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Aug 2015 · 575
Catching Fire
Robyn Neymour Aug 2015
I played and I toyed
With its beautiful sight.

The light beautifully glistened
In the dawn of the night.

Tranquility arose,
From its beautiful voice.

The warmth that it brought,
Kept my heart moist.

I danced, I played, and
I placed my hands in it.

Four, five seconds,
I fell in love as it went higher.

I clasped my hands,
And fell in love.

Happiness busted from,
My hidden emotions and all.

**Then it broke out,
No need for speech,
Tried to hold it,
Catch it,
Is a lesson none can teach.
Jul 2015 · 1.8k
I don't know your name.
Robyn Neymour Jul 2015
I know your name,
But do you know mine.
Everlasting features,
You will have,
Theres beauty in your sings.
You glisten in the dawn of lights.
Catastrophic Atmospheres,
Can only determine real beauty if you unwind.
I watch you from a distance,
At least when I ever I get a chance.
You know my name though,
You just don't know,
My heart for you is on demand.
So do you really know my name.
Secrets tell lies,
By the time it reaches it first recipient,
It already said its first cry.
Nothing underneath or between it,
No blank slates,
But no hieroglyphic signs,
To show you my heart.
My heart races against time,
To take a look upon your face,
Your beauty is only shown,
In the deepest part of memories grace.
I could only see you in my dreams I spew,
Counting down the moment,
When I wake only not to see you.
Do you know my name?
Jul 2015 · 555
Time Will Fly
Robyn Neymour Jul 2015
Open windows,
Cool wind blows.
Passion of iron steels,
Heat flows, Snow shatters.
Intelligent minds,
Love, love, love.
The fool,
Love, love and loves.
Then we all fly,
With open arms.
Till time can't pass us by.

June 2015
Dec 2014 · 548
That Would Be You
Robyn Neymour Dec 2014
I don't know if you ever read these but here goes nothing.... I'm looking for you for some type of closure and I don't know why.
I feel like your a ghost just whispering by. To deep to even realize that time is flying by, my heart just crumbles every time I hear your name and I wished I'd know why.
Never thought you'd ever speak to me but those moments I cherished but seeing you for the first time in a while from the very first time I saw you I know those moments won't perish.
The last time I saw you, you still had that silly smile, one that would turn anyone into a champion, and make them feel like they can go on for trillions of miles.
I don't understand this feeling and I don't know if I want to, but I think I'm in some kind of love even though I don't talk to you.
It's not that I'm desperate, or an ounce of being obsessed, I just need to bring some type of closure, to someone I don't see but miss. That would be you.
Oct 2013 · 589
I The Poet
Robyn Neymour Oct 2013
I the poet,
Is in need of speech,
In need of great,
Artistic hands.

In need of everything,
Except my own heart.
That is failing me,
That is my weakness.

I the poet,
Can’t utter words,
Or put them together,
To make me feel strong.

To fathom the way I feel,
Through music, through art,
Through theatre, poetry,
The creativity in my mind.

I the poet is need of answers,
To continue to write,
Instead of expressing myself,
Only to lurk after the answers.

Time will make me wait,
This I do understand,
They say time heals all wounds,
But my wounds are being reopened.

I the poet then,
Then question the undoing,
The reopening of,
A weak and bleeding heart.
Oct 2013 · 2.6k
Robyn Neymour Oct 2013
It’s irritating,
When words seem to be
Unfaithful blemishes
Of yesterday’s past,
And a constant annoyance,
Unwitting today’s unknown.

To think about your what if’s,
And should don’ts of,
Repetitive reminders from the scars,
Engraved in you’re witty,
But beating heart is a daring,
Challenge to an unfaithful mind.

The fear to hold joy,
When a dark rose neglects,
The power of a white one,
In it’s purified significance,
Unveiling the worth and,
And the death of its own demise.

But no one realizes the faithful
Beauty of a dark rose.
To sting, to warn to challenge,
To be truthful to the subconscious,
Of the heart that also has protection,
Held and brace by pericardium.

Even the heart needs to be comforted,
And the mind in need of consolation,
So remove the stones blocking your eyes,
From your visual death,
Of growth and compassion,
Love is blind,
The mind is weak.

Then there is fear,
You can overcome.
So overcome it,
With the passion in your eyes,
The smile that you have,
For the very truth of your wellbeing.
Feb 2013 · 734
Storm Travel
Robyn Neymour Feb 2013
A storm will travel through the night,
Through the day and its envious light.
Casting precious moments,
On a loved one’s soul,
Either lost or stories that will unfold.
Treasure peeks the storms eye,
Drifting through its trouble cry.
Sun light potentially darkening its day,
Mother nature worry,
For a different way.
Destruction at the tip of its fingers,
Moving through troubled winds,
Exhausting all its limits,
The storm decides to spin.
What seems like,
An everlasting storm in limbo,
Is just a walk across the street,
To another friend.


Robyn G. Neymour
Robyn Neymour Feb 2013
Love has no boundaries,
When it comes to you and me,
I’d rather break more limbs together
Than to climb the highest tree,
Without you.

Creativity you are,
In its highest prospective,
You are a ball player,
Somehow love has connected,
In our play time.

I’m sure you remember,
Scratching each other’s back,
We got so tired of each other,
The sunlight would dim,
Until our eyelids showed black.

Your laughter,
A joy it, brings to my soul.
Once it was annoying,
But annoyance turned into,
Memories that would be told.

