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Robyn Neymour Oct 2010
I’d never want to be trapped,
Lost in Love.

Too much pain and too little love.
Too much anger, yet so little time.
Too many tears, that counts as the rain.
To much of a burden, nothing to gain.
More deception, than honesty.
More reprehending, less commending.

I have not yet learned the depth of the pain that love has.
For to anything it feels infinite, yet mischievous.
Oh how one, can play with another’s heart.
The joy and laughter sometimes that soul will have.
Or even hurt depending on the love disaster.
Yet the other soul grieves in the ashes of the night

I cannot begin to express the dangers of the clouds,
But we all can see when they shift what they can bring.
Oh sweet love my soul does shift,
Like the pondering wind and the deceiving clouds.
How do I allow you to play on my little playground,
Without doubt, without grief

Shall I not hurt in the grieving atmosphere?
Shall I not mope, to see that I cannot live?
Because I lost trust, before the time began.
If I do see the light in the midst of the dark,
I will foreshadow myself to run to it,
Before pain takes my heart.

I’d never want to be trapped,
Lost in Love.

Too much pain and too little love.
Too much anger, yet so little time.
Too many tears, that counts as the rain.
To much of a burden, nothing to gain.
More deception, than honesty.
More reprehending, less commending.

© RGN - October 24th 2010
Sep 2010 · 552
Life (Treasure Box)
Robyn Neymour Sep 2010
What a beauty, treasure in the night.
I opened the box filled with light.
It dazzled in my eyes as I graciously approached it.
Then fear took me over and I didn't want to show it.
The box that once sparked my attention,
Engraved my soul.
The purity that it once showed me,
Now is just a box of pure hard worthless gold.
I stared at it as he touched me,
Though we did end up dancing in the night.
He reminded me that there is both pleasure and darkness in this world tonight.
Life he tangled me with his love, drove me insane.
The treasure in the box only then laughed at me.
Taken by suprise I was able to shock the treasure box
And its treasure which once looked like gold, now a pile of rocks.
Life then glanced at me, because now I was in control.
To play with a wounded soul would be the darkness of a heart made of gold.

© September 13th 2010 RGN
Sep 2010 · 588
The Cat And The Pink Window
Robyn Neymour Sep 2010
I looked at the cat,
The cat look back,
As I wondered what happened to him today.

To my surprise he spoke
My soul did woke,
And I pist my pants out of fright.

The cat did laugh
As it called me an ***,
And my fear did wither away.

But the cat stopped,
To remember his thought,
And to my attention it brought.

A fine line of interest.
Again the cat began to talk,
As he was startled while he walked.

The cat said:

I saw a pink window,
And through it a widow,
That looked like a witch in disguise.

She sat on a chair,
And to my despair,
She winked one of her eyes.

I thought she wanted me,
But she beseeched me,
To eat some of her pie.

Then she raised a bowl of milk,
With a silvery smooth silk
Clothe in her hand that, she waved at me with pride.

I did jump,
As my mouth agreed yum,
Through that pink window.

The widow did turn,
Into the witch I’d seen first
My eyes then tear and burst.

I twitched my body
To turn around,
Then I heard no sound.

But when I made the full 180
That made me look pity,
There she was on the ground.

She laughed at me my face turned blue,
As I stared at her,
From the other side of the pink window.

She said look at your face,
What a big disgrace,
When I noticed my whiskers were gone.

Now you my owner,
Didn’t notice a thing,
Except that I spoke in your sight.

Now that you look like me pretty as can be,
I laughed at the whiskers on your face,
That uplifted my sight.

© RGN 10:55 a.m.   - 08/08/10
Sep 2010 · 634
Hang Over
Robyn Neymour Sep 2010
This isn't happening; This isn't me.
Life is getting out of hand; Creating its own fantasy.
Usually it would be bartender bartender,
Send me a next drink; Wake up in the morning sick,
But life's still in sync.  Went to the windowpane,
And the rays of the sun graze sharply against my skin.
My heart beating slowly; My thoughts only wanting,
To explain themselves from within.
This is not the time; I'm to close but yet so far.
Is this dream getting to me; Or is my life on par?
No I'm just hanging over.
Yes thats right  hanging over the window,
Is my only option thus far.

