2020
im simply a flower in a childrens book.

people pick off my petals to find out if their one true love
.... loves them not.

im simply a flower,
with brightly colored petals that can drift on a summer breeze.

simply i wither in the cold winter months,
becoming prone to the monsters that hide under my bed.

im simply a flower,
delicate and pretty yet when you look at me long enough you can see the rough dented ridges.

im simply your flower, so take care of me. im oh so delicate,
i hope you can see.

dont pick off my petals to know if i love you, just know that i grow under the moonlight of your love.

so youll never need to know by ripping me apart,
just know ill plant seeds in your heart.
30 · Sep 2020
glass half something
Mikey Sep 2020
is the glass half empty or half full,
is it water or *****,
is it a chasher of pills or do you swallow those dry.

is the glass of your choice full or empty,
does it make you forgive or make you forget,
does it make that pill dissolve on your tongue,
or does it collect in the lump in the back of your throat.

does the glass fill your pain or dump out your hurt,
does it make you see the monsters or make you meet the demons.
you may not know. and thats okay.
at least its a glass half something.
30 · Jan 2023
</3 .3
Mikey Jan 2023
i go home and weep for you
i rot away in your clothes desperatly trying to get your scent onto my skin
i rewatch our videos trying to engrave your voice into the ridges of my skull
i place my hands the same places yours resided, trying to remember the way your hands felt against my skin

everytime i look at you my heart breaks a little more
30 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
I've lived thousands of lives
walked thousands of places
talked to thousands of people
loved thousands with all my heart.
yet if I could do it all again,
I would chose to love you, even if its just for a second.
30 · Nov 2020
my own opinion
Mikey Nov 2020
men in love with men,
women in love with women,
and enbys in love with enbys.
theres nothing more beautiful than innocent love.
30 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
I can still feel the way your eyes burnt into me.
the way your lips traced every curve of my body.
the way you held me.
I can still feel you, and your presence
but to you I'm a stranger, and nothing more than that.
a stranger that once kissed you with ever ounce of passion they had.
a stranger that spent hours, days, months, years even, studying ever scar, ever mark, every way your body moved.
but of course, strangers do that.
I'm just the stranger that walks around with your deepest secrets.
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