You are a human being,
I’ve seen you shed a tear,
As your older sibling,
It only pushed me to be stronger,
So that I can show you how much I care.

I believe in you,
Your struggles and your efforts,
To overcome,
You are an inspiration to me,
Remembering you are God’s Son.

Positivity will never fall behind,
In a trail that you blaze,
Your footsteps will be the next mark,
Of the followers,
That you will raise.

It takes two to tango,
You handle us three very well,
You me and Miah,
A bond that no other three,
Will ever share.

So to you my kind-hearted,
Little "Big" brother,
Remember to love,
Because you are the product,
That was sent from above.

Love your “Little” big sister.

© Robyn Neymour
Nov 2012 · 2.0k
Robyn Neymour Nov 2012
Isn’t it interesting,
Or rather a complicated thing,
When we want something and get it,
But when we do get it,
We don’t want it,
Because we can cherish it no longer.

We love it and yearn for it,
Almost every day from a distance,
Then we hold it ,
And at that point,
It’s an everlasting memory.
Waiting to be demolished,
By our thoughts of tomorrow.

Complicated is it not,
When the heart wants to love,
But the mind disagrees,
And your body wants to give in,
But your soul won’t agree,
And your left to wonder in your subconscious.

Then you give in or you don’t,
You begin to ponder on the could’ve been,
Or I should’ve done it this way or the next,
And your mind becomes weak,
While your heart has already been,
From jump street fatally wounded.

© Robyn Neymour
Nov 2012 · 766
I Miss Missing (III)
Robyn Neymour Nov 2012
The tempted touch of a beautiful red rose,
Caressing across your skin
At the midnight hour,
Only to remember the kiss,
Takes your mind eons away,
From the present gravity.

You miss the kind gentle touch of the sun,
Stroking against your face,
As you bathe in its warm delight.
The stars begin to come out,
As the sun sets in the western sky,
And become one with the end of the ocean.

Your telephone rings and you leap for joy,
It’s just another caller on the line,
Not the ghost you’re looking for,
You become completely unsatisfied.
You drop back in a daze as you reminisce,
On what was, or was it..

The mild breeze calms your soul,
As your mind begins to run wild,
Searching for those eyes,
In the twilit sky,
That soothes you when you’re angry,
Or lose yourself In the peace that it brings.

You cast away your soul,
Into the imaginative darkness great abyss,
As you linger,
Searching for the thing  you can’t put your finger,
But the substance is tangible,
Making you feel an infinite source of defeat.

Then it’s there,
The thing you’re searching, for,
Staring you in your face,
You want to reach for it,
But the weight you carried,
Burned your feet but didn't deny your passion.

You finally compose yourself,
You reach out for it,
Then it disappears.
You laugh and sadness fills your soul,
For the joy that your thoughts brought,
Happiness reaches for your heart.

Tears begin to trickle your cheek,
And reaches out for your smile.
For the thing that you were missing once was,
The thing that you hold now exists,
Life is in front of you,
So hold the future and him you won’t miss.

© Robyn Neymour
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
I Miss Missing (II)
Robyn Neymour Nov 2012
Sweet chocolate,
Rubbing across my lips,
The juicy taste of chocolate,
Deepening in my taste buds,
Fulfilling my crave.
I open my mouth wider,
To bite more of my chocolate,
And it disappears out of thin air.
No love to the man,
That found wisdom,
In the taste buds of his tongue,
To enrich us with different types,
Of chocolate not just one.
I’ve imagine the deep thoughts,
Of the desire it gives to me,
The words it would speak,
The way it would make me feel.
Not speaking about chocolate,
It’s not the obvious thing,
But the kiss of the kisses,
What joy it would bring.
The length of an Oh Henry,
Hanging from chocolate strawberries,
IT entices me.
Bring joy to my soul,
Expressed in a milky-way,
That would be me.
Hershey’s chocolate ready willing,
To give in to some white chocolate,
As it works the Kit-Kat,
While snickers delight in some Cocoa Beans..
I miss it not the chocolate,
Neither the wine, dine and grind,
Of the delicious chocolate delight.
I miss the missing,
To touch it, to hold it,
Would be new,
Because the unknown is to love,
For the mere fact that you never tasted it.

© Robyn Neymour
Nov 2012 · 581
I Miss Missing (I)
Robyn Neymour Nov 2012
I miss it,
The thing that ticks.
Oh no wait,
The thing that switches on,
And make the click sound.

I miss the terror of the night,
The comfort that lays on my bedside.
I miss the rain,
Being drench in the water creating the perfect scene.
I miss the cool layers of an ice cream,

I lick it once and its mouth-watering,
I lick it again,
And it sooth me.
I miss the blistering sunny day,
Just a drive,

Or to have karaoke,
Making it the perfect beach day.
Then I miss the missing,
In total absolute awe of the thought,
Although I ‘m missing right now.

I’m missing the part of me,
That yearns for a delicious touch,
Maybe then Santa Clause will bring me some luck.

© Robyn Neymour
Nov 2012 · 630
I want to love again.
Robyn Neymour Nov 2012
I want to feel the air you breathe,
No touch of romance,
But your eyes I want to see.

I want to feel the way your heart beats,
Just to be content,
With the words your voice speak.

I want my face to be lit,
Even threw our negativity,
So that my soul can preach.

I want you to be able,
To ignite my heart on fire,
So that it can blaze through the night.