© RGN - September 7th 2010
Jul 2010 · 455
Express To Create
Robyn Neymour Jul 2010
Express your thoughts. Like the Indians art,
Who painted their faces,
And used the ways of the animals for their hearts
Create the image of the open sea,
That dwells within every mans being.
Embrace the vision of the eagles eye,
That sees whatever is coming before the time has arrived.
Adopt the habit of all the big cats that watches their prey,
But keeps their enemy in the palm of their hands.
Then you’ll understand the enemy at hand.
To create a fearless stand.

© - RGN - July 20th 10:05
Jul 2010 · 550
Beautiful Me
Robyn Neymour Jul 2010
Paintings on the wall what do you expect,
Press pause, then play on every living effect.
I laugh at the wine glass as I tend to the cheese.
Looking in the mirror but I am not pleased.
Expecting to be rejected as I commit my sins,
Laugh and unattended to drink I begin.
Beautiful me how, how beautiful thou art,
In the art of a painting I fade in the dark.
How can this be my beauty so desirable,
I laugh at my heart which is so in denial.
Changing with wind I’m so admirable,
But little the laugh at, beauty so buyable.
Connect to the soul, so sure I am pure,
Beautiful me pressure I do endure.
Dull within the artist eyes,
Black and gray cloudy skies.

© - RGN - 6:55 July 1st 2010 RGN
Jun 2010 · 2.0k
Blow Me A Kiss In The Rain
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
I looked to the left and then to my right.
I then took a look at the clouds.
The rain began to drizzle and overshadow my soul.
Its mist already settled comforting to my thoughts.

I looked at the rain and finally it dropped into my eyes.
To my surprise the feeling that gave me sanity was wrong.
To my soul it does not belong but yet I dwell.
Wrapped in imagination I bring love to my wounded mind.

Kiss my soul, comfort my heart, drop with every drip.
I feel it kissing me, damaging the inner me.
This secret love affair is killing me.
I look inside your window and there you are Family and all.

You stare at me as any animal would watch their prey.
She looks at you and wondered on your gaze.
No secret to child, never amazed at this stage,
But I can feel you, your thoughts.

With every drip I’m lost in time,
Though she is blind to future and past.
The acid in the rain washes our secret away,
As you blow a kiss to me with every drip of the rain.

© - RGN - Written June 26 2010
Jun 2010 · 508
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
Do you see what I see in the night?
Darkness in the midst of the shadows and light,
Wicked as the witch that charms you just right.
Laying on the emotions that arouse that ****** appeal.
Interesting enough the crowd is intense.
Longing after every scene that is about to be revealed.
Can’t you feel the shivers running up your spine,
When you feel that touch that is so sweet and divine?
Labouring in it’s own delight day after day.
Searching for the lust that it feeds off,
The emotions that bleeds darkness.

Standing outside two strokes before midnight waiting on a train,
He feels a whisper in his soul creeping around him.
He runs only to remember he has a train to catch.
He shakes it off and takes two deep breaths.
Within that time he feels the whisper again,
This time like a blade through the heart.
Once gain the crowd in the shadows fears grew intense.
Darkness only but a tail to the man,
Forever longs to be with him once again.
He’s unaware of the one true love.

Before he knows it, it’s the dawn of a new day.
He missed the hidden darkness on that train,
While the witch fiddled away.

© RGN June 26th 10:30 a.m. RGN
Jun 2010 · 402
It's You Again
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
As Our Flesh Connected,
Our souls began to dance.

Your voice so sweet as you yell.
Touching me with your freshly unusual scented aura.
Every time I’d roll my eyes over I would hear a bell,
And I would sense that uncomfortable horror.

Then you would leave after the tenth touch.
Abruptly you would leave at the peak of the mountain top.
I would cry as I hear the rain go drip drop,
And the old man with his black and white keys,
Would express his laughter out loud.

