Imagine you are drifting through nothingness
You see all yet nothing
Something draws to you
Sit up straighter
Hands on your knees (as you read this)
You feel your greater purpose
You are rooted in the universe as a dark dark orb
Patrolling the stark existence
Things are drawn into you as you become more round,
Yet more massive
Do you spin?
Do you spew your excess matter?
Do you lay dormant--
Only picking up what you run into?
What runs into you?
Feel yourself flow through space, time, the universe
Feel yourself defy the laws of nature and bend all that is
Feel your soul mend itself
Through all the places you've been
Reconstruct again
You are a black hole
Swallowing up all that dares cross your horizon
You are both nothing, and the very existence of
All things orbit around you
You orbit around the universe
Nothing can stop you
More of a mindfulness activity than a poem but i find these are quite poetic