See your eyes twinkle,
As a glass for the stars
at midnight.

Your aura will be distinct,
If we’re in a crowd of millions,
As if I’m tranquilized to defeat.

Connection to the soul,
Will bring us to the ground,
As time unwinds.

So to love will be forever,
Until you disappear,
So I’m waiting for you love,
To **** reappear.

© Robyn Neymour
Oct 2012 · 3.9k
Opening Up to Someone.
Robyn Neymour Oct 2012
I've created a new genre.
Different strokes for different folks.
Colour painted memories,
Written on beautiful flowers
That blossom when only,
Visionary eyes can see.

I've created my own dusk to dawn.
Lost within time itself.
I wake up to the blessing of the morn.
I’m faded by beauty.
Counted by numerous
Living things.

I only can tell that my reality is real,
When your viewing from a distance,
Where you can’t be seen.
I’m distorted by the ambiance,
Because I can feel you’re there.
I’m lost;
Stuck to pins.
My mind’s unclear.

I’ve opened up to my dark soul,
To embrace your loving heart,
I can’t tell the traces,
Of a- once trampled on- broken heart.
So I will love you in defeat,
Until my eyes turn red.
Because I’ve counted many characters,
But your blood isn't theirs.

So I've opened up to beauty,
I lived with the dark,
Only to open up to someone,
That could take away my heart.

© Robyn G Neymour
Oct 2012 · 823
Robyn Neymour Oct 2012
Everything is lost.
No joy or sorrow.
Wayward hope and security,
A loss of earth’s fragrance
Dignity not borrowed.
Elegance a word placed,
Only for lawful sanity,
Yet, no change.
Spiralling thoughts,
Entices the fall,
Of a drenched hole,
That is raging for peace,
Yet the hollow cries,
Makes the wait steep.
The free fall of a heartless cry,
Invokes the passengers,
Passing by.
Only for their tongues to be stapled,
By their emotions that despise.
A heart room full of laughter,
For the envy of the joyous folks
Causing brevity,
That feels of endless torture,
That is remote.
So speak ye loved one,
The time that greatness arose,
For love is the free fall,
But the story of the tumble,
Has never been told.

© Robyn G Neymour
Oct 2012 · 510
To Love I Cry
Robyn Neymour Oct 2012
Past possessions,
Of an altered ego,
Display themselves gently,
On the highest roof top of the square,
Swaying themselves gently with the wind.

Whispered thoughts,
Of their inanimate minds,
Creep into the creativity,
Of the world’s implemented desires,
Capturing and poisoning the human mind.

To look is without faith,
In breach of a contract,
That is perfectly indefinite,
To the things that we can’t reach,
In the end they are perfectly intangible.

Like love,
To whom the soul cries.
Though we can’t see,
Emotions we imply,
We feel.

Tears of jubilance,
Tears of war,
Tears of courtesy,
Tears of  envy,
Tears of more.

To take the time,
To tell the tale,
Tells thee,
That tears travail,

© Robyn G Neymour
Oct 2012 · 584
To Love Me
Robyn Neymour Oct 2012
To love a person,
It doesn't make sense.
To many limits,
Yet hardly any boundaries.
Your footprint is covered,
By the ocean in the sand,
There is no trail,
No mark of your love.
It’s insignificant,
Beauty hardly seen.
The amount of effort you give her,
Your energy is drained.
Take your life supply,
Of blood away from you,
It circulates,
How could it ever leave.
Unless, wait,
Until you bleed,
There are speechless motions,
That can’t be seen.
Eyes run wild,
Fingertips gracefully,
Wanting to fulfill,
It’s desires.
But in the midst of the night,
Daring towards the peek,
Of dawn,
Your there.
Standing looking at me,
But you don’t move.
In a parch position,
You stare as if I’m your prey.

No gift in disaster,
No heartache in love,
No pain in the darkest part,
Of a long wait misery.
Nothing but just,
You, yourself,
The dark,
And your mind.
Well and the figure,
Staring at you from,
Across the bed side,
Eating into your mind.

© Robyn G Neymour
Apr 2012 · 762
The Color of Tears
Robyn Neymour Apr 2012
Green, Brown, Red, Blue and Clear,
Are the colors of their tears.

Earth cries.
The Sky Sings,
The heart Swallows,
Air the wind brings.

Contaminated silence,
That creates joyful pain.
Disguises itself into dusty shadows,
Which forms cannot be contained.

Innocent pink lips,
Yellow enchanted bruises,
Taste the beautiful innocence,
Of sparkling black scars.

So break the gold,
Of my shattered heart.
So that I may entice you,
With my tears.

Take me away,
And let me drain,
Beautiful raindrops,
That expresses my fear.

Rainbow delight,
Is what you would see,
If you delight your face,
In the inner me.

I am the enemy.
At least that is what you said.
But you feel and taste to,
The color of tears.

© Robyn G Neymour
Apr 2012 · 816
Love Bird
Robyn Neymour Apr 2012
I’ll fly away with you,
Into the evening sun,
Which beauty will be a memory of tomorrow.

Into the sky as high as we can go,
I’ll love you forever,
The passion of my wings will show.

Beautiful colors,
Of your feather,
Trickle down the inner web of your wings.

Freely you fly,
Into the depths of the setting sun,
Where I cannot follow.

I look out my windowpane,
Only to bring pain to my soul,
To see you fly away and diminish my heart.

Faintingly I hear your song,
As you emerge your body,
Into the setting sun.