The beauty in which belong to our love has,
Faded with the autumn day. I’d hope you come back,
And  steal my prayer away. Sensitivity in your
Light, to bask in your presence before the,

Let’s dance, I told my spirit until your,
Return. Heartache longs after death until,
My soul learns. I intertwine with the rain,
An danced with the vines. I felt the,
Touch it’s you again. Your heart and mine.

© - RGN  - June 24th 2010 10:30 a.n.
Jun 2010 · 924
Dazzle Me
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
Dazzle me with your energy.
Conqueor me with your love.

No just maybe I lied.
I don't want you to give me nothing. (Nothing at  all.)

The trees stretch their limbs.
The rain beats against the beauty of the being.

Draw me near to the aura.
No wait take me away.

Take your lust away from your eyes.
Yes the lust that you shield with your heart.

© - RGN - June 22nd 2010
Jun 2010 · 711
Secret Place Of Sanity
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
The reality of an insane sanity ,
Just ran cross my mind.

The lecture and the texture of the brain brings it adventure,
Across the beautiful meadow where the sunshines.

I wondered  and pondered how this could be,
The clouds so white in my sight in unity.

The energy of nature emerged with me
As I conveyed a wish of healing to this secret place.

© - RGN - Written June 15th 2010
Jun 2010 · 433
Kiss Me A Thought
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
Kiss me a thought,
I ask of thee.
To heal my wounded soul,
I crave for thee.

The creepy cold feeling,
That I long for,
It steals my soul away,
Wanting more and more...

Purge my lips,
With the essence of your love.
For the whispers of your heart,
Are cold and unsure.

Darkness enrich the air,
Yet I long to be with you.
Racing through my mind,
My thoughts are askew.

Render me a kiss,
In the shallow sea.
That I may see your pity,
And my soul will be free.

Kiss Me A Thought

© - RGN - Written - June 14th 2009 2:40 p.m.
Jun 2010 · 524
Challenge The Mind
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
Speak to challenge the mind at the end of the peek.
Meet them at the edge before their last heart beat.
Set their minds before the end of time.
Chase them with haste.
Create the scenery before they debate.
Prep. before they step.
Be aware of their fear.
Challenger their minds.
Never make it your own.

© -  Written - 06/05/10 RGN
Jun 2010 · 573
Do We Think Alike?
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
What is so peculiar about the human's mind?
They say men think alike,
And women do as well.
But don't you think a male,
Or a female think alike sometimes?
Yes, yes, I know men,
And women have general traits.
Does that mean though
We all portray these traits the same way?
Some men have trouble,
Comprehending the mind of a woman.
Some women have trouble,
Grasping the actions of a man.
I never said all of us do.
Distant is the man,
That doesn't understand a woman's heart.
Foolish is the woman,
That doesn't understand the affections of a man.
The relationship will crumble,
For man, woman, and love,
Have their own understanding.
Knowledge will forever be void,
If understanding will never be the source.
So where does the mind come into play?
How could you have understanding,
If you don't have knowledge?
Look at what you see around you,
Then your mindset just may change.

© - Written 11:40 a.m. 06/05/10 RGN
Jun 2010 · 664
The Lion Held Me Once
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
I will dream of the days that held me in his arms.
This lion kept me safe, although I was strange to him.
He never looked at me as unique. I never expected him to.
I only heard him roar at the enemy.
He always wallowed, I would cry in fear,
And he would always at that moment be in glee.
I'm a stranger he'd ponder because I'd see it in his eyes.
I'm not of his kind he would think to himself,
I have only but one purpose,
That would be lunch.
The lion would **** me, then would have breakfast and brunch.
A stranger in it's eyes.

© RGN 11:05 a.m 06/05/10/   Robyn G Neymour
Robyn Neymour Jun 2010
Inspire the light in your mind.
Create the thoughts you never dreamed of.
Seek after the distance you'd never go.
Run after that which you say you can't achieve.
Climb on that which you can't hold on to.
Maybe then you will turn on the light,
That is waiting to be lit in your mind.

