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 Feb 2018 Robin Erica
I was placed in a grave,
but I crawled out for you.

It wasn’t because you were
charming or handsome,
but how I felt as you spoke.

The flutter of my heart,
the laughter escaping me,
and I how I desperately wanted
to kiss you.

I reached out,
you were all I ever wanted,
but I reached too soon.

The ground crumbled around my feet,
and I was 6 feet under
my heart filled with despair.
I am hellfire and holy water.
The wind and sea are my friends
but the earth is made of me.

I am both the cracked soil on the ground
and the trees growing so high
they look as if they touch the sky.

But I am also the cool summer nights
with the slight breeze that brushes your hair
as the scent carries in the wind.

I am the dark and the light,
the hot and the cold.
I am the old man and the newborn girl.

I am everything.

I am me.

I am.

I'm not 100% sure how I feel about this, and it's kind of all over the place so it might not make sense to you. My apologies, but I hope you like it.
 Feb 2018 Robin Erica
Ron Gavalik
"All of my stories
are true," I said.
"Even the lies?"
"Especially the lies."
She looked at the floor
in tortured disappointment
"Truth," I said, "is like treasure,
the value of which is in the eye
of the beholder."
 Dec 2016 Robin Erica
the thrumming
in my chest
a quickened pulse
with just the thought
of you
i can see your smile
before me
and my hand reaches out
to touch you
   stroke your face
but i grieve
in the absence of
the love
i once felt
my heart aches
for feelings
i cannot find
my blood pumps
i breathe in
and out
i am alive
but without you
without someone
i am empty.
Martini Poem

Peter and Bill over at the sink.
They're making martinis, 'bout time don't you think?

Pete prefers Beefeater, Bill's choice Bombay,
They've tried many others, but don't often stray.    

Bill's very precise likes it 4 to 1,
Pete, not so particular, vermouth, almost none.

Pete likes an olive. Bill likes a twist.
If there's no fruit he'll use lemon mist.

The first sip brings a smile and good conversation.
There's nothing quite like this Royal libation.

They sip and enjoy, gaze out at the view,
and offer a toast, here's to life, here's to love, here's to you!

— The End —