Then there you are,
The painting on the wall bitter sweet,
Flaws and all.

© Robyn G Neymour
Jan 2012 · 822
Summer Days
Robyn Neymour Jan 2012
Summer days won’t be summer anymore.
No more time for play.
Occasionally drink;
Nothing from the lips,
The heart will not say.
Entitled thoughts,
Only a fool with think,
In those day.
But you will be dwelling in the past,
Every summer day.
There will be no now,
For tomorrows.
Not even a candle lit sight,.
Romantic evenings bring darkness,
And over cast skies,
Not even light,
Summer days are now darkened,
But yet shows simplicity,
The affair is over,
Candle lit gravity.

© Robyn G Neymour
Sep 2011 · 925
Midnight II
Robyn Neymour Sep 2011
Count me to the rivers that cry in the moon lit nights,
That drowns in the solace of midnights terror.

Crave like the ravens that are driven by hunger,
Seek to take away my essentials that enables me to live.

Cry hunger to my wounded soul,
That is cursed by the terrors of thorny clouds.

Capture my thoughts by scornful bushes,
Drenched in anger, in rage.

Cast the spell of love,
To defeat me.

So that I may die,
In evanesce.

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Robyn Neymour Sep 2011
Takes blood,
Reveals pains,
That you never,
Even thought you had.

Mind boggling activities,
Enters your thoughts,
The pain of it,
Encounters your body,
And your mind controls your actions.

In this state you cannot think,
But you can.
Almost everything hurts,
Piercing to the skin,
Intrigues the darkest part of your heart.

Your just there,
In a dark room,
Contemplating alone,
To leave your heart,
To enjoy the emptiness,
That your mind plays with it.

In the end there are no thoughts of tomorrow,
No joy in anything,
You stand alone,
Only to feel your heart deteriorating,
From the fowl resentment thoughts,
Of your mind.

© Robyn G Neymour

September 2011
Sep 2011 · 706
Love Lost
Robyn Neymour Sep 2011
Provide me the space,
To encounter your love.
Is there any reason,
Why I shouldn’t.

Mark the essence of your soul,
On my skin.
Your velvet touch,
Purifies my soul.

You lead me blindly,
You terrify my soul,
You corrupt my mind,
You terrify my thoughts.
Though I’m hanging;

Hanging on a thin thread,
That oversees my thoughts,
Understand my beginning,
And keeps my end away from me.

© 2011
Robyn G Neymour
Jan 2011 · 936
Blizzard of Life
Robyn Neymour Jan 2011
Conquering the mind is the human that is unseen,
And we become victims of our thoughts.
Hearts' unable to speak,
Though their emotions burst out,
Like black paint getting thrown on white walls.

Then they call out to us "Color Blind".
Cool, challenging, optimistic thoughts,
Unable to defend the bruised eyes and the fearful fingers,
That brush gently along the rough edges of its challenge,
Success to the forgotten soul,
Rings like a loud echo following a vacant darkness.

Indeed the delight of brokenness,
Is treasured and stored in the back of the mind,
Calling out to its very best friend, “Hopelessness”.
Heart still unable to speak out loud,
Almost unable to move.

Then suction takes place.
The impurities begin to dance and mingle,
With those major veins in the heart,
And the bruised eyes,
Finally express the bed of painful roses.

Every gulp that is take,
Feels like rusty iron filled with ******,
Sliding down our windpipes,
That feels like its directly to the heart.
A blizzard that we could never see our way out of,
Until it passes over.

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour
Robyn Neymour Dec 2010
The air humid
As a gust
Of wind
Rides gently across the pores of my face.

The dust that
I hid in
My palm
Gently swam away in the melody that flowed with the wind.

Enriched with
I assume that the dust will never return to hurt my eyes again.

It made
My palms
Very sweaty
But kept them warm in time of need.

(Part 2)

You’d come with your inconspicuous ways,
That only I would notice because I was always with you.
Translation you’re a direct arrow to my blind heart that really never had eyes.

You tortured the aura of my complete being,
That never understood my own imagination that ran wild.
Therefore I suffered; yes I suffered because my soul now felt divided and condemned.

At the touch of a painful sharp cotton that comprise my thoughts,
I uttered the very words I thought; I thought I could never say to you leave get out
I don’t want to ever see you again in my entire life don’t leave a sound here when you go out that door

Before you left you turned around,
Surely without a sound you looked into my eyes,
And in that moment I wanted you to come back to return as my lover again.

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour
Robyn Neymour Dec 2010
Me, myself never was good at picking a title,
For any poem or even the skit that I wrote.
I’d often struggle to entertain my readers,
By capturing their intriguing eyes with a title.

Though I thought I was unfortunate,
I thought of someone that would be,
In a worst case scenario.
This person is “I”.

Bitter sweet essence,
Of an unforgivable life.
“I” would often forget,
Its present and past within seconds.

“I” would constantly come in contact with “Remember”,
But often forget his friend “When”.
Life’s precautious boundaries,
Would never let “I” choose the course.

“I” would only have options life gave.
Instead “I” would only live to groan,
To become the victim of another circumstance,
Because “Remember” left “I” after  completely forgetting “When”.

Sorrow passive to the soul,
“I” would speak about a unforgettable title,
That would only whisk away,
Me, and myself.