© RGN  - 11:00 a.m. 06/05/10 Robyn Neymour
May 2010 · 1.3k
Lost Creativity
Robyn Neymour May 2010
Creativity I fear,
Being unaware of the past and present possessions.
I lost control of it,
I utter the words that my finger tips once molded.
I am that I am without even expressing it.
Controlling myself within.
Unbelievably spoken out,
As harsh white clouds,
Looking abruptly at the trees that sway gently in the wind.
Creativity where have you been,
Cracked, shattered, my iris withers.
Now to men I’m colour blind.
I’m finding my way.
No colour in the eyes,
Creativity shall continue to hide.

© RGN  - Written 7/5/2010 10:24 a.m.
Robyn Neymour Mar 2010
My skin is melting away,
Why not?
I’m only a mile away from the sun.
What’s this, I’m still alive.
But I’m supposed to be dead.
Treachery I shout.
Your were the treacle to the venom,
That once resided in me.
I can feel the blade of the sword,
Wrenching through every vital vein in me.
As I can continue to draw nigh to the sun.
My senses I already lost a long time ago.
Though the pain does exist.
The heat didn’t matter I really didn’t care.
I stayed through it all but you seem so unaware.
You threw me this far,
Because I allowed you too.
I wanted it,
But  I didn’t see the death in your eyes view.
The dux hidden away from the sun.
Once more I lie within the darkest shadows of the soul.
Revealed to the very light of my own shadow.
The sun my body with one I’m now immune.

© RGN 3/22/2010 12:10 p.m.
Feb 2010 · 591
The Rack
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
I've struggled between life,
And my own.
Who hasn't though,
When the world has it's own twisted insanity.
Sick minded, I lived to wallop people on the streets.
I intend not to eat but to satisfy my own belief.
Gasp I do as I see you walk by,
Hurt full of shame I neglect whats really right.
Shadow of the darkness creeps before my feet,
The gentle soft touch of light from the sun,
Removes her rays from me.
Twilight zone hits now its time for me to run.
Run from the darkness,
Tell me which race has already been won.
Freaked out from the mist,
And the intelligence of the dark.
It has its own intellect,
I hear it converse from afar.
I'm lying on its rack.
© RGN Feb 15th 2010
Feb 2010 · 793
Getting Off The Rack
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
Not really that insane,
But I'm keeping my sanity.
Moving with the capability,
Of superman on steroids.
Yes that is really me.

Smile oh while,
Yes i gave my face a rest.
Now who will be the one I'm arresting?
Surely not the one i love the best.
Maybe I should put fear to the test.

Capable of doing the incapable thats me.
I unleashed the ravaged beast that lyed within me.
I can't contain it nor hold it back.
This is just a short story of how I,
Finally got off the rack.

© RGN Feb 14th 2010
Feb 2010 · 527
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
I watched you all my life,
Taking risks putting up a fight.
I in fear forever held back,
Better than you at anything,
Except courage not that.
I watched in fear tangled with my mind,
My emotions, yet so pure and divine.
My heart rate increases,
I can feel the adrenaline rush.
But with just want thought,
I’m unable to touch.
I watch you Oh brave one so mild and meek.
The way you’d do anything,
Though it would sweep you off your feet.
Though I created you,
You I could never be,
I created a fatal flaw of holding back,
Mentioned in my own epiphany.
I became fearful of that,
Which was suppose to be me.
Though I’d watch you
And believe that I can be.

© RGN Feb 14th 2010
Feb 2010 · 2.1k
Is the world the same?
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
Do I write to cure my mind of the things unseen,
By any other human being,
To regain strength from the pain?
That solemnly remains,
In my heart relentlessly stopping me,
From pleasures that are gained?
Am I the one that’s standing alone in the rain?
Or am I myself the rain?
Is it me that is untamed,
Causing bad weather that strikes the pulmonary vein?
Though my thoughts I try to contain.
Am I like hurricane Katrina?
Yet not wanting to cause harm to New Orleans.
So can I relate myself to hurricane Jane?
Who quickly passes over the Bahamas,
Not causing too much disaster,
But after Francis what else is there to be seen?
Did I change everything,
Because it looks like everything’s the same.
Even without me there will be someone with my name.
Just not my fingerprints though, they would have never came.
So really is the world the same without me,
Or would it have a different frame?
© RGN Feb 4th 2010
Feb 2010 · 803
Take Away
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
Arrange me then,
Sense you’ve created me.
I beg tell me who I am.

