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 Mar 2014 Robin Lea
I once lived by a river
That flowed with a seducing call
Drawing me daily to it's bed
And Liberating me in it's waves.

I miss my raging river
That use to splash all over me
Bringing joy and excitement
To my otherwise lonely days.**

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Robin Lea
Buried inside
Wrenching pain
of Untold truths
and Secrets maintained

Alone in crowds
Invisible to eyes
Can't they hear
My Silent Cries

Tired and weary
Heartache swells
The world ignores
My muted yells

Tears descend
Spirit sighs
Won't anyone hear
My Silent Cries*

©Tina Thompson
 Feb 2014 Robin Lea
Come to me and stay a while
     Let's share a drink or two
Sit back relax enjoy yourself
   That's all you need to do

Go ahead and take a nap
     I'll wake you in a few
With a meal prepared for you and I
     And a table set for two

I want to make you happy
     For more than just a day
And show you that I love you
     In every possible way

What I'm really trying to say
     Is I want to make you mine
If only for a little while
     Like maybe just a lifetime.

©Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
I want to be haunted by you.

Want you to...

Sit down beside me, 'til I feel your presence in the air.
Watch me remember you, So you can see I still care.
Caress me in passing, leaving chills on my spine.
Visit my dreams, make me believe that you're still mine.

     Haunt me daily, and keep this loneliness at bay.
     Haunt me nightly, until my desire goes away.

I want to be haunted by you, so I can ignore the pain
Haunt me please, so I can pretend that nothing has changed.

© Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
Ahh, sweet familiar uncertainty
My joy you will not steal.

My Faith abounds, My journey's sound
For my co-pilot's at the wheel.

©Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
The pressures of the day dissipate
     Worries of tomorrow retreat.
Tensions take flight in the stratosphere
     Vaporized by the heat in the air.
Psychological armor melts away
     Veils and covers are kept at Bay.
The frigid world begins to thaw
     Threatening crisis withdraw.

All from the warmth of your arms.

© Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
I can't
Seem to
My eyes
Your Lips.

When you
Take a

Nose diving
Right down

My body
And mind

© Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
Allow me...

To be your warm bath at the end of a hard day
     And wash away all of your stress.

To be the long exhale from your tightly held breath
     And relieve your mind for good rest

Permit me...

To be the light that accompanies you along your path
     And brightens your darkest days.

To be the drink that quenches your body's needs
     And the source for all that you crave.

Give me permission...
To be... Your dreams in reality...

                     Your fantasy in the flesh...
                          Your Good to the last drop...

                               Providing pleasure non-stop...Girl

Let me be this for you babe

© Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
 May 2012 Robin Lea
You taught me to believe in myself
     And encouraged me to soar.
You protected me from harm, keeping
     Enemies away with your roar.
You raised me to feel wealthy
     Even though we were poor.
You showed me God's grace by
     Always making room for one more.

You are the personification of unconditional love
     The epitome of selflessness.
You are the embodiment of true beauty
     The essence of graciousness.

You are my Mother
              my Motivator
             my Strength
    And my Friend.

© Tina Thompson
 May 2012 Robin Lea
 May 2012 Robin Lea
Straight Shooter
with No Chaser
Tell me
No Lies
Kind of

Pom Pom swinging
Rah Rah singing
From the front
Or Side
Proudly Cheering.

Spirit Lifter
Mood Shifter
From low
To high
On time Laughter.

If things get crazy
Or someone comes against me
You got
My back
You're my one man army.

My Partner

My Friend

©Tina Thompson
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