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour
Robyn Neymour Dec 2010
Mindless matters of the man filled with sovereignty.
Merry he was filled with sorrow and glory.
Universal he rises only to choke on the edge.
International he hid himself from speech.
So he got away on a boat that drove him insane.
Intervals came and the American he blamed,
For being a sociopath, killing is wife and taking his fame.
Things became basic as he floated on original keys,
And the waves danced while the sun became blind.
Love the action of a territorial move,
That causes every issue of life to become happy or dark.
Pain is the outreach that condemned his electronic heart.
The he laid in the “kool” breeze and everything was sound

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour  Dec.  9th 2010
Dec 2010 · 1.0k
Mindless Wisdom
Robyn Neymour Dec 2010
Inconceivable thoughts of an inhumane mind,
Lock itself away inside the master "Pandora's Love".
The tragedy that seeks refuge in time of knowledge,
Never reaches to the point of understanding.
The challenge of the Rubik’s Cube,
Seek for the capacity of an enormous IQ.
But isn’t it just
Isn’t it just,
A cube with colors.
The controversy of a married man;
The oxymoron of his tale.
Interesting is it not,
After Eve bit the apple,
Adam put her up for sale.
Its karaoke time,
Why do we sing other people’s songs,
And believing what they say,
When we have our own birth of songs in us,
We speak it every day.
Thoughts that challenge the mind most of us never say.

© Robyn G Neymour
© Robyn G Neymour
Nov 2010 · 833
I Understand Your Tears
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Black shadows of the forgotten rain,
Drips off sharp blades of every leaf.
Engraving cold deteriorating marks,
Covers their purity.

The cool hollow wind,
Thrashes across the salt of the sea.
With every deep thunderous roar,
Lies your voice behind mine.

Opaque thoughts,
Evoking large waves,
That only developed,
From thoughts of today’s tomorrow.

I too feel the same.
We walk different paths,
And cry different tears.
But our streams are no different.

Salt at the tip of the ocean lips,
Shatters the blades of the leaves.
The dark shadows no longer in sight,
But I can to smell the fragrance of the rain.

©RGN 11/24/10 9:28 p.m
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
I often wondered how it would feel,
If I was to lose a love one,
Someone close and dear to me.
Now I have.
I have lost you to someone else.
Never knew how wounded I would have felt.
The experience now surpasses the thoughts.
Captivation is nothing but the truth,
In this present time.
The desired feelings of love,
Drastically diminishes.
And I can’t deal with the hate,
Running through the core of my heart.
My blood like black poison killing me out,
No one can fathom my emotions .
Nothing can stop the drenched,
Forsaken thoughts of my mind.
Timely my breath decreases,
In an awkward demising motion.
Conquering me is everything that hate loves,
And love itself despises.
I can’t help it this time.
Everyone else I was with came,
And past by only for a moment in time.
I never felt it though.
The stupid ignorant feeling!
Oh how I wish it would go away,
To become a dream in time.
This insecurity,
That forces me to think of crimes.
Maybe I should protect  myself,
From falling in love again!
From living on your promises!
Protect it from this insanity!
Tears of a broken soul,
Who would’ve known,
You would’ve done this to me.
I admit I want to **** you,
But it wouldn’t help heal my wounded heart.
Maybe then,
Just for now,
I should live without love.
Or maybe let time become my lover.
I would have to be patient with time,
And let it heal my broken heart.

© RGN - Nov./24/10/
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
To My Secret Lover
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
You love me for my poetry,
You do love me indeed.
I won’t forget the nights that we spent,
Lost in creativity.
As a matter fact,
I remember when my thoughts ran wild,
And you went with it,
Only to make another child.
Though no one understood me,
You kept pursuing my thoughts at hand,
When I had no one to speak to,
You came,
Making your obvious mark.
You were there for me I do agree.
You’d say I need a rest,
And I would beg of you please,
To let me write,
Because it is the only way I release my stress,
Allow me to achieve peace tonight.
With that said without a fight we move on.
Though I’d get weary,
You’d stick it out with me.
When I decide to take my rest,
Then you’ll do the same
My secret love my pen,
Without you there is no goal I can achieve.

© RGN - Nov./19/10
Nov 2010 · 1.0k
Secret Forum
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Judy went online to do what she usually do,
As a teenage girl looking for a lover  to make her feel blue.
She was always close to her mother,
Her father would always beat them both,
And at the age of fourteen she thought she needed ****** love the most.
She joined this secret forum somewhere online,
How it came about I don’t know,
But at this place she loved spending time.
Guys would wink at her,
Because of the pictures she had.
Never showed her face though,.
Her friends would tell her that’s bad
Mom and dad never knew that their daughter was sleeping in bed.
Mom would always be in her room when she was sad,
Dad would always be out,
Sleeping with his baby mama,
Releasing his anger when he was mad.
Judy was on the net this time though,
She got a big ****!!!!
Someone told her they want to meet her and to have some fun!
She was ready to take a risk,
About fed up with the things at home.
The man made her feel good,
From talking online with her,
He loved his women who didn’t speak, while they were alone.
He just wanted to get straight to the point and move on.
Mom and dad would be their separate ways on a usual Friday night.
Judy was in luck to have a good time tonight.
The man gave her an address and promised there would be no cameras or lights.
Mom left the house at seven as usual dad was already gone,
Judy went, as the gentleman said, it was and Judy played along.
It was dark and they could see each other bodies but not faces,
They begun their ****** *******.
They touched each other as if they were in love,
And mingled with each other’s hair,
Then a door opened their stood
Judy’s mom another man,
And Judy and her father acting out a love song.
Secret Forum.
RGN 11/16/19
Nov 2010 · 689
In Time
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
In time I will learn how to be faithful.
In time I will learn how to adjust to your human nature.
In time I will know when to touch you.
At the right moment know when to caress you.