Describe to me my insecurities.
Explain my flaws.
Explain my shallow but bleeding heart.

I cry out in the woods,
A fox that is wounded with a blade,
And you call me clever.

Shatter me I plead,
Ignore my rights,
My potential to speak.

Take away my everlasting features.
Take away my personality,
Take away my thoughtless mind.

© Feb 4th 2010 RGN
Feb 2010 · 811
Hold Me
Robyn Neymour Feb 2010
Hold me close,
That I can feel the darkest part of you soul
Tell my lust is no longer opposed,
And my heart feels whole,
To your unfailing love.
I despise you,
Your grip is to eloquent,
Your fingers are askew,
Your body’s prevalence,
Now everything’s anew.
Everyone is after you,
It’s only few that you choose.
Why me again your time is overdue.
My heart clutches though I’m confuse,
I’m tired of an indirect abuse please self remove.
So caught up I lose control.
Or is it you that’s in control of me?
Leave me breathless is that your goal?
Tears run down my eyes so you let me be.
Hold me again please or I shall not speak.

© RGN Feb 4th 2010
Jan 2010 · 593
My Eyes Whisper
Robyn Neymour Jan 2010
My eyes whisper
My heart burns,
It feels like a black hole.
Wounded but for love.
My passion ceases,
Only indirectly to cry,
What’s more important,
My future or my cry?
I tend to drift
Emotions too far gone
Emotionally disturbed
I’m not the one.
So helplessly I groan,
Too remove all aspects of pain
My eyes still whispering
But no one else sees.
Hard to take a deep breathe
It hurts my heart.
But I need to try and take it
To release the pain and scars.
My eyes whispering.

© RGN Jan 30th 2010
Jan 2010 · 518
Robyn Neymour Jan 2010
Is this love? I asked myself.
My heart beating fast…..
My blood rushing down my veins.
Breathing so hard I forgot where I was.
I paused as I tried to settle myself.
I gripped my pillow tight,
My fingers turning red.
My eyes burst out in tears.
How could I be so emotional?
When we were only kids?
I expected it to be the same love,
Like it was back then.
Wait there is a chance you might still love me!
But why do I feel my heart crying for help?
I looked out the window for a deeper meaning of love.
All I saw was a dark shallow place that I was afraid of.
I sank myself with my tears gasping to take a full breath.
I don’t believe it,.
I had lost myself within an hour,
Because of a childhood experience with you.

© RGN Jan 30th 2010
Dec 2009 · 492
I Write
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
I write to express the way I feel,
Without the ability to write my emotions,
Feelings, expressions won't be free.
I won't be able to reach to my angels,
They won't be able to wrap me in their arms.
I won't be able to experience beauty, in its own light,
With my own thoughts, and tell the world.
My soul won't feel relieved when I'm hiding from the pain,
I won't have nothing to gain lost on the soul train
Is probably where I'd remain.
My lips were already seal before I knew I could write.
Quiet in my own dimension I felt lost though I was in sight.
My abilities grew when I was determined to express.
The the words came, and my writing became fearless.
So now at night I'm writing again not only to speak to my wounds,
But to also reach to others and help my friends.
I write to enlighten my world and whats around me,
I could live in a fantasy, but I can't ignore what I see.
So i write both worlds, yours and mine,
Expressions are but is his or hers verses yours verses mine.

© RGN Dec 31st 2009
Dec 2009 · 488
Tripple P
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
Fear of the past
Is a possession
Of a plague.