In time I will love you.
In time you will play with my emotions.
In time we will dance.
In that time I will be your heart’s desire.

In time I will be loyal to you.
Once upon a time there was love.
Time will correct that.
In time I will leave and will never look back.

In time you will return as a matter fact.
This time it will be the second time around,
And until l learn in time it’ll happen again.
In time I will learn that you’re just fooling with me.

In time I will leave again.
This time left.
In time the future will fast-forward.
In time you will wish you had the power to rewind time.

In time you will see me playing with my kids.
In time you will watch from the shadows as I give my husband a kiss.
In time I will wonder about you my heart not fully healed.
In time your death will come,
It is that time the true love story will be revealed.

But only in time.

© RGN - Nov./15/10 4:10
Nov 2010 · 943
There is Nowhere to Turn
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Information, and technology,
Growing each and every day.
Where can anyone find themselves?
It’s a race through time,
If one continues to think about yesterday,
Caution please stop.
Yesterday is now an imagination,
To the future generation.
To this reality arise.
Arise to be great, and hardworking.
Locked in a box, it is the home.
Choices that were made are now so far gone.
Living in those choices this is where it is at.
Communication afar off,
To distant for a heart attack.
Children play, people laugh.
One find themselves in a ditch,
Money never lasts.
With no one to help,
With problems to face,
Life continues at its own pace.
Unable to control the tempo of life,
One can only dance,
Then life knocks on the door,
Death comes maybe then it’s peace at last.
To another life is given,
Then death shall return,
As time moves on,
There is nowhere to turn.

© RGN - Nov./10/10
Nov 2010 · 597
Nowhere to Turn
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
I encountered a wall.
Looked at my avenues,
And I made a left turn.
Right turns is never,
The best way to go.
To the left I traveled,
Under the left I hid.
With no understanding,
Others doesn’t have advice to give.
Knowledge the passion,
For positive energy,
To achieve.
What am I achieving though?
Nothing seems real.
I’ve driven so long,
Wounded by the hidden darkness,
Underneath my car seat.
I looked up and it started to happen.
A car coming so swiftly,
I didn’t know what to do,
Suffering, anger, joy peace, happiness,
All in one bubble of life,
With me and you,
Love have no breakage only shatters.
If you understand that statement,
You’d understand my dilemma,
But like I said before,
No one could get any understanding,
Of this tale at all.
The Mac Truck hits me,
And I’m back in my daze.
With nowhere to turn,
I die in amaze.
Now I’m alive,
With nowhere to turn.

© RGN - Nov./10/10
Nov 2010 · 988
Despite All Odds
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
I will rise,
I will fight,
Pain I won’t deny,
I will carry out my mission.
I won’t harm my enemy.
I will climb,
Through my problems,
I will not procrastinate,
I will keep moving.
Through the valley I will run,
I will run through the forest,
I will stay determined.
Enemies will come,
Enemies will go.
To them anger I will not show,
Wind, waves, fire, earthquakes,
I will overcome.
I will seek for that which I long for,
Do what you want,
Say what you say,
My key to success is failure,
For tomorrow or another day I will achieve,
I will rise,
Despite all odds.

© RGN - Nov./10/10
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Gombalay & His Masterpiece V.s. The City

Aye Aye Gombalay
Aye Aye Gombalay
Aye Aye Gombalay

The hell with you snitches and all the parody’s you see.
You don’t understand what’s in this master piece!
So you decide to develop simple messages,
About something you can’t see!

Gombalay, Gombalay, You stupid young man!
Tired of talking to you,
Nothing’s up so we ignore!
Your here going about with this nasty old trash can.

These people must have had massive,
Brain destruction to not understand me!
All I want is freedom from this,
Close minded city!

Gombalay, Gombalay what an unsuccessful young man,
That smells worse than that trash can he carries around.
Maybe one day they will marry, they already dine and sleep,
What else do they do, *(Laughs)
man don’t make me weak.
Stupid young man doesn’t think he has more important things to do!

You ****** ignorant, arrogant, snots,
Don’t understand my master piece!
Filthy little *****, poor, *******,
Worship the government while other peasants receive more money.
You laugh at me, but who’s doing the *** kissing now!

Shut up you young fool, watch your **** mouth.
We will **** you this instant, without a shadow of a doubt.
You crazy young man it’s our government that saves us.
You wouldn’t know that you’re obtuse and outrageous.

I’ll show you all. I’ll Show you all,
You stupid aimless mongrels!!
You **** yourselves, and wire your kids,
And expect to live at peace!
It’s going to be farewell for you while I sleep in peace!!!