© RGN Dec 9th 2009
Dec 2009 · 577
Natural Disaster
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
In this time of peace you start to wonder,
Should I stand in disbelief or just begin to ponder
Have you ever seen the ocean cry,
As you lie on your back and time asks why?
As the trees begin to scream,
“Who are we to blame?”
Yesterday the flowers blossom,
Today they wither and begin to fathom.
The sun drawing nigh to the earth,
Nature goes crazy because of the lost of rebirth.
Natural disasters rampage our lands,
Nature says we destroy them by our hands.
She wars with us, as we war with ourselves.
Killing each other we strive to do,
Mother Nature protects though and tries to renew.
So we battle on her waters and her airs,
Destroying her lands thoughtless, without care.
We war like hurricanes, battle like tornadoes,
**** each other like earthquakes, yet we seem not to know.
Natural disaster we brought on ourselves
Mother Nature is just repeating the wars people placed on themselves.

© RGN Dec. 8th 2009
Dec 2009 · 4.5k
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
To create your own fear
Would be your personal epiphany
Your fatal flaw.

© Decemer 8th 2009 RGN
Dec 2009 · 1.5k
"Un-Healing" Wound
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
Have you ever had a session that gave you an impression,
Then you formed your discretion,
Which then showed your expression, and at the end of the day,
It documented as a depression that formed rejection?
This rejection then formed an infection
In the enzyme in your stomach called pepsin,
That led to an injection, for your safety and protection.
Did I forget to mention, the medication won’t **** it,
Just gives the disease a suspension?

© RGN Dec. 7 2009
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
Fresh air creeps into the room “Voices”.
It’s the dawn of a new day the “Old Man” arises.
Quiet, wrecked, wounded, one may think of him.
His shadow the only peace that really lies within.

One may think he lost it,
His smile wouldn’t show you the pain of that.
That which cause the “Old Man” to flip,
Not the “Voices” though it helps him not to trip.

The tone of each “Key” speaks to his soul
Sooths his horrors that he’s never told.
The man portrays integrity, but he shows neglect.
Have you ever seen an old man that forgets yet?

He’s never forgotten his past though,
Just the present that goes by extremely slow.
To the world he may be perfect,
But to  them he doesn’t show.

The white keys his melody,
The black he strikes for harmony.
To hear the voices that hears his cry,
To those voices he never lies.

He release the pain when the “Voices” speak
To them he retreats,
Mentally, physically, emotionally,
The old man is weak.

His communication distorted by the name he gave himself.
“The Black and White Keys” he uses to cry out for help.
People seem to listen, but them he confuses,
Because the help he abuses.

People don’t seem to please the “Old Man”
Not even a helping hand.
The only thing he turns to at the end of the day,
Are those Black and white Keys  “Voices”.

© RGN Dec. 7 2009
Dec 2009 · 1.4k
Stress Relief
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
To weak emotionally wounded, its 1 o clock I’m weary,
My iron is low, everything is going contrary.
I stumble out of bed, I’m unable to groan.
My lips are able to move, but my voice is gone.
Vision failing I stagger to into the bathroom,
But I’m able to open up the cabinet.
I see my life flash before me in an instant.
Alcohol not on my agenda right now,
It makes me sick, and leaves a person fowl.
Talk about smoking, I can’t even take when paper burns.
So how does these two relieve me? It’s the least of my concern.
They won’t help me anyway so I’m back to my cabinet.
Which drug should I use this time, should I even be doing this?
Just came out the hospital two months ago for this same reason.
So I close the cabinet, and its glass caught me by the arm.
Now I’m physically wounded, that sure rung off an alarm.
See the cabinet was controlling me, but for this time I controlled Cabinet.
So where should I find my relief, alcohol, smoking or drugs?
Maybe this time I’ll just force myself to sleep.

© RGN Nov. 3 2009
Robyn Neymour Dec 2009
I speak,
About the motives of drugs,
That makes us weak,
That brings all of us the same relief,
That causes humility.
Addicted to, lust, smoking, killing, ***, fighting, drinking?
What about being addicted, to games, a person or pills?
That’s your drug.
Remembering a drug is something we use to lessen the pain,
That causes change in our behavior, and is taken for the effects.
Don’t worry I have my personal highs.
I’m not trying to knock you, but listen to my cry.
The drug becomes an addiction,
One that we love,
It makes us weak and unconscious,
Until it becomes a must,
It controls us, to the point where we need it most.
And we strive to have it at any cause.
When we have it brings the relief that we’re searching for,
But the relief is only temporary.
What if it was taken from us would we go crazy?
It already has, we don’t have to be living on the streets,
For the drug to be dominant in our lives.