© RGN - Nov./3/2010 - Need the feedback thanks :)
Nov 2010 · 881
Love Prescription
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
I’m tired of these **** prescription bottles.
Where the hell are you?
Profanity at the tip of my lips
I need another way.
Tired of seeing these doctors,
When they don’t know what the hell to say.
Where the hell is the ambulance,
Yes, again I’m on my way.
To the hospital that brings darkness anyway.
Why aren’t they here?
Frustration in my heart,
Blood in my mind,
Confusion is all about,
Anger raging time.
It’s about time they got here.
The hell they put me through.
Putting me on this machine,
They act as if this is something new,
Though the driver is tired of seeing me.
Love doesn’t have no time to heal my wounded soul,
Time has its own limit till it reaches its goal.
Curiosity at its peak,
The same doctor again!!!
About to give the same prescription,
What a trend.
He gives me a kiss, then winks me an eye,
And the secret love affair starts all over,
Now my heart is filled with pride.
This is why my prescription never last,
I throw away the bottle,
So that I can get the same doctor,
And be with him at last.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Nov 2010 · 1.6k
We Need a Pot of Gold
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Hurricanes came,
We still survived.
Price tags,
Hang over our lives.
We argue over money,
And forget to live to love.
Remembering every stranger,
Gentle as a dove.
We the people,
Want a raise.
Make more money,
It will end our crave.
Lower the price of living,
Throughout the world.
Maybe then we’ll be able,
To feed every little boy and girl.
Stop polluting the earth,
Maybe we’ll save more lives.
Instead of contradicting our speech,
With our actions,
And have  them on one accord,
Maybe then the earth will rise.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Nov 2010 · 11.2k
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Iguana of diamonds,
Sand sea and sun,
Little children in sight,
Attractions of light,
Natives of love,
Decorative cities, what night.

Island’s of the Bahamas beauty as can be,
What more fun than playing with dolphins in the sea.
Creative costumes, dancers so bright,
The music dramatized, Feel the rush it’s a site.
Nothing more beautiful than the island themselves,
Well except the people willing to give help.
Pineapples, peas and rice, pink sand, flamingoes, and some conch salad,
Not forgetting the “KALIK,” cause’ “IT’S A BAHAMIAN TING”.
Blue, Black and Aquamarine, was just described to you,
All in the Islands Love.
Come and enjoy the exciting experience too!
My Bahama Land!

© RGN - Nov./3/10

Trying something new...
Nov 2010 · 892
Love Opportunity
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Lustful eyes, Death rolling grip,
Shatters my soul, With an enticing Kiss.
With every ******, Desiring pleasure,
I lose my sense of passion.
There’s only engraving marks on your skin,
To remember my touch.
Your arms would be considered tattoos new fashion.
Memorable sites, I begin to forget as you get deeper in.

You poured red wine slowly into its glass,
With every drip I thought nothing else would last.
Senseless creativity longing to be taught,
Transformed me into something what was once just a thought.
Finally it tipped over, and the screaming began,
Screams of pleasure, and pain all in a trance.
The beauty of the feeling is now taught to strangers to it.

Wine began to spread on the carpet,
For they perfectly intertwine with each other.
Nothing out of place, you hold me in your arms.
Gracefully you began again, this time not so patiently.
Three days later we both wanted to relive the past,
And at last the pain and pleasure began again.
Not reliving the moment again but creating a future opportunity,
The very knowledge of having our first child.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Calculate the amount of time I waited for you in seconds,
Then you will know the amount of miles the earth is from the sun.
Friendship is often the outcome, of remaining in earth’s boundaries.
I’d settle for Pluto or maybe Mars,
All on their axis, Nothing is more powerful than the stars.
For the stars create imageries, or shoot for millions of miles,
And seeing the big dipper, would often give us smiles.
I’d see the land in which I live,
As I bask on nothing else but faint less gravity.

Occupied by colors, I’d forget about it all,
The beauty of the universe, its atmosphere and all.
The beautiful star, the Sun, shines so bright,
My heart already melting from the painter’s canvas in the night.
It’s time to drive the spaceship, forgetting we were already there.
To many buttons to press, nothing says beware.
So we traveled to Jupiter, The Scorpio and I,
Fearfully in love I close my eyes,
As the spaceship rides, and finally friendship says goodbye.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Nov 2010 · 687
My Politically Free Opinion
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
Writing on the walls,
I don’t blame you my child,
But you will take responsibility.

Too much separation,
Which child wouldn’t be lonely?
Cooperate with us, please hear our cry.

Some leaders of today,
Call us the worse generation,
But yet who do we follow?

They gave you the wax,
You gave us the candle,
And we did light.

Your views on us now,
Nothing acceptable,
In your sight.

You gave us the blessing
I agree we did abuse,
But we can’t be accused on our own.

In respect you are to, to blame.
Setting the pace,
That gave us our name.

Charades of child play,
You too committed a crime,
And it is the cut off line.

Shout to be glorified,
But yet you are nothing,
Nothing at all.

Its election time,
Who am I to choose,
How about both parties?

Or none, none at all.
Until our relationship changes,
I will remain with the few.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Nov 2010 · 3.9k
Robyn Neymour Nov 2010
“Ye without sin cast the first stone.”
No one is perfect, but I’m not justifying crime.

Men roam the streets as their little children sleep,
Ready to attack the obvious prey.
While hard working people that wants to make ends meet,
Pray with their little children or go their separate ways,
Subconsciously hoping to wake up the next day.
Though four miles away and even across the world,
Someone’s being shot, stab to death or *****.
We the country gasp in fear,
Though we the  country created the problem.
Young men and women hooked on drugs,
Partying like rock stars while hitting the clubs.
Showing off the material things, “Yea that’s wassup.”
According to the older folks this nonsense has to stop,
I do agree though, before friends create props.
Are we are neighbors keepers, or do we continue to hate?
While we make money for our bread and butter,
Some families have nowhere to stay.
Young men turn to violence,
To make money for today.
Who knows what goes on in our country,
While the light are off and the street lights are on.
What shall be revealed next?
“All a we,” suppose to be, “One Family.”
Yet our nations need to be healed.
Let’s come together “This Bahama Land”,
And lend one another a helping hand.