© RGN Dec. 3 2009
Nov 2009 · 1.4k
Drip Drop
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
I sense it,  
I can feel its mist.
Thunder begins to roll.
Lighting begins to flash.
“Drip Drop”
Now I can hear it.
Where already there,
Where getting into it.
“Drip Drop”
Comes closer to me,
Taking away my every breathe
Begins to pick up the speed
“Drip Drop”
We begin to intertwine,
I begin to lose control of my mind
All of a Sudden
“Drip Drop”
Realises my struggle
Begins slow down
Understand me,
So it slows down.
“Drip Drop”
Please I beg take me away,
I fell in love with you,
Please don’t go away.
“Drip Drop”
It stayed and waited,
Until I fell asleep,
Falling into a subliminal state.
“Drip Drop”
I woke up,
Only to remember its sound,
Never looked once upon its face.
“Drip Drop”
© RGN 19 Nov. 2009
Nov 2009 · 2.9k
Let's Dance
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
The acoustic guitar plays softly, in the background of a critiqued ball room as he made his entrance. The attention of the audience fell upon him; As he walked readily towards the dance floor, The melody of the flute and the rhythm of the bass guitar, Dramatized his beauty. The spectators in fear, but his passion so real, As I stared into his eyes, that made beauty felt unreal everything else that surrounded me disappeared. He focused his eyes on the dance floor they began to whisper; Who will he choose? Who has to leave now? He flashed his eyes upon the viewers that were once in shock, now in terror, but their ****** expression in awe. The apothegm states that he continually seeks for the one that would heal his disease but bound to the power of the earth’s forces, his determined, stunning eyes will never be able to reveal, the secret one that can heal. The bass drums play wildly as he shows the crowd his fury. The once stunned viewers now begin to panic, but I draw myself closer. Before I could reach him someone else got in the way. “I would like to die” was the words I know her to repeatedly say. He gently pushed himself away in anger. He looked around the ball room, and observed the reaction of the audience to his response. They’re now in astonishment. He then stopped and his focal point was clear. The piano and the cello played softly to become one with his voice. He said to me “let us dance.” I’m frightened, the majority of the onlookers left in a daze. My vision weakened before our dance began. He smiled, and as he looked upon my face all the instruments faded away. He said to me is this your last dance? Will you leave us tonight? I’m the kiss of death will you close your eyes forever or will you leave me in delight?”
© 19 November 2009 RGN
Nov 2009 · 882
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
The cool air sweeps lightly against his chest,
I can feel his fingerprints,
Brushing gently against my face.
I take an undeniable gasp of breathe.
The stars and the moon is our only light.
The trees, the sand, and the ocean,
Are the only guardians of our secret this midnight.
Passion is the extremist determined to find love,
Only to be my weakness I ask him for more.
His masculinity is perfect but it’s more than just that,
His personality unique it takes me away,
I’m not obsessed but he drives me crazy.
Don’t even know why, cause he’s not my baby.
But this, what I’m feeling is not normal to me,
This time it’s midnight, and I’m feeling free.
Nov 2009 · 835
Bright Lights
Robyn Neymour Nov 2009
Bright lights, Centre stage,
White rose, Blank page.
Addicted to the aura,
Infected by the venom,
Not locked in Pandora’s Box,
But I’m in my own personal plenum.
Could feel the pressure,
Yet I’m enjoying my high,
The pain doesn’t lessen,
But I’m willing to fight.
So caught up I fell,
Leaving me unconscious.
Woke up oblivious only to realise,
I was already in my subconscious.
Don’t mind going back,
I’m already a dreamer.
But I don’t mind making my dream a reality,
Only to be with you.
Bright lights, centre stage,
White rose, blank page.
© RGN Nov. 19th 2009

— The End —