© RGN - Nov./3/10
Oct 2010 · 1.1k
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
Some people hate me because I am different.
Some people are jealous of me because I'm different.
Some people hate me and don't even know me because I'm different.
Some people who know me hate me because I'm different.
Some people hate the way I act because I'm different.
Some people just hate the way I look and dress because I'm different.
Some people want to see me fail just because I'm different.
Some people underestimate me because I'm different.
Some people don't understand me because I'm different.
But they just don't know that I'm different.

© RGN - Wrote it a while back added one line to it today. :) 10/30/10
Oct 2010 · 588
Flowers Of Love
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
Painted little fingers,
Yellow, blue and red.
All await me,
When I rose from my bed.
Beautiful crystals,
In the palm of their hands.
Created a moment,
Of a eternal fear.
As they approached me,
They gently smiled.
On each of their faces,
Was charisma,
And a beautiful aura,
You can sense from miles.
Designated places,
You can tell,
They were synchronize.
Character and emotion,
Racing to the corner of their eyes.
Then they touched me,
My soul connected.
Every need fulfilling,
My spirit couldn’t reject it.
The flowers bloomed,
Gracefully in the earth,
And carried burden,
I could not bear.
The race of love,
Tampering with fear.

© RGN - Oct 30th  2010
Oct 2010 · 1.4k
Teardrops on the Horizon
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
Crystal blue lake,
Shaped like an earthquake,
Surrounded by royal purple flowers,
And royal misty yellow shadows.
There is no end to your beauty,
In return no end to your disaster.
Crawling along the lips of every leaf,
That feeds on every living breath,
Of your dazzling light majestic waves,
Are drips of your everlasting love,
That almost every creature thirsts after,
Baby scorpions,
Delight in the twilight,
Before the sun arise.
My eyes set, an engraving gaze.
Everything caught on fire but you.
Flames, ashes, and black mist,
Soaring through the skies.
I can see you, and the reflection in my eyes,
Inside your craving waters.
Beautiful, sound, soft, I can hear you still,
Gently moving through a disaster,
That I cannot stop on my own,
It’s not humanely possible.
I can hear the creatures,
The scorpions I can feel,
Crawling up my spine.
The fire creating,
An unnatural twist of events,
Then you arise.
I can feel it now in my eyes.
Nothing comes out,
Except my reflection.
Like looking through a cold glass mirror,
Smudges, far from the horizon.
I see you trying to get everything out of me,
But there were more screams.
Teardrops in the light,
That were on the horizon.

© RGN - Oct 29th  2010
Oct 2010 · 1.5k
Insane Witch
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
Witch Laughs – (NUHAHAHUHHAHA)

I stirred the ***, I stirred the ***,
To bake the cake I love a lot.
I laughed at him,
As I chuckled a chant,
And drank a bottle of Razz and Cran.
It was on ice my belly did love.
I am the witch that has no love.
My words contrary as I stir,
Stir the *** for the cake I love for a cure.
I did some hocus pocus,
That made me mad,
But I loved it so,
Like my last comrade,
That I did choke on when I ate,
My laughter pleased me,
As my eating count was only eight.
I mixed and stirred the cake indeed,
I did at my utmost speed.
“I thought to myself,”
The witch did say,
I’ll keep my mind as a piece,
For another day.
She laughed at her face oh indeed,
The witch ate hearts,
Though she had no need.
I am the witch insanely me
Come and set my crooked mind free.
I stirred the ***, I stirred the ***.
Witch Laughs – (NUHAHAHUHHAHA)

© RGN - Oct 25  2010
Oct 2010 · 1.2k
The Hawk's Prey
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
I saw the hawk,
Steady, awaiting, eager.
Violence await the clouds,
You can see it in the sky.
Earth drums beat loudly.
Thunder clashes,
Like symbols from afar.
The eagle at a set pace,
Laughs at his friend.
For he has nothing
To worry about.
Happiness the evidence,
Of untruthful love.
For what is real,
In the hawks eyes?
Willing to pretend,
The seagull comes,
And glides over the sea.
Only to be eaten,
By the shark that awaited,
It’s loving peaceful return.
The hawk stares,
There is no way out.
Captivated by love and lust,
Which door shall be,
The way out?
The eagle sees the confusion,
But the owl seemed wise.
In his delight,
He ate the rat with pride.
The hawk decided it was time.
So he flew,
Through three doors,
And behind the seagull,
He waited in line.

© RGN - Oct 25  2010
Oct 2010 · 704
Dark Light
Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
Don’t try to inspire me,
When you yourself need inspiration.
Droplets everywhere,
He lays down,
Without a care.
Forceful earthquakes,
Shatters his mind.
Volcanoes erupt,
What a strong write.
Enthusiasm leaps,
Anger prevails.
He chuckles,
And evil laughs.
No one can hear.
Determined to conquer,
Yet struggles to arise.
Restless in his motion,
Tear glands to dry to cry.
Feast on the creatures,
That he can see.
Roll over from those,
That he can hear,
But can’t see.
Driven by fear,
But afraid to love.
Tarries in the dark,
As the stars lit,
The sky above.
The moon never in sight,
It’s always night.

© RGN - Oct 25th